Amazon hosting best solution for on demand scalability?

2 replies
Hi Warriors,

I need a solution that ensure my site is always up and my site stays up no matter how much traffic I get.

I'm not a techie or server person. I'm a digital marketer but I need a solution that won't go down if an affiliate sends a huge traffic blast (I don't get notice).

What's the best solution for this? Amazon hosting? Or something else?

My understanding is Amazon hosting doesn't offer much support. You have to know what you're doing. Is that correct?

And how is Amazon for hosting Wordpress sites? I typically build my sales pages with OptimizePress.
#amazon #demand #hosting #scalability #solution
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Why do you keep asking the same basic question? You've asked it 4 or 5 times.

    I'd suggest hooking up with someone that can set this up for you. Most people here don't have this problem so they don't know how to answer your question. Even the ones that do, don't know your setup or special requirements.

    If you truly are at the level where your site can never go down, you need to be willing to pay the big bucks. It won't be cheap. And, even Amazon recently had a major outage so while they may be better in some cases, they aren't immune to downtime.

    I don't host a website on Amazon so I'm not sure how they are and can't help you there.

    Good luck in finding your answer. You actually have a good problem - one most here would love to have to figure out.

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  • Profile picture of the author Apratim Barua
    No matter where you host, there will be downtime. Even Amazon goes down. I suggest getting a cloud hosting from a hosting provider having cpanel to set up your Wordpress site.
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