Why Amazon Marketing Is Easier To Earn Even Though The Commissions Are Lower At Start?

by amuro
14 replies
Having done Amazon affiliate marketing since 2013, I began to realize that the process of getting things started and marketing is much easier than say Clickbank marketing.

Here are my reasons why:

1. The products offered on Amazon are consumer physical stuff that people like you and me buy everything through malls, shops and now online.

2. Finding products that can sell well is much easier as they can be identified as Best Sellers, New Hot Releases, 4-5 Star Ratings with many reviews.

3. There are 4 ways to make money on Amazon as compared to Clickbank, JVZoo and even Warrior Plus here as both affiliate and vendor.

A. You can promote other people's products as affiliate

B. You can promote your own products leveraging on Amazon as pay processing and delivery process.

C. You can write e-books and publish as Kindles on Amazon

D. You can design your own mobile apps and market on Amazon.

Yes the commissions are pretty pathetic at 4% but I want you to look at the big picture.

Especially the second half of every year due to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas And New Year.

So every year since 2014, I have been marketing info products for the first 6 months and physical products for the last 6 months.
#amazon #commissions #earn #easier #lower #marketing #start
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  • Profile picture of the author msulcs
    Don't forget that in US almost every one is using Amazon. It's so easy to promote Amazon products, because you don't need to introduce the buyers to a new marketplace. Most of the buyers use Amazon more than once a month.
    Even if they don't buy the item you were promoting, chances are they will still buy something from Amazon with your cookies, and you will still get commissions. That's why I love Amazon. If you got a good traffic source, you can get good commissions based on quantity.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrWick
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    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Originally Posted by MrWick View Post

      And if you any type of other work you can also check my other Gigs.
      Self-promotion of your gigs violates forum rules. Buy an ad!

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Zed
    Marketing Amazon products is a tough gig because you need to sell tons to make any money because of the paltry commissions.

    If you are prepared to do free marketing and build a load of niche blogs, then I suppose Amazon marketing is easier. But otherwise it isn't hard to build a biz-opp audience with some investment and make large sales a lot easier.
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    • Profile picture of the author amuro
      I don't agree with you, Matt.

      If you can bundle those products and come up with a really attractive banner either yourself or outsourcing say to Fiverr or Elance, you can still sell and sell tons of them.

      I don't need a load of niche blogs. I used to think that way too when starting out.

      Now only 1 website will do.

      My Christmas and New Year Gifts site in which I can promote anything besides just relevant gifts and decorative items.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Zed
    Thanks Amuro. Do you mainly focus on organic SEO traffic then? Care to share your site?


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  • Profile picture of the author buzz world
    I am also looking for ways to do amazon marketing and earn money on my blog buzzworld.club. But i am confused that from where i should start. Can any one guide me ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Zed
      Buzz world, simply sign up as an affiliate, then find products that are related to your content. Then stick some Amazon ads up. Simple as that.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Amazon pumps SO much money into helping affiliates and product creators make money. I have 160 plus products on the platform. Plus I am Associate. If you create and connect and do things right, from a generous space, they freaking put Jeff B's 100 billion - or some of it LOL - into play to promote you, endorse you and spread the word. Jeff is the richest guy on earth because his business makes it easy for people to buy stuff and for you to make money as Associates or product creators, if you happy hustle and assist folks.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11379159].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sheeroh
    I agree although it does seem that you need to put in a lot of work with SEO initially. Also, I love how Amazon upsells it products to consumers. Someone may very well end up buying four products at a go when they initially were only planning to purchase what you recommended.
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  • Profile picture of the author Valor Wave
    Somewhat unrelated (or related, depending on how you take it), but it's incredible that Jeff Bezos starting out as humbly as any entrepreneur you can think of or potentially know personally.

    That's him in 1999. Inspirational! Beyond that, what Ryan said. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony Frost
    When starting your Amazon business there can sometimes be more setbacks than successes at the start.
    That's why the proper mindset is very important.
    Being persistent and tenacious in researching your product and ways to improve it are the key success foundations. Plus, of course, the strategies that work do matters a lot. What is the product that you want to market, its demand in online market, whether you want to do affiliate marketing or market your own product and on and on - deliberate over every factor related to Amazon biz.
    Starting out without too much complicating your ideas is a good thing. When I started I had several vague perceptions about Amazon business and I preferred to hire Amazon consultants from Coach AMZ for a comprehensive plan.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Your success will depend largely on how BIG and how COMPETITIVE your target product niche is.

    Focus on these.

    Make sure you pick the right niche.

    Otherwise, it's too easy to WASTE TIME AND MONEY
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