PPV marketer needing help with switching my domains to HTTPS

5 replies
Hi everyone. So i've been putting off switching my sites over to HTTPS, but i think it's finally time. ZeroPark won't even let you run campaigns anymore if your entire redirect path isn't HTTPS.. I just need some help with figuring out the best way to do this, so hopefully fellow PPV marketers or anyone else can help me out.

I'm with BeyondHosting, where I have a VPS. I have like 7 domains, 1 one which hosts my tracker (CPVLab) and the rest of them are for my landers. The redirect path is tracker->lander->offer. All of it needs to be HTTPS now. BeyondHosting offers standard SSL certificates for $59 per domain. Buying them from my hosting provider seems to be the quickest and simplest way to do this, but also a pretty expensive one.. So I wanted to see what other possible ways of doing this would be. I've seen some multi-domain SSL's being sold (like Comodo Positive Multi Domain) - are those an option? I'm honestly pretty illiterate when it comes to this stuff, so i don't have a clue what the benefits/drawbacks of buying a bunch of single domain SSL's from my host versus buying multi-domain SSL's from somewhere else would be. Hopefully someone who has gone through this already or anyone who understands this stuff can shed some light on the best way to make this switch for a PPV marketer.

#domains #https #marketer #needing #ppv #switching
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Sorry, I can't hep you with the most cost-effective way of doing it in your multi-domain situation. The vast majority of our websites are eCommerce ones with their own SSLs.

    I can tell you that what you are concerned with is the easy part. The hard part is making the switch and not losing all of your rankings. There are many guides available for what to do so that you do not see a significant rankings drop. Just do a search for guide to moving to https
    BizSellers.com - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I thought that you could do this for free with beyond hosting.

    Maybe contact their support, they are usually very helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author samncube21
    Smart move in making sure your sites are https as I don't think Google will even index your site without it these days. I had a Blogger site that I recently realized wasn't even indexed in Google. I edited a few of the settings in the members area and low and behold, my site indexed properly within a few days.
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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    you dont need to buy one. cPanel & WHM's AutoSSL offer free SSL. and https://letsencrypt.org/
    check them out!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Cloudflare offers forced HTTPS everywhere with their free account. Not sure if you're limited by number of domains in the free account though but this is the easiest way to get forced HTTPS everywhere IMO.
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