Communication strategy & plan to promote the launch of a social barometer ?

7 replies
Hello everyone,

I'm currently doing an internship in a hotel, at the internal communication department, and I have been asked to create a communication plan to promote the launch of an social barometer (in order to know how the employees are doing, if they're enjoying their job, if they do feel a sense of belonging to the company etc)

...And i'm lost !
Can anyone help me?

Best regards,

#barometer #communication #launch #plan #promote #social #strategy
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    The hotel's own communication strategy doesn't seem to be that effective if you don't know what you're expected to do. I'd ask your immediate superior for more details, or at least an example of the kind of plan they're talking about.

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    • Profile picture of the author Tamin Laura
      hello Frank,

      You are right, but unfortunately, I can't.
      these are the guidelines that I had :
      1. Create a Communication plan
      2. Find teasers (short text)
      3 . Create snack contents

      I made a list of the different channels I'll be using and a few teasers but that's all for now. Not sure what I m doing is good.
      Been browsing all over the internet but couldn't find a similar case study.
      Anyone can help me?
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by Tamin Laura View Post

        You are right, but unfortunately, I can't.
        these are the guidelines that I had :
        1. Create a Communication plan
        2. Find teasers (short text)
        3 . Create snack contents

        I made a list of the different channels I'll be using and a few teasers but that's all for now. Not sure what I m doing is good.
        Been browsing all over the internet but couldn't find a similar case study
        If this is an internal launch, there must be existing internal channels of communication. Why not just use those? Have you researched any of the hotel's previous internal promotions?

        I've no idea what they mean by snack contents.

        But again, I would ask for clarification. As an intern, you're there to learn - I doubt they're paying you much, if anything.

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        • Profile picture of the author Tamin Laura
          Yes Frank,
          there are and i made up a list already.
          Ok, to be honest, i'm not an intern yet, I didn't want to go into too much details there, as i really wanted to focus on the issue. I went through the whole recruitment process and passed. One more thing I have to deal with is this case study...You are right, i'm going to send a e-mail to ask for clarifications. I'm not part of the company yet, so there are so many things i don't know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patriciamillikin
    The communication plan is very important. Just make sure you dont have any issues with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    OK. I think it's amusing that you work in the internal communications department, but have to communicate with each other by email.

    Anyway, good luck with your project.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Is this for real?

    The employees satisfaction program entirely depends on someone that's almost an intern and doesn't have a clue what to do?

    Glad I'm not one of the employees because I'd raise hell with the info. in this thread.
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