A win-win scenario with infographics. May the force be with you, too.
I've got a pretty cool infographic, which pertains mostly to the fitness market.
The best way to get use out of this infographic would be to milk it dry.
Content marketing:
1. Break up the infographic into 2-3 pieces
2. Creating a blog post(s) on it
3. Use it a lead-magnet for email opt-ins
4. Use it as a proposal for guest posting--->contact the webmaster of xyz site and let them know that this might be of value to their audience.
5. Infuse it in one of our infoproducts like an eguide(s)
6. ....
As far as the win-win goes, it pertains to #4 the most. The other webmaster gets more content from your cool infographic while you get a backlink in exchange.
How can we take this further into a super win-super win? What would be the best way, lets say, if the webmaster you're reaching out to could split the email list he/she amasses from the infographic you're offering? Can we both walk away with 50% of an email list? If so, how would be the best way going about it? Google sheets?
Gambino -
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