10X Web Traffic Method

13 replies
Here's a simple way to 10X your website traffic* by leveraging influencers for massive exposure. It's a modern twist on an old technique.

You can use this to:
  • Get website traffic
  • Build your email list
  • Sell your own products
  • Promote other people's offers

We're going to co-ordinate promotion with recognisable figures in your niche.

Create a series of special interviews branded as "the masters of {niche}".

Reach out to your chosen influencers and invite them to be part of it, make it clear they know the name of the series (...who doesn't want to be considered a "master" of their niche?).

Let's say 10 influencers agree to take part.

Give each influencer the same set of questions, tell them the date it you intend to published (important) and everyone else in the series will be promoting it to their list / on social media / website (also important).

Let them know that links to their website, list, social, can also be included - and with everyone else who's taking part will be promoting it too, everyone involved will see a spike in traffic.

The day BEFORE you publish contact each of them and remind them the series will be going live.

On the day of publication email everyone with the URL to the series (this could even be its own domain name for extra credibility).

A week or so afterwards, contact everyone again with details of the results - let them know it was a success and (since they've benefited from this too) soft pitch the idea of working together again in the future.

There's LOTS you can do with this method, you can take it in new directions and you can also repurpose the series in different ways.

Have fun.

*Your milage may vary, and who knows this even might need to be tweaked a little; remember that it's your responsibility to make adult decisions about your business.
#10x #method #traffic #web
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Super smart approach here Mick. If you build relationships and benefit all involved, sky's the limit for this type of technique. Everybody wins so most established pros will be on board.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Super smart approach here Mick. If you build relationships and benefit all involved, sky's the limit for this type of technique. Everybody wins so most established pros will be on board.
      Thanks Ryan, I've thought about doing this in the blogging / marketing space but it's the one niche that I have the most trouble with (everyone's guard is up and trust is in short supply... rightly so). I think this method would be perfect for someone like you, who's already got well established connections.

      Ironically, IM is the only niche I'm involved with where I personally don't have enough confidence to make this work.
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  • Profile picture of the author amansharma1
    Great information!!! Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author jaystores
    That's really good idea

    Thanks for sharing Michael
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    If you guys use this let use know what your results are, I'd be interested to know.
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  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    This is a great approach and I think it would work very well for some people, but not others....the others being people new to a particular niche. I'm well respected in one niche, but developing in another area. Do you think this can still work for those starting out in any particular niche?

    Some influencers will do kind gestures and give an interview to a newbie, but most influencers are so busy with other engagements. I don't think calling them a "master" would be enough to get them to do a beginner interview. Maybe I'm wrong though? Curious about your opinion on that thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I was offered a chance to be in one of these interviews. Very legit panel of marketers, and was a great way to generate instant content for all of us who were being interviewed. Plus, we all got to promote our site (quite heavily) at the end of the interviews.

    A great site to participate on where this happens all the time is from a guy name "Kingsley" here on the warrior forum. He's the owner of the internet marketing social site called "Kingged .com".
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      A great site to participate on where this happens all the time is from a guy name "Kingsley" here on the warrior forum. He's the owner of the internet marketing social site called "Kingged .com".
      That's an awesome website, and the guy behind it seems decent too... from his WF posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ploom10
    Great idea, how well has this worked for you?

    Also, have you considered some type of contest -- where you offer entries for social sharing, coming back each day to click something. Maybe offer a product or gift certificate.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Great tips, Mick

    If I may add something: Make sure your cross reference your list of influencer's blogs / social media account with Alexa site score and social engagement levels, respectively.

    This extra step ensures a high RETURN ON EFFORT
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Great info Mick, i have following your Youtube Channel for sometime now and love the traffic methods you share.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by hardworker2013 View Post

      Great info Mick, i have following your Youtube Channel for sometime now and love the traffic methods you share.
      That's very kind of you, thank you!
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