1000 Google Organic Views With 3% Click Through to Affiliate Links
As time passes, most keywords improve their ranking and now I have 1000 visitors daily on average.
I always put a call to action with an affiliate link after the first paragraph and at the end of the article. That's means 2 links in each article.
The issue is that I noticed the click-through rate to my Clickbank affiliate link is pretty low, about 3%. That's mean about 30 hops a day. I direct them to the vendor sales page without any opt-in.
1) Is that anything wrong with the ratio?
2) What can I do to improve the click-through rate? My keywords are quite targeted based on how to...., types of article.
3) Or I need to write more articles, so if I have 5000 views a day, based on 3%, I will have 150 hops a day?
Thanks for your advice.
Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com