Here's a very interesting article on
Marketing Land that talks about content being the main currency for us marketers. However, the author feels that, given the vast amount of content available to consumers, it's getting more and more difficult to monitor the effectiveness of our output.
Greg Bennett is Conversational Design Principal at Salesforce, and he says that for him, content analysis begins with identifying which channels are getting the most response:
"In the last six months the use of Salesforce's messaging channel has grown more than 600%. Our use of chatbots has increased over 170%, so when you see dramatic changes like that you need to instantly start analyzing the content that is being produced to measure its efficiency."
Salesforce used AI to deal with a heavy uptick in activity as the pandemic kicked in. The company used chatbots to ensure new content was a good fit for branding and review conversation patterns to increase their problem resolution efficiency.
"In content analysis we focus on the follow-up with customer requests and patterns of usage and conversation because those are trends we can immediately correct if we see any inefficiency. It is not just the subject of content in a channel, but the average handling time of content in the same space or the action taken from content in a marketing space."
Meggie Giancola is Head of CPG Sales and Strategy for Valassis, which is a marketing technology and consumer engagement firm:
"Now marketers are really measuring content on how much it correlates to brand value, and the past six months has brought us to a place in analytics that normally would have taken five years. How content is being used to motivate shoppers is much different than when this year started, so your analysis and measurement has to change. Every analysis is different. So as long as the analysis is data-driven that is a quality start. When you are seeing a high volume of content or impressions with minimal purchasing you need to ask if it is a content issue, brand issue, or pricing issue."
Back with Salesforce, who get 42% of service requests via chat, 37% over the phone, and 21% through chatbots, there's a new need to monitor how the bots perform:
"Measuring marketing content to extend and prolong engagement is less of a race and more of a marathon, If the content is for a service request you want minimal content that leads to a shorter waiting time that increases consumer satisfaction. As a marketer you have to separate the quality of service from the quality of conversation when measuring content. You could have great content in a conversation, but not resolve the original issue."
The Author goes on to say that when you measure your content, it's essential to do that comprehensively and identify opportunities where you can improve.