PPV marketer needing help with switching my domains to HTTPS
I'm with BeyondHosting, where I have a VPS. I have like 7 domains, 1 one which hosts my tracker (CPVLab) and the rest of them are for my landers. The redirect path is tracker->lander->offer. All of it needs to be HTTPS now. BeyondHosting offers standard SSL certificates for $59 per domain. Buying them from my hosting provider seems to be the quickest and simplest way to do this, but also a pretty expensive one.. So I wanted to see what other possible ways of doing this would be. I've seen some multi-domain SSL's being sold (like Comodo Positive Multi Domain) - are those an option? I'm honestly pretty illiterate when it comes to this stuff, so i don't have a clue what the benefits/drawbacks of buying a bunch of single domain SSL's from my host versus buying multi-domain SSL's from somewhere else would be. Hopefully someone who has gone through this already or anyone who understands this stuff can shed some light on the best way to make this switch for a PPV marketer.
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