Do you search for a magic formula ? It not exist

13 replies
To many people search for a secret method that will alow them to make a lot of money easy and with no work ,
They think you can work 1 hour per day and you can make 300$ per day .
I dont say its not posible but this its achieve by people with years of work who have a lot of experience in seo ,ranking yt videos or people who have a huge base of emails but they work a lot for that

As a beginer in IM you think you can make a lot of money and to leave your job and also to sustain your family you can be disapointed

Succes in here its achieved by hard work and discipline ,its like having a real job .At a real job you need to respect the program even if you want to do this or not

You need to be the same in internet marketing you need to work work work .And ******* its very dificult as you can work hard and you cannot see results but you need to continue working

Remember treat it like a job
#exist #formula #magic #search
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    A good piece of advice to newbies. It is true that most of them join IM because they hear and see people who have been in the field for some time doing well. So, they imagine that they can wake up one morning and start earning $$$. It takes time and needs patience. Also, it is necessary that you remain consistent and do the right thing. Also, just like any other job, you need to be disciplined to succeed in IM, Having a work plan and sticking to it will guarantee you success.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    In the medieval ages, oracles and wizards resorted to magic to make ends meet.

    Stop pretending that you know everything, singling out dynamics you don't see or comprehend.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11523276].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author spartan14
      Originally Posted by George Flm View Post

      In the medieval ages, oracles and wizards resorted to magic to make ends meet.

      Stop pretending that you know everything, singling out dynamics you don't see or comprehend.
      I dont pretend that i know everithing or that i am an expert or succesful .I just post my experience on here maybe it can be succesful for someone
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        Interestingly, I took his words to mean he agrees with you and adding a nuance to what you said.

        Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

        I dont pretend that i know everithing or that i am an expert or succesful .I just post my experience on here maybe it can be succesful for someone
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  • Profile picture of the author kaymehelp
    What about the 'mAgIc SaUcE'? Surely it's a real thing right?
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  • Profile picture of the author sgalla414
    True. The reality check comes from when people actually move towards doing the work. There is tons of "get rich quick" or "make $10 000 a month with this simple trick" and it gets people into the mindset that this is easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author AR RIZVI
    True. A lot of people come into the online space thinking they can start making big bucks fast. It's the ads they see and the guru's they hear from that gets them thinking yeah i should be making enough money to quit my job tomorrow.

    As someone mentioned above the reality kicks in, when you have to learn and implement, testing, trying, failing and keep at it until.

    complete affiliate marketing blueprint
    access training webinar

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Well there is a magic formula 95 percent of people buying a product are buying the dream of making money easy knowing it probably will not happen

    Spend money on a 20$ scratch of ticket or 29 or 39 on the next product that promises easy wealth

    Without the vast majority of people buying dreams there would be no money in selling these products

    I remember a common line in of opportunity direct mail all the way back when we used to walk up hill both ways in snow ..the line was I had tried all the other programs untill I figured out this super easy way some old guy told me about

    Or something like that

    The magic formula actually exists in the form of leverage that it takes time to learn how to use
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11523389].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MaxFeerden
    I would really like someone to share with me the method of easy money making. After all, money does not come easy, you need to work hard. But most importantly, the money will be given easily if the work will be in satisfaction.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11526884].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Originally Posted by MaxFeerden View Post

      I would really like someone to share with me the method of easy money making. After all, money does not come easy, you need to work hard. But most importantly, the money will be given easily if the work will be in satisfaction.
      Like the OP said, the magic easy money making formula doesn't exist, but the hard work that you need to do in order to make it does. "There's a million ways to make a million dollars", choosing the way that you want to do it and following the process, the ACTUAL process and not the fairytale process, is the only way to do it. And learning about those processes is the reason I'm here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11526922].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by MaxFeerden View Post

      I would really like someone to share with me the method of easy money making. After all, money does not come easy, you need to work hard. But most importantly, the money will be given easily if the work will be in satisfaction.
      Jeff bezoz,s net worth inceases by tens of millions of dollars per day

      Does that mean he is working millions it hundreds of thousands of times harder than someone making 100 dollars a day or50

      Over the last 20 plus years he has built systems to get automation technology and people who almost spend all day running to do the hard work for him

      Sure he was packing boxes all day and night when he started Amazon .

      Magic formula get others to work hard for you but be able to work just as hard or harder from time to time. To keep them working hard..almost no one get rich on their own hard work alone .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11526969].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

    To many people search for a secret method that will alow them to make a lot of money easy and with no work ,
    They think you can work 1 hour per day and you can make 300$ per day .
    I dont say its not posible but this its achieve by people with years of work who have a lot of experience in seo ,ranking yt videos or people who have a huge base of emails but they work a lot for that

    As a beginer in IM you think you can make a lot of money and to leave your job and also to sustain your family you can be disapointed

    Succes in here its achieved by hard work and discipline ,its like having a real job .At a real job you need to respect the program even if you want to do this or not

    You need to be the same in internet marketing you need to work work work .And ******* its very dificult as you can work hard and you cannot see results but you need to continue working

    Remember treat it like a job
    I agree with everything you said except the last part where you said treat it like a job. You shouldn't treat it like a job you should treat it like a real business.

    That's what a lot of people miss as you said. They think they are just going to come online, push a few buttons and be making thousands per month.

    The saddest part about all of this is that some people actually think they will be able to make money. So they take their hard-earned cash and invest in these programs only to end up more lost and confused than when they began.

    This, in turn, leaves them feeling disappointed and feeling like making money online is one big lie. The truth is making money online is a real thing you just have to find something that works and stick to it.

    I think the hardest thing for most people is actually sticking to something that works long enough to make a profit. It's all about patience.

    You have to remember this is a marathon and if you treat it as such you will eventually reach the point you want to reach.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Most of the people who pop up on the guru scene and say that their new formula will make you $30,000 in the next 30 days have invested YEARS into their learning of marketing. However due to their good marketing, you're led to believe that they did it overnight - which leads to newbies doing all kinds of preposterous ways of thinking when it comes to making money online.
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