The 5 Simple Parts to an Actual 7-Figure Funnel
It doesn't, believe me.
In fact, there's power in simplicity. Because what's simple is easier to test
and tweak.
And when something is easier to test and tweak and TRACK... it's also easier to roll out and scale.
When you scale a campaign, that's where the big bucks come in.
Here are the 5 simple parts to a 7-figure funnel that I put together for a client.
Not only is this the most profitable approach I've seen, it's also
the simplest.
So much so, that I've started using it for all of my online businesses.
1. Your Facebook ad
The main source of traffic most marketers use these days is Facebook.
That's good, because it's a huge traffic source.
But, it can also be tough to stand out, because it's so big.
That's why it's important that your main focus of your actual
ad is to make it so it stands out and gets noticed.
That's important, because if your ad doesn't stand out... if it's not
seen, nothing else matters.
Believe me, the fastest and easiest way to stand out?
Your image.
If you know a few tricks on how to find the perfect image
for your ad... you will stand out and get noticed before your
2. Squeeze page
The days of offering e-books as lead magnets are DEAD.
Why? Well, for starters... no one has the time to read a full
e-book they didn't pay for.
Heck, I have 4 free e-books still sitting on my hard drive...
unread. I just don't have the time.
Thankfully, there's one thing you can offer as a lead magnet
that's always going to be in demand.
By far, short 1-page PDF "cheat sheets" or "blueprints" or
"guides" are working great.
Because they're short and chunked down into bite size
action steps, people can USE them and SEE results.
Let's face it, most e-books are so long and so boring,
most people forget what they read once they're done.
But offer up a short, one page PDF guide with action
steps... and you will get people wanting the info AND
taking action with it.
And like your Facebook ad, your cheat sheet has to offer
ONE thing that's so unique and so different... people are
compelled to find out what it is.
Believe me, you MUST stand out and be different with
everything your funnel SAYS.
If your ad or squeeze page says the same thing as everyone
else (and most of them do)... you'll blend in with the noise.
You want to ZIG while others on Facebook ZAG... so you not
only stand out, you get the click before competitors.
And by giving away ONE free technique they can use to
see immediate progress... you're showing you can indeed help
them get where they want.
3. The Freebie Cheat Sheet.
I mentioned this above, for the squeeze page, but your
short 1 page PDF report should contain insight and advice that
literally helps your prospect see immediate results.
So, it starts with knowing your market and then designing
a totally unique strategy that helps them get what they want.
But again, make it something they haven't heard 1,000 times
4. Thank you page
Here's where you can actually recoup some of your Facebook ad
spend, as well as bump up the average size of customers initial order.
But, you have to do it right... and not shove it down your prospect's
On the thank you page... offer your prospect something they can
grab NOW that will help them move closer to their goal.
Again, everything in your funnel should revolve around the ONE
main idea/problem/hook you're helping your prospect with.
So, the offer on the Thank You page should follow those same
Offer a product or service that is discounted, has a deadline, and
moves them closer to their end goal.
5. Follow up emails
If done right, you only need a few emails to close prospects
on the front end sale of your main product.
The emails are to help to build rapport and trust with your
prospects... so they feel like you're looking out for their best
Once you offer value and work on building a relationship with
each person on your list... the emails slowly start to sell them
on your main product.
There you have, in a nutshell, the most profitable yet highly
simple funnel I'm using in my own businesses and with dozens
of clients.
Here's what it looks like, all together...
That's the draft of an actual funnel I'm running with a partner
and current client. It's bringing back $3 or more for each $1.00
we're spending on Facebook ads.
It's already over 6-figures this year and will finish over 7 figures,
and the funnel couldn't be more simple.
So, don't ever feel like you need the most complicated funnel.
You don't, keep things simple so you can test, track, and tweak
faster and easier.
But above ALL else... everything you do, you need to make sure
you stand out over your competitors.
Again, you want to ZIG when all others ZAG.
Once you position yourself as the expert and offer them something
no one else has... you stand out.
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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FREE REPORT: Five Fatal Solo Ads Mistakes
Start Building A List With My Free Funnel! See How I Do It Here
FREE REPORT: Five Fatal Solo Ads Mistakes
Start Building A List With My Free Funnel! See How I Do It Here
Free Report