Email LeadGen vs. Amazon FBA

by MarcPa
7 replies

I have watched whole season 4 of JungleScouts Million Dollar Case Study
which teaches how to find and sell lucrative private label products via Amazon FBA.
The process seems easy to follow and I have the funds needed ( about 3.000 - 3.500 $ ).

Nevertheless I am still not sure if I should go that road because I am asking myself, if there is still substantial money to make in Email Marketing promoting lead gen affiliate products.
I rarely myself read any promotional emails any more; I suppose, most of internet users are not so different.

Looking forward to read your opinions!

#amazon #email #fba #leadgen
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Your question is apples and oranges. These types of questions are asked all the time and the only person that can answer it is You...

    Read, research, learn and make a decision


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    You can make money any way you want.

    The question is not about "What is the One Right Way" but rather "Will YOU stick with it long enough to learn how?"

    Listbuilding and FBA are utterly different ways of making money. They use different platforms with different types of ownership (if Amazon disappears or decides to ban you, now what? vs if you have an email list you can at least take that somewhere else); different Traffic source methods; different Conversion paths. Lead capture is totally different for either choice.

    Meaning you will have to develop expertise valuable in only one of these options.

    And while it's great that you watched someone's case study, which I'll remind you is a *marketing* piece designed to produce a result, implementation of anything is NOT easy--just ask the movers trying to bring a couch up a stairwell. Lift Item--Walk It Into Position--Put It Down was the process they were sold but NOT what they actually found. The map is not the territory.

    The answer is not outside you: it's within. What do YOU feel most comfortable with? What will YOU stick with when the going gets tough?--because doing the thing is not the same as watching someone do the thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmosticc22
    Your talking very different directions here between selling products and sending emails. There is money to be made in both areas, there is also credible competition in both areas. You need to collect information on both and make a decision based on what your reaction is.
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  • Profile picture of the author DRP
    LOL there's money in NEITHER. This is especially true for YOU if you're asking yourself (and others) these questions. Don't listen to the keyboard warriors who say otherwise...they're broke and/or delusional/. Remember: anyone can PRETEND to be ANYONE on the internet.

    Originally Posted by MarcPa View Post


    I have watched whole season 4 of JungleScouts Million Dollar Case Study
    which teaches how to find and sell lucrative private label products via Amazon FBA.
    The process seems easy to follow and I have the funds needed ( about 3.000 - 3.500 $ ).

    Nevertheless I am still not sure if I should go that road because I am asking myself, if there is still substantial money to make in Email Marketing promoting lead gen affiliate products.
    I rarely myself read any promotional emails any more; I suppose, most of internet users are not so different.

    Looking forward to read your opinions!

    I'd rather tell you an ugly truth than a pretty lie.
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  • Profile picture of the author samb7
    In my opinion what you are asking is actually trying to compare oranges and mangoes. Both business are still great. The simple advise I will give you is to go with the one you have enough information, the one you feel comfortable with. I use both models of businesses and I can say they both work. Choose one and concentrate all your efforts on it, and most importantly get someone to guide you.
    Looking to launch a Proven Business
    Check it out here:
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  • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
    Amazon is different in the way that you really NOT your own boss...
    And your Seller Account Can be DELETED by the key stroke in any hour and all your business
    can be wiped out instantly... Army of bots constantly monitoring...
    It's kinda same as Paypal, you can get your
    funds frozen on Demand it's very unfortunate that in the matter of a Decade,
    those few Zombie Corps privatize and monetize entire internet Market place and turn into their
    own private Piggy Bank...

    Other than that, they are both great, if you know what
    you are doing... Good Luck...
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I've been promoting PPL offers for over 18 years via email.

    Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part, does 6-7 figures. While that's a huge range, much comes down to one's ability to scale and effectively build / manage the infrastructure needed to scale.

    So yea, there is still money to be made.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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