Have a funnel or show ALL options upfront?
Let's say we want to sell a piece of software.
What do you think would work best, and WHY?
- - - OPTION 1 - - -
Front-end: Regular version at $19
OTO 1: Deluxe version at $29
OTO 2: Deluxe Developer version at $39
Pros: You can have a dedicated page that sells the benefits of each option. Plus, once people become customers at $19, it's easier for them to buy more of the same.
Cons: Some people may not even buy upfront, because they would only be interested in a developer license (if they do client work). Plus, some people may find OTOs distasteful.
- - - OPTION 2 - - -
Everything shown at the front-end (3 order buttons):
Deluxe Developer version at $87
Deluxe version at $48
Regular version at $19
Pros: Everything is transparent which creates "good vibes." Plus, by showing the most expensive version first (Deluxe Developer), we "anchor" a high price and set the expectations (ie: "this is expensive, so it's probably good").
Cons: You have all options "crammed" together, and not explained sufficiently. For example, people who buy a piece of software for their own use and those who buy it to use with clients are typically two different kinds of prospects.
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I know one answer can be "test", but I'm looking for feedback from people who have tried both and have seen which works the best.
Thanks in advance!
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