Is it profitable to promote hosting with targeted traffic?

by Affltr
16 replies

I've been searching for good product to promote but only good one I found is hosting. Is it profitble to promote hosting and do people really buy it? Let's say I could promote with facebook video ads.
#hosting #profitable #promote #targeted #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Promoting hosting product is one the best way to make money online. People make thousands of dollars by promoting hosting affiliate program. You can join one of the leading hosting affiliate programs like bluehost, hostgator, Dreamhost etc.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
    In my opinion, it's a horrible idea. Complete waste-of-money horrible.

    No one on FB is sitting at their desk waiting to be sold hosting. If they need hosting, they just get hosting. (As in Google "web hosting" and go from there).

    Hosting companies and their affiliate programs are one of the lowest barrier to entry "done-for-you" solutions out there. There's really no difference between any of them and in my opinion, any ads you're going to run to them is just a waste.

    EDIT: Because if there were money to be made on FB, the web hosting company themselves would do it (and spend much more money than you do)
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    • Profile picture of the author Affltr
      What about youtube ads? Hosting companies are actually promoting there.

      SEO expert | Content Creator

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      • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
        To be honest, I wouldn't know exactly.

        Most of the time Hosting Companies run a lot of retargeting pixels, so they are spending lots of money on getting the retargeting pixel and then advertising where ever they can to get the sale at the end.

        The difficulty for you is turning a profit with whatever you get as a commission. The metrics will be much different for you than it will be for the hosting company.

        A hosting company could spend $100 or more to acquire a customer because they know on average X% stay on for at least Y months.

        I don't know how the hosting affiliate programs work, but I don't think an affiliate could really compete with the hosting company in general.

        All in all, you have to know your metrics to succeed.
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        • Profile picture of the author Affltr
          Thanks. What would you recommend to promote then?

          SEO expert | Content Creator

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        • Profile picture of the author ValueTown
          Some very good points here to learn.

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  • Profile picture of the author scull79
    If i had a training course about setting up a website or affiliate marketing and one of those modules happened to be teaching someone how to set up hosting etc then i would drop an affiliate link in that training module, apart from that it's not something i would personally promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Hosting is just one way to earn some money.

    There are so many good products in so many niches out there that you can promote too.
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  • Promoting hosting is one of the easiest way to earn good money, Write some good article about hosting provider and pros and cons, and provided the affiliate link, Instead of YouTube article marketing is good for hosting.
    Top hosting providers

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  • Profile picture of the author ValueTown
    Not such a good idea because the traffic you are targeting is not waiting to be sold hosting.
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    • Profile picture of the author pawandave
      Can not say, but you may be. Recently i tried same sort of targeting on Facebook but did not work
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Paid traffic is very expensive today no matter where you go (especially for new marketers).

    Yes there are skilled marketers who have honed their craft and can get targeted eye balls for pennies a click.

    But for the average beginners...just like someone said above...

    A terrible idea.

    When people want hosting they start doing searches on Google, forums and even ask marketing friends for a recommendation.

    And on top of that...

    The income potential as an affiliate of hosting is not feasible to run paid ads.

    Maybe for a veteran but not for new folks.

    And even on top of that...

    Veterans may sell hosting for a side gig of extra money but most won't make it their 'primary' business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lui Bliss
    The people that would make money doing that are people that make videos with tons of value and provide a share link. For example videos on how to make a website, WordPress tutorials etc. and even then, not everybody is going to buy hosting through that link or from that host, thats if they don't even have hosting themselves.

    If you have the budget to promote through Facebook, I would like to suggest to you to promote another affiliate product *hint*hint* mine. If you are at all interested in a big payout promoting my coaching services click the following link for more info and sign up:-
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  • Profile picture of the author GrowthMonger
    Yep, people most certainly do buy and thus makes it profitable.

    But promoting with Facebook video ads might not be the best idea for this, so i suggest you do little more research concerning traffic generation.
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  • Profile picture of the author SATO
    The affiliate program is very profitable these days. This is the best tactics to make money online. that program, either hosting or hospitality industry's products. But promoting hosting program is a good one. In it, doing a little work you can earn money in dollars.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well yea it works but you must be profesional and you must know how to attract people to buy from you ,because hosting its very easy to find .bUT IF YOU HAVE TRAFFIC GIVE IT A TRY
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