Marsbot: The audio virtual assistant of the future

by Administrator
3 replies
A new article on Marketing Land reports on IOS app, Marsbot, which has been dubbed as a virtual assistant in your ears. It provides the user with tips and recommendations through earbuds, all based on their location.

Marsbot does not require voice activation to turn on, such as Google's Home speaker with "Hey Google". Instead, it is ready at all times to give audio notifications. A typical instance in which Marsbot might activate is when you are walking down a street. Marsbot suddenly detects a popular bar or café, then recommends trying it out while giving you information about the place. This information may even be sourced from other people, as users can record sound bites for others to hear. The app will also activate if it detects other Marsbot users in the immediate area.

Marsbot Company founder, Dennis Crowley spoke on Marsbot, describing it as:

"A lightweight virtual assistant that proactively whispers local recommendations (and other fun snippets) into your headphones or earbuds as you're walking around."\
There is certainly serious market potential for Marsbot to tap. So many of us nowadays use wireless earbuds like Apple's Airpods on a daily basis, whether for listening to music or other purposes. In fact, there are more than 100 million people in the United States alone who own wireless earbuds.

Marsbot has forged a brand new category in the mobile market, combining the convenience of music player apps such as Spotify, and the use of the ground-breaking and emerging technology of augmented reality, with a voice assistant akin to something like Siri.

The question that remains now is whether this innovative idea takes off or nosedives to the ground. Either way, they most certainly have something special here.
#assistant #audio #future #marsbot #virtual
  • Profile picture of the author Radcliff
    A very good change in the use of earphones. It would actually be nice to have recommendations about different places especially when you are traveling.
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    It is getting intersting. I look forwad to the earphones that feature the Marsbot
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Marsbot suddenly detects a popular bar or café,

    Popular because it's reputed to be 'good' - or because 'influencers' recommend it in exchange for freebies...or because the restaurant pays to be recommended?

    I can imagine applications - for example when you are exploring a new city or traveling to a new area - where this might be helpful.

    Most of the time I think it might be like your old Auntie who just won't stop talking at you....or just a new way to blare advertisements at you at all times.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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