Having an App designed and built by outsourcing

3 replies
Hey folks,
I am wanting an app built for an emerging market, and a hungry audience. I am not a programmer, or an internet wiz, just an entrepreneur and marketer with a great idea to design, build, utilize and monetize an app in a market that is about to explode, and I need to find someone who can build the app to my specs, basically acting as a search engine between buyers and sellers of whizbang car parts.
Any resources you'd recommend to a non-techy? I don't have a large budget and am willing to spend a little more of my time where I can, to spend less.

#app #built #designed #outsourcing
  • Profile picture of the author HarrieB
    List down all your requirements on a notepad. A few questions will be:

    1. Do u also want to embed a shopping cart?
    2. Do u also want to use a payment processor for payments?
    3. If botm are u redirecting people to their site when user clicks on the products inside your app.
    4. How often do u need to update the app?
    5. Will the app needs more products on a regular basis or a one off time thing will do?
    5. Does it requires connection to any database or anything.

    All this will help u find out a programmer. U can go to odesk and post a job and put a figure between $2000- $3000. I am sure, a lot of asians will apply. Check their previous work, history and give the job to the person.company which impresses u the most.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Have you looked into Upwork? There are some really good programmers there who can build your app from scratch.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Make sure that you specify in detail how every feature / function should work.

    The programmer can't read your mind and if you don't specify everything in detail, you may end up with something that's not exactly as you expected.

    Upwork is good. It use to be called Elance and that is where I found my head programmer that has worked for me for over 18 years now.

    I highly suggest breaking the project up into multiple milestones depending how elaborate / costly it will be. Also, my preference is to never pay any amount upfront, other than to put money for the first milestone into escrow. There are jackasses that will tell you what you want to hear to get the job, even if they aren't really suited for it.

    Make sure you have a contract and only you have the rights to the source code. However, if you hiring someone from another country, enforcing it another story and may not be cost-effective if there ever was a problem.
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