PPC Traffic To Landing Page With Lead Magnet

18 replies
Hi all

I am very new to affiliate marketing but not necessarily the tools used. Wanted to get some suggestions in terms of a good strategy for beginners. So

- I chose a good niche (Home Improvement) that I enjoy
- I have a good quality eBook/report that I can give-away
- have ability to create an attractive landing page and auto-responders

Here is the question.

If I attempt to drive traffic to the landing page via PPC do I write the ads around what I am giving away or the final product? Been playing around with promoting the give-away but it doesn't seem to take off yet. Will definitely keep trying though. How do you approach it?

Thank you in advance for your wisdom
#landing #lead #magnet #page #ppc #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Simon Morgan View Post

    If I attempt to drive traffic to the landing page via PPC do I write the ads around what I am giving away or the final product? Been playing around with promoting the give-away but it doesn't seem to take off yet. Will definitely keep trying though. How do you approach it?

    Everything, from the ads to the landing page to the lead magnet to the autoresponders should focus on one thing: whatever the prospect wants to achieve.

    Do some keyword research. What are people in the home improvement market really looking for? Bet it isn't a free ebook or an info product.

    They're looking for a kitchen or bathroom that works better or looks better.

    They're looking for improved curb appeal from landscaping.

    Some are looking for ways to pump up the house's resale value.

    Some are looking for ways to cure problems, like a leaky roof or dripping faucet.

    Whatever it is, that's what you want to offer in your ads all the way through to your final product.

    You may find that one sequence (ads, lander, LM, AR) isn't enough. Start with one specific sub-niche (kitchen remodels, for example), get that working and use it as a model for additional sequences.

    By tuning into specific goals like this, you not only have a chance to engage your prospects better, you can focus on more long tail keywords and avoid going head to head with the Lowes and Home Depots of the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Home Improvement is not a niche, it's a very broad market.

    You need to define a specific niche if you hope to make PPC profitable.

    I have a good quality eBook/report that I can give-away
    What will you promote on the backend?

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Morgan
    Hi Brent. Was thinking of Energy Saving products. DIY solar panels for example
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    • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
      Originally Posted by Simon Morgan View Post

      Hi Brent. Was thinking of Energy Saving products. DIY solar panels for example
      That's a good idea.

      Put that through your whole funnel from your ad copy to your follow up.

      Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
      All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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      • Profile picture of the author Simon Morgan
        Thanks Brent. Can you recommend someone here who does 1on1 coaching at a good hourly rate?
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Originally Posted by Simon Morgan View Post

    Here is the question.

    If I attempt to drive traffic to the landing page via PPC do I write the ads around what I am giving away or the final product? Been playing around with promoting the give-away but it doesn't seem to take off yet.
    Sending PPC traffic is fine, but IMO the free give-away business model isn't as easy as it used to be.

    Try slapping some instant CPA commission product on your landing page as these are much, much easier to convert than pushing the customer into a purchase after the give away.

    Hope that helps
    Read my incredible story: www.affiliatechamp.co.uk
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    • Profile picture of the author Simon Morgan
      Makes sense. With all the free information out there I guess a free report or 20 page ebook just isnt that much of a magnet.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Originally Posted by Simon Morgan View Post

        With all the free information out there I guess a free report or 20 page ebook just isnt that much of a magnet.


        Be careful. CPA offers are a whole different ball game than the one you've described you're trying to make work. Be clear about what you want to do because CPA offers don't belong on your landing page given what you've talked about so far.

        Lead magnets still work well ... it's just that the information you offer in your freebie has to be relevant, valuable, and something that the prospect is eager to get his/her hands on. You know what that freebie is when you complete your market research to see what your very targeted prospects want to purchase. You can offer your freebie as something complementary to the affiliate product you're trying to sell.

        Brent's suggestions to laser focus on a specific niche are excellent and it is the way to hone in on what freebie would be a great match for your prospects. When you go too broad, the interests of your prospect audience are too diverse and it's hard to find one thing they all care about ... hence, the reason to specialize - gather an audience that all have the same common problem, pain point, or desire.

        The best to you,


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by Simon Morgan View Post

    If I attempt to drive traffic to the landing page via PPC, do I write the ads around what I am giving away or the final product?
    Write the ad around what you are giving away. Just tell people what they will expect to receive, and then just give it to them. Dont over-complicate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author bonzo124
    You need to be relevant. Your final must be relevant to your freebie. The freebie must be relevant to the ads and the keywords you target.

    If any step is irrelevant to your final goal, it is not going to work.
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  • The truth is the value of your lead magnet is too low, a free ebook? I know you said good quality. but realistically there's so much free information out there why would they need to download your ebook or give their information for it. Try increase the value of your lead magnet, ask yourself what would I do to bend over backwards to get this free xyz. If you want an example search Learn Apply Win on Facebook.
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    • Profile picture of the author Simon Morgan
      That makes a lot of sense. Well I wouldn't leave my email for the eBook so I definitely I need to up the game
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Lim
    What you are concerning there was, are you suppose to pre-sell in your ad copy? Yes! Of course, it proven that pre-selling increasing engagement.

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  • Profile picture of the author uncia
    Might want to think of adding a video to the landing page better explaining your giveaway and how it is useful to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Lots of people dismissing the idea of a free ebook.

    Here's a clue for you.

    People don't leave their info in order to get a free ebook. They leave their info because they believe that the contents of the ebook will somehow make their lives better.

    So you naysayers are partially right. Unless you are actively trying to build a list of freebie hunters, people who don't care what they get as long as it's "free", people will not trade access to their inbox for irrelevant or meh content. Doesn't matter if it's a video, ebook, webinar, whatever.

    Unless you do a solid job both selling the promise of the information in the ebook and delivering that promise, you're beating a dead horse.

    And before anyone chimes in that all information is available for free on the Internet already, here's another clue. You, as an IMer or wannabe, might live on the Internet. But there are many more people out there who don't. They want their answers packaged neatly and delivered by someone they believe in.

    Come to think of it, if I had a buck for every wannabe that begged for a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers plan, with appropriate (and free) hand holding, I'd be writing this from the deck of my fishing yacht while the captain piloted us out to the fishing grounds...
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Simon Morgan View Post

    Hi all

    I am very new to affiliate marketing but not necessarily the tools used. Wanted to get some suggestions in terms of a good strategy for beginners. So

    - I chose a good niche (Home Improvement) that I enjoy
    - I have a good quality eBook/report that I can give-away
    - have ability to create an attractive landing page and auto-responders

    Here is the question.

    If I attempt to drive traffic to the landing page via PPC do I write the ads around what I am giving away or the final product? Been playing around with promoting the give-away but it doesn't seem to take off yet. Will definitely keep trying though. How do you approach it?

    Thank you in advance for your wisdom
    You can try different angles but I would likely start with trying to promote your lead magnet. If it's not working yet then work on your targeting or ad copy.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    You have to write the ads which match your giveaway in order to get people sign in.

    The ideal enviroment is that everything is matching at a certain level: you cannot promote a giveway which is not a natural process to the final product you are going to sell.
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