TIP: How to Create an Irresistable Lead Magnet Before You Even Test it...

by Coropo
5 replies
I remember while going through Rich Schefren's BGS Coaching Program, Rich mentioned that the highest leverage point in any business is the BEGINNING.

If your free offer sucks ass, it really doesn't matter what the rest of your back-end funnel looks like, no one is ever going to see it anyway...

So here's a quick strategy I use that helped me to generate an insane amount of leads with very little testing (because I know us bootstrappers can't afford to spend boatloads of cash on testing...)

The big key here is to find out what people are already looking for - And not just what people are looking for, but what people are looking for where you are advertising.

So let me talk about Facebook Ads, cause everyone's all about Facebook Ads, and I personally love Facebook Ads as well.

So the big question here is, how do I find stuff on Facebook that ALREADY has a ton of engagement?

Well, let me introduce you to a pretty damn powerful tool called BuzzSumo - BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers

The free version is sufficient for this method so don't worry about having to pay.

Here's the simple 4-step method:

Step #1: Create a list of ALL your competitor sites

Step #2: Use BuzzSumo to find popular content on these sites that are relevant to you.

Step #3: Make the top performing content better and turn that into your free offer. (I.e. Add more value and package it into a checklist, blueprint, etc.)

Step #4: Advertise to the SAME audience on Facebook. So if you are targeting folks who like "Entrepreneur (Magazine)". Guess what you should do? Find out the top performing content on Entrepreneur.com and then advertise to the SAME people!!!

Now you might be wondering... Does this really work?

I will let my screenshot speak for itself.

Hope this helps!

#create #irresistable #lead #magnet #tip
  • Profile picture of the author dlucca
    Thanks for your post. Great tip and great success you've had. I appreciate your sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    i like stalking facebook groups for this or use customize software I got programmed for me for $300 that tracks ads.

    This is the best way, but I like the sites you mentioned above. I have used buzzsumo before and on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say its pretty useful and resourcefull and give it an 8
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  • Profile picture of the author clarajd
    Thanks for the tip. Sounds great. But, how do I find my competitor sites? Do I just do a Google Search?
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  • Profile picture of the author putu mega
    Thanks Coropo.
    Please elaborate more on Step #4: Advertise to the SAME audience on Facebook. How do you do that? Is there a tools on buzzsumo or you need to find that person who shared the content? If thousands of people share the article, should we make friends to those thousands of poeple and post on their facebook? Im sorry I do not understand. I hope you could give us more explanation in this. Thanks
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