Inbound marketing-lead nurturing-gated content

5 replies
I have a question about when to gate content. We have been doing inbound marketing campaigns for lead generation. We create whitepapers on relevant industry related topics that our potential customer base would find valuable, we gate the content and then do a LinkedIn campaign and often partner with an industry magazine to use their email service to generate new leads not currently in our database. We then send out 3 nurturing emails to those that download the paper.

My question is what to do with our existing leads database when launching new campaigns. There is an internal debate on this with a differing opinion from various team members. For me, the purpose of creating the whitepaper is new lead generation so I would still send an email to existing leads (some are actually customers in our leads database...don't ask, the list is mess) but I want to send them a link to an un-gated version. I only want to gate it for new leads. It seems odd to me that we would force people to put in their information to access the whitepaper when we already have their info on file.

Any thoughts on this? Do you think that if we ask people we have on file to fill in their information again to see the paper that it may have value for us, like showing an increased interest so we could categorize them as having greater potential?

Thanks for your input!
#content #inbound #marketinglead #nurturinggated
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by lvaughan View Post

    I have a question about when to gate content. We have been doing inbound marketing campaigns for lead generation. We create whitepapers on relevant industry related topics that our potential customer base would find valuable, we gate the content and then do a LinkedIn campaign and often partner with an industry magazine to use their email service to generate new leads not currently in our database. We then send out 3 nurturing emails to those that download the paper.

    My question is what to do with our existing leads database when launching new campaigns. There is an internal debate on this with a differing opinion from various team members. For me, the purpose of creating the whitepaper is new lead generation so I would still send an email to existing leads (some are actually customers in our leads database...don't ask, the list is mess) but I want to send them a link to an un-gated version. I only want to gate it for new leads. It seems odd to me that we would force people to put in their information to access the whitepaper when we already have their info on file.

    Any thoughts on this? Do you think that if we ask people we have on file to fill in their information again to see the paper that it may have value for us, like showing an increased interest so we could categorize them as having greater potential?

    Thanks for your input!
    I'm totally with you on this. If you already have their info and they're on your list, let them access it immediately without having to provide their info again.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    you are overthinking this. Send your list a download link. then "gate" for the rest. it is really that simple


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Go with un-gated. Being generous increases your exposure which leads to more business. Holding content back until your brand is world famous and basking in millions makes little sense to me. Be generous. More money there.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author lvaughan
    Thank you for your feedback. Our digital manager decided to gate it so I'm going to compare download rates from our previous inbound campaign to see if more people on our list read our whitepaper when left ungated versus the one that went yesterday gated to that same list. At least then I'll have stats to back up my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    I support those who say that being generous is the key to success. If you already have their contacts, let them access the info. Withholding it only makes it difficult for them to make it go viral.
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