How To Promote Joint Ventures

1 replies
I have a number of JV products to promote but as I'm new to internet marketing I'd really appreciate some help and suggestions as to what's the best way to promote them.

They're a mixture of courses, software and webinars, created by experts such as Brian Koz, Tom Hua, Simon Coulson and others in the field. All I have to do is drive traffic to them and make sure I include my affiliate link to ensure I get paid. Sounds easy, but not if you've never done it before!

All suggestions welcome. I'd really like to make a go of this but as a newbie I'm a bit overwhelmed. Thanks in advance, Karen Attard, Internet Marketing Ideas.
#joint #promote #ventures
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B

    This place (WF) if filled with threads about promoting joint ventures. You'll get way more help if you search past threads than you will from starting a new thread on the subject.

    Also be aware there is a section of the WF specifically devoted to Joint Ventures.

    Good luck,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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