Bait & Switch Clickbank Merchant Lowered Commissions To 1%

10 replies
So I log into Clickbank & noticed a 26 cent commission on a weight loss product. I'm thinking it must be a $1 trial commission. Nope - it was a merchant that had a 1% commission. Now their gravity is 5.47 so I'm pretty positive they just lowered the commissions to screw people over. I saw at CBengine that they were initially listed at a 50% commission so they dropped their commissions plus I see the chart of their gravity dropping as other affiliates find out about this BS.

So how are we as affiliates going to know when a merchant pulls this nonsense? Apparently it will be as soon as you notice you got a 1% commission.

Years back I had a Shareasale merchant do this. However - now Shareasale notifies affiliates when merchants make commission changes by email. I wish there was a similar feature at Clickbank.
#bait #clickbank #commissions #lowered #merchant #switch
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Until we own the commission networks aka merchants, this will happen to us I do my best to take all this stuff in stride.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Why would CB allow this?

    Isn't there supposed to be some sort of ADVANCE NOTICE first?
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  • I am pretty sure that the vendor cannot do this without changing the product and requesting it to be approved. For example lets say the is called and the product you where selling has the id 1 in his vendor account. would be the link

    where they to change it they would have to apply for a new product this would make the id 2. etc.

    you would have to change your affiliate links (i think) for them to be able to lower the commission as its a diff product id you'd be promoting at the normal commission rate.
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    • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
      Originally Posted by gamblerscompendium View Post

      I am pretty sure that the vendor cannot do this without changing the product and requesting it to be approved.
      No - the vendor is able to change commission whenever he likes.

      By the way the minimum commission of 1% was imposed to stop vendors setting it to 0% during the busy hours of the day (so it's undetectable to affiliates) and stealing their sales.. At 1% the affiliate would be able to see the small commission which would at least alert them to the change.

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  • How the click bank allow this, i think this have to report to the particular team.

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  • Contact Clickbank so they can fix this.
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  • Profile picture of the author wentzco
    I have contacted Clickbank & will see what they say. I doubt we will see any advance notice. It's just like how we don't get notice of merchants that are removed that we are promoting. We have to check the "recently removed" list in the marketplace (accurate?) or click our links ever once in a while.

    My guess is Clickbank will say - the merchant is permitted to change their commission % at any time.
    - Resellers Needed For 6TB Backup/Storage (Earn 200% Month One, Residual & Override Commissions)
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Obviously this is not good for business ... but you can't let it stop you or deter you from your own income goals.

    Setbacks are great times to assess where there are risks, leaks, and vulnerabilities in your own business selling and income systems.

    If your income depends upon other businesses you should make every effort to "bullet-proof" your system as much as possible. Develop sources for products that are reputable, have a solid track record, and pay consistently. Find multiple good suppliers and sources so you don't rely on just one income source. Be on the look-out constantly for new and better suppliers, products, and payment plans.

    Affiliate marketing has some inherent risks and not getting paid is one of them. Stay alert and on top of your associations.

    Good luck with this,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author wentzco
    Clickbank's reply was -

    "Looking at the vendor marketplace listing, I see that their stats show that the average commission earned is 1.0%. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!*** For the most efficient service, we are changing your ticket status to "solved." If your issue is not resolved, please don't hesitate to reopen this ticket. We are more than happy to assist you! ***

    So there's the answer... LOL. #WasteOfTime

    By doing a marketplace search using the advanced search filters, you can find others who have 1% commissions with gravity.
    - Resellers Needed For 6TB Backup/Storage (Earn 200% Month One, Residual & Override Commissions)
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    i think you are missing the whole point of this.

    Diet and excercise is one of the best NICHES out there. Its all about the NICHE now how you market to them. Get both right and you can make a killing.

    You are over educated for this, its just as sale tactic. do what ryan said POST #2
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