Is it Just Me or are Others Simply Tired of the "We've Got a Secret Sauce" Kind of stuff

by desley
12 replies
Hi Fellow Warriors,
I've decided to start this discussion thread, who knows, in the hope maybe that other Warriors feel the same way.

I regularly get on WF and do enjoy looking through the WSO's - more from an online marketing perspective than from wanting to buy something. However, have been known to hit the buy button if the WSO peaks my interest.

What I'm finding, in the main, for the WSO's and since day one, is WSO's are full of:
  • We have the best kept secret since sliced bread.
  • We can't tell you anymore as it will give it away.
  • Etc. etc. da de da!

Now I ask you - are you sick and tired of these shoddy types of sales pages?

From my erstwhile perspective, the product should be able to stand on it's own 2 feet.
Would you go to somebody's website and buy a product that the website owner hasn't given the information for you to make an informed decision? If not, why do you expect Warriors to take a chance with your product/service?

This secrecy stuff is I believe really harming members, the whole WF, because people are simply serving up trash as being the next best thing since sliced bread.

I'm more inclined to part with my hard earned $$$ if the vendor has provided a transparent page, is willing to answer questions and include any questions Warriors have in their Q&A section.

Surely it's time for WF to start setting increased guidelines re how products and sales pages are on the forum. That they do have to be far more transparent.

The rationale that people love secrets; and/or if I fully inform members then others will copy my idea and promote a similar product is pathetic to say the least. If you're product cannot stand up to full disclosure and/or competitors products - then I respectfully suggest that you go back to the drawing board and develop a WSO product/service that will handle being transparent and the competition.

Penny for your thoughts - Warriors? Are you too sick and tired of these type of sleezy sales pages that constantly litter the WSO Forum?

Any and all feedback welcome.
#kind #simply #stuff #tired #weve got a secret sauce
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I'm not going to get into the cheesy WSO sales pitches, I just don't care.

    The best selling technique I've found is walking people through a process. Example, If I'm selling Halloween pumpkin carving kits I would demonstrate the entire carving process and obviously explain how to buy a kit.

    Short story, the facts are all I sell. This is also how I personally buy, I'm looking for facts or a process. If you hype a page, I'm gone. I could care less If hype made some guru a billionaire, again, I just don't care.
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    • Profile picture of the author desley
      Hi Yukon,
      Yes, I agree with you. Facts do sell don't they: because people are transparent and this is what from my perspective builds trust.

      I guess I care because people can get caught up in the hype and it really doesn't give the forum a great name when such vendors are more into their hype than into being open and transparent. When I come across these pages, what I do is read the feedback; because this can give more information.

      However, have you noticed that such threads do not provide any negative reviews???? And, if one leaves a not so positive review, it's immediately taken down!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    yes im tired,

    but it works right, in religion, politics, late night infomercials etc...

    selling the 'in-group' or the 'you want in' is always going to convert.

    -Ike Paz
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    • Profile picture of the author desley
      Hi Aizaku,
      Ah, but if you look at religion and politics - they both have a pretty bad reputation these days.

      If you look at late night infomercials they at least show how their product is supposed to work!!! And, go to great lengths to do so at that. In fact they repeat the process on how the item works over and over to get it through people's skulls.

      Whereas on the WSO - very few vendors genuinely show a walk through video on how their product actually works. They're about as transparent as snake oil salesmen of past eras!
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      • Profile picture of the author aizaku
        Originally Posted by desley View Post

        Hi Aizaku,
        Ah, but if you look at religion and politics - they both have a pretty bad reputation these days.

        If you look at late night infomercials they at least show how their product is supposed to work!!! And, go to great lengths to do so at that. In fact they repeat the process on how the item works over and over to get it through people's skulls.

        Whereas on the WSO - very few vendors genuinely show a walk through video on how their product actually works. They're about as transparent as snake oil salesmen of past eras!
        Bad reps but with huge following.

        i think a lot of vendors have opted for a video series where they give away the broad strokes.

        Ike Paz
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        80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
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  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Many of the more "ethical marketers" (I know, 2 words that are rarely seen together, right?) I've been collaborating with, are moving away from the hyped-up "magic pill" claims, and making the advertisements themselves, contain value to the consumer.

    It's not a new concept, but few marketers seem to use the strategy.

    The problem is, as long as there are people with money, who are looking for the one secret that will make all their dreams come true, without any effort, then the snake oil salesmen will never go away, and they'll continue to make their claims.

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    • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
      Originally Posted by SARubin View Post

      The problem is, as long as there are people with money, who are looking for the one secret that will make all their dreams come true, without any effort, then the snake oil salesmen will never go away, and they'll continue to make their claims.
      This is a reply to a WSO I've listed. . .

      even $10 can be a lot of money for us

      I always wish there was a software that could bring me traffic and sales by clicking a button

      The prospect of working hard and doing all the research terrifies me

      is your report quick and will lead me to the money?
      My reply to the poster was that if $10 was a lot of money to them to most definitely not waste money on any WSO.

      I suggested that they should instead learn as much as they can from the main forum and sub forums.

      As for the secret side of any product there is always the "Freeline" where you give away your best ideas.

      For many products not just WSOs there is often a component that even when you are offered a free trial is "not available" under your current plan.

      To get the complete system for anything you normally have to pay for it unless you believe everything should be free but this doesn't work particularly well in a capitalist society.

      Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author AceOfShirts
    I think you are getting tired of it because you have been over exposed to it.

    A lot of the WSO's are really targeted towards newbies that believe in the "push button internet riches" that they hear about on a regular basis. I think WSO's will continue continue to sell as long as there is a constant influx of newbies. Since there seems to be a constant influx of newbie questions to the main forum I'm sure they will continue to buy the hyped up WSO's.

    I'm as guilty as most. I bought a LOT of "Make Money Fast" WSO's when I first started out. But I burned out on them like you and rarely even visit the WSO forum anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I'd just ignore the lower energy stuff Des and either click through to blogs or share your insights and help folks via these threads.

    I am not sick of the hyped up offers because I know fear fuels these offers, and the folks who post them. I too was a scared IMer or blogger for many years. Although I haven't used the COPY!!!! LIKE THIS?!??!! for about 6 years LOL.

    Really though, just move your attention and energy to people who are helpful, authentic and loving. Folks who do things abundantly. Folks who build heart-centered IM businesses. Folks who spend 15 or 20 minutes writing responses to questions on Warrior versus those who only want to squeeze money out of you. Again, I love 'em all. I get why people do this. It's just fear, manifest, and I have compassion for these folks.

    On the flip side - and this can be tough to swallow - any time you resist someone's selling on any level there may be a money block on your end. Just sayin'. Only because it helps you get clearer on money, success, all that sweet stuff. This rings true even if the copy is hyped out up the ying yang. We see and filter things based on our energies, and if you are really annoyed about some offer, whatever the reason, it could be some resistance to money. Worth investigating.

    That being said, it is healthy to clear via a rant and then, to turn right around and find 5 Warrior questions to answer. Helps you clear the crud/human-ness we all experience and then, move your energy up the scale by helping, serving and building a stronger foundation upon which to build your business.

    I'd add that hyped copy does "work" from the aspect of generating sales, for IMers who are clear on using this approach, but the buyers who it appeals to are usually scared and greedy, or desperate, or perhaps a combination of all these emotions. It is like a vicious cycle really.

    You break the cycle through authenticity. Through being genuine. Through having fun and of course, through accepting money for your products and affiliate offers and services too. We are all entitled to earn. It is just money, anyway.

    Have a great upcoming week Des and all Warriors.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I think you are getting tired of it because you have been over exposed to it.
    Exactly - you've outgrown it.

    You aren't brand new with shiny object syndrome - you no longer believe in magic buttons and secret sauce. You've been around long enough to know there is no 'instant, easy, passive cash flow' free for the taking.

    What appeals to brand new marketers no longer appeals to you. Maybe it's time to stop reading all the WSOs? The only thing reading one sales page after another day after day will get broke.

    If there is something specific I want to learn - or a tool I need to use - I will do a search of WSOs to see if I find it there. Otherwise, I don't read WSO's.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    One of the psychological traits of the "opportunity seeker" (as opposed to the entrepreneur) is the unshakable belief that failure can't possibly be their fault. There simply has to be another reason. "The Man" wants to keep them down. The 'haves' are keeping a secret, which if our opportunity seeker only had access to, which would magically unlock the keys to the kingdom.

    They have to believe that. Otherwise they would have to accept the idea that they, in that moment and as they are now, are not good enough.

    So they desperately grasp at anything that promises the magic key, the golden secret all those greedy rich people are hiding from them.

    Once you accept that if you want success you will have to grow and learn and act, those claims start to ring hollow. You get bored by them. You have empathy for the poor souls still buying slices of pie in the sky, and wish the snake oil sales pages would go away.

    But they don't. Much like the drug trade, as long as there are addicts there will be dealers supplying their next fix.
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  • Profile picture of the author brookeharper08
    I did notice a lot of posts and threads like the ones you mentioned and you're right it doesn't sound a bit amusing, but a lot of people still take the bait.

    Working in sales, I've seen the value of transparency and the genuine desire to help. Stating the facts and being willing to answer questions from prospects, customers, and clients is a huge plus in nabbing that contract. It's not just about making the pitch, providing blurry information in the hopes of convincing someone that you're the next best thing.
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