Content Research - Best Way

2 replies
Greetings all,

I carry out KW research and look at Google Trends - what other tools do people use ?

Are ones like BuzzSumo helpful for identifying good KW's or topics to write about?
#content #research
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    BuzzSumo is excellent for determining the types of things that get a whole lot of social interactions. We like to go one step further and check to see how many backlinks those articles got. Then, we write an article that will appeal to the same sites that linked to the original article and then contact those sites that linked to the original article, letting them know about ours. This helps ensure a very good chance of not only getting a lot of social shares, but also getting backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    To be honest... I just use Google's suggested terms. It's easy to find target keywords like that because if nothing is appearing in Google Suggest, it's not worth looking into.

    BuzzSumo is for more social media sharing but you can find good keywords to go after. I also like using Chromo's extension "Keywords Everywhere" for helping me determine volume search.
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