How To Focus? (Not for an hour or a session or a day, like for 3-4 months)

15 replies

Ok.. My exams are nearing and I really need to start studying hard. At least for a few months.

But, I can't focus on studying. I don't think it's made for me. (Cuz I don't know why I'm doin' it!) Being a Phd or MD is definitely not my dream. But this is something I have to do. There's no otherwise.

Now, I'm not a really bad student but there's lots to study. I tried focusing out of Internet Marketing and the Internet but the more I try, the more ideas pop up into my mind about marketing online.

So, how do I focus on studying? How do I focus on something I don't like to do?

Well, for all my other friends it's a little easier, cuz most of them wanna be a Dr., Engineer blah.. blah..

One of my friends went out and delete his entire internet presence. Every id he owned.

But, I'm part of the warrior forum:rolleyes:, so I hope i don't have to do that.

I hope I get some better tips. Or some quick read book or article on focusing.

#day #focus #hour #howto #months #session
  • Profile picture of the author Simon Stanley
    I would suggest watching some video's by Anthony Robbins, he will explain the best way to focus and achieve. In my opinion I think you just need to make sure you spend a certain amount of time each day doing your studiest, and your "treat" will be Internet Marketing time once you have finished!

    Hopefully that way you will be more determined to do your studies first!

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Aitor Astobieta
      I hear you man! It's hard to concentrate on something you don't like.

      My recommendation is to just get it over with! Once you get it done, you can dedicate yourself to Internet marketing.

      If you dedicate yourself to Internet marketing without studying, you are going to be thinking about your duties, and you won't be able to concentrate on IM properly.

      Also, try to be efficient with your studying, and do not be a perfectionist.

      If you have to read long pieces of text like a book or articles, skim, get a general feeling but do not read every word!

      If you have to write an essay, write all at once without any editing. Proofread it later on. Just get it out of the way!

      If you are doing math or science, pick up a book full of solutions to problems. Do not pick books full of theory that will only suck up your time.

      Wish you the best.
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      • Profile picture of the author Abraham_L
        Aitor made a good point.
        Seriously man, I'm in the same situation as you. I'm gonna follow this thread, I really want to see what people have to say here.

        All the best,

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        • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
          Originally Posted by Aitor Astobieta View Post

          I hear you man! It's hard to concentrate on something you don't like.

          My recommendation is to just get it over with! Once you get it done, you can dedicate yourself to Internet marketing.

          If you dedicate yourself to Internet marketing without studying, you are going to be thinking about your duties, and you won't be able to concentrate on IM properly.

          Also, try to be efficient with your studying, and do not be a perfectionist.

          If you have to read long pieces of text like a book or articles, skim, get a general feeling but do not read every word!

          If you have to write an essay, write all at once without any editing. Proofread it later on. Just get it out of the way!

          If you are doing math or science, pick up a book full of solutions to problems. Do not pick books full of theory that will only suck up your time.

          Wish you the best.
          Perfectionist... When it comes to studying, I'm one. Its been like a second nature. In elementary school, I used to top my class. So, being a perfectionist was necessary. Now, the portion is gigantic.

          How do I lose my perfectionism?

          Originally Posted by Mikey1205 View Post

          To be honest . I'm the same as you are. I really struggle especially on the more difficult topics to study. I simply remove myself from my normal "internet" working environment. So I'll get to the library and simply cut myself off for hours at a time. Reward yourself every few hours by reading some posts on here . Or even make a word document and type down every IM idea you have so after your exams you can work on it.

          It's tough but it needs to be done. I also find sometimes its just escapism. After the exams you'll look back at some of the ideas you wrote down and you'll be like "what?! this is garbage"

          Good luck.
          That makes sense. But, I'm out most of the today.

          I have class for like 3 hours from 7 in the morning to 10 everyday.. Then there's practicals in school from 2.30 - 6.00 (Including Travel Time.). And every alternate day we have class again in the evening for 2 1/2 hours from 6.30-9.00. I mostly study during the nite.

          And sometimes I attend lectures in the college. :p So, that fills up the 10.00-2.30 slot in the morning too.
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          • Profile picture of the author Aitor Astobieta
            Hey, I am a perfectionist, too! That's why I have also been a straight A student throughout my life.

            I wish I could tell you how to get rid of perfectionism. I don't think you really can.

            But lately what I do is try not to revise things over and over again. I do it once or twice, and I let it go.

            My last few years of college, I just checked my papers or problem sets once or twice at the most, and turned them in.

            I got so good at this that now I can write good essays and solve problems in one session.

            Also, you might want to pick up Schaum's guides. They have comprehensive guides on almost any subject.

            Finally, it seems to me that you do seem to have a busy lifestyle, though, so things might be harder for you.

            I wish I could be of more help to you, but this is something I have struggled with (still do!), and I am afraid I have no quick remedies.
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            • Profile picture of the author mannex
              To the Original Poster ==> Take a look at:
              • Simpleology by Mark Joyner (he also has a book by that name).
              • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity by David Allen.
              • Eat That Frog by the phenomenally prolific Brian Tracy.
              • No BS Time Management by Dan Kennedy.
              Pick one, and buckle down.

              Everybody else ==> Get back to work!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikey1205
    To be honest . I'm the same as you are. I really struggle especially on the more difficult topics to study. I simply remove myself from my normal "internet" working environment. So I'll get to the library and simply cut myself off for hours at a time. Reward yourself every few hours by reading some posts on here . Or even make a word document and type down every IM idea you have so after your exams you can work on it.

    It's tough but it needs to be done. I also find sometimes its just escapism. After the exams you'll look back at some of the ideas you wrote down and you'll be like "what?! this is garbage"

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ravi Kumar
    Here is the key - Long term goals are necessary to know where you want to get. However, only way to conquer is Hour-By-Hour.
    Have a daily goal, weekly goal and a monthly goal. Conquer it one day at a time (Hour-By-Hour).

    One of the best resources is 'Wake Up Productive' by Eben Pagan. He has some free video training that I found to be extremely helpful. My favorite is 50-10 rule (Focused effort for 50 minutes and 10 minutes relax).
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    • Profile picture of the author kevin jackson
      Originally Posted by Ravi Kumar View Post

      Here is the key - Long term goals are necessary to know where you want to get. However, only way to conquer is Hour-By-Hour.
      Have a daily goal, weekly goal and a monthly goal. Conquer it one day at a time (Hour-By-Hour).

      One of the best resources is 'Wake Up Productive' by Eben Pagan. He has some free video training that I found to be extremely helpful. My favorite is 50-10 rule (Focused effort for 50 minutes and 10 minutes relax).
      Yeah it can get tough sometimes. I have a similar problem. The goal achievement, time management, attitude change stuff is the way to go. Some may dismiss self-help books as rubbish and what not. Personal development materials are not just motivational rah-rah psychobabble.

      They are only tools. The tools are words. The words are ideas. The ideas are qualities and emotions. Ideas and emotions are powerful enough to motivate people to destroy lives or to create positive successes. Make the decision and the resolve to beat this.

      A successful life is made up of a series of successful moments. Establish success as an hourly and a daily habit first and one day becomes two days and two successful days becomes three days. Life moves forward day by day as you move forward towards your goals day by day.

      If it can work for anything else in life I am sure it can work for successfully getting through a daunting educational curriculum.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
        Thanks.. I'll try the suggestions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Spencer Jones
    Hey Sumit, I can understand you. I am from India as well. And I was exactly in the same situation that you are and I was doing my medical graduation. I was also thinking like you are. So I can advise you the right way and the only way that's going to work out.

    Nobody here in India is going to completely accept Internet Marketing as a real and acceptable job. They need something that's understandable. Mostly cuz they are unaware of the IM industry and the riches being made here.

    So don't try to get encouragement from your family members, friends or relatives, nor try to exaplain and educate them what you are doing. It won't work. IT WONT. Your parents will be fearing that you will go off track. And it's natural. And that's the reason why you need to accept what I say.

    Just hold on to your studies, don't let your mind be confused. You sure are not going to quit internet marketing. But it's also not a good idea to mess up the online and offline part. You have to balance both. Study well & Concentrate on completing your graduation. You MUST complete your graduation, or you are not going to get any credibility among your friends, family or anyone. And there's nothing as distressing as that. And that distress will have a hold on you, and making you no progress with your online business as well.

    Thinking the contrasting thoughts will do you no good. Accept that the only way is to hold on. You have to learn to balance both your studies and IM. Just make sure you don't spend way too much time online, cuz study sure is important.

    I was also having this idea burst like you are doing right now. It made me think that there is no reason continuing my medical course when I can do better with IM. And I know from experience that this can create a great war inside your mind. And because of that, you can't either concentrate in IM or in your studies. Been there, done that.

    I had a strong hold until the end and I am now a registered doctor having my own clinic and also managing my online business with more than enough time. So there is no point in getting frustrated. Just make sure your studies are well managed. Also make sure you don't let internet marketing go off your grip.

    Understand that?

    I mean... Just learn to balance both, but make sure you give more importance to your studies, cuz not concentrating in your studies can bring lots of tensions and frustrations - It can be from your college, home or friends. At the end you will have great reward cuz you will have credibility among family, friends and everyone offline at the same time you can run your online business and enjoy the rewards.

    The one best niche you can target online is the health and wellness niche, would be better if you can pinpoint that one niche until you complete your studies, targetting more than one stuff will take you no where. Make sure your niche helps you with your studies and your online websites, so that you can blend them together and make a coordination instead of the contrast.

    Hope this will straighten your focus...

    Wish you all success...
    Spencer Jones
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  • Profile picture of the author Oscar D
    The key to your problem here is balance.

    You need to try and balance your time to Internet Marketing and your study time. Your studies should be seen as important and I suggest that you set a certain time of the day to study and stick with it!

    One tip to focus at get away from the mind frame of Internet Marketing could be to put your computer off and then study in another room away from your computer so that you are not distracted. This has helped me before as it helps your mind to leave the ideas and brain waves of Internet Marketing for a while.

    I suggest you give it a try, hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    Here's what I tend to do when not working on my IM stuff, I always carry a little notepad with me for when inspiration strikes..

    Jotting it down on paper helps get it out of your head and frees you up to focus on the things you should be doing. Good luck with your study
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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