Has anyone here actually made any money from a product they bought?

23 replies
Can anyone here confirm if you ever bought a product on the warrior forum, implemented the methods exactly as instructed and managed to make a lot of money from which ever system you bought? Are you still implementing those methods today and making money from it? Are you making as much money as you did when you first started or has the method since then become outdated and no longer works like it use to? I am just curious to know peoples experiences with products they have bought on the warrior forum throughout the years and am wondering who here aside from the people selling the products have managed to make some serious money or at least something.
#bought #made #money #product
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  • Profile picture of the author frankl
    Originally Posted by johnnyr860 View Post

    Can anyone here confirm if you ever bought a product on the warrior forum, implemented the methods exactly as instructed and managed to make a lot of money from which ever system you bought?

    I don't think it works that way. Most of the time if you just copy the instructions, it's very likely that you will fail or see very little result.

    Whatever products or service you buy, you first should think about your products or service then try to adjust the purchased service to fit your needs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by johnnyr860 View Post

    Can anyone here confirm if you ever bought a product on the warrior forum, implemented the methods exactly as instructed and managed to make a lot of money from which ever system you bought? Are you still implementing those methods today and making money from it? Are you making as much money as you did when you first started or has the method since then become outdated and no longer works like it use to? I am just curious to know peoples experiences with products they have bought on the warrior forum throughout the years and am wondering who here aside from the people selling the products have managed to make some serious money or at least something.



    The rest of my responses are trade secrets
    and proprietary.

    And you know the pitfalls of curiosity, right?

    Anyway, it doesn't matter whether or not
    people made money from the WSOs or all
    the other endless information they learned
    from the Warrior Forum.

    I could give you a simple three-step system
    to make $100,000 a year and 99.9% of the
    people who read it won't even give it a try
    because they are going to spend the next
    five years analyzing whether or not it really

    There are dozens of ways to make money
    online and hundreds of variations.

    Pick one and get busy.
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  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    Yes, I've bought dozens and made money with most of them and I ran about a dozen WSOs myself over the years and profited from every one.

    Sometimes you just need one gold nugget you can implement or an idea sparks some creativity that you use for your own projects.

    It likely depends on what your goals are going into it and what you decide to do with the new knowledge after you acquire it.

    It's up to you!

    => Stay tuned...

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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    It's not really an answer to your question, but I want to expand a little on on what Frankl wrote -- because I think your purchasing approach is wrong. It's a little bit like if you were going to make a really fancy dinner and while at the grocery store you asked one of the clerks, "Does this brand of pasta/flour/salt/sugar/whatever work?"

    The clerk would naturally ask: "What are you trying to make?" Or better yet: "What's your recipe?"

    I get that what you're trying to buy is the recipe, not the ingredients. But the truth is that business doesn't work by just following recipes: you've got to create your own or at the very least adapt it to your own needs, skills, and circumstances. And let's face it: even if you could buy the perfect "recipe", you'd still likely need to be a good "cook" to follow it.

    I've never bought nor sold a product on the Warrior Forum. But that's not because they don't work -- it's because I haven't needed what's being sold here. But I buy plenty of other stuff -- servers, staff time, software... You know, stuff I need to run my business.

    My advice is to use common sense: figure out what your business needs, then buy that -- don't just go on a shopping spree because you don't know what else to do. If some of what you need is available here, buy it. If not, look elsewhere. And if you don't know what your business needs -- well, then you need to figure out your business plan before you even think of spending any money.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacobphotolixa
    Actually, I've no Idea it works that way. Most of the time if you only copy the instructions, it's extremely likely that you simply will fail or see little or no result.
    Whatever products or services you purchase, you initially should believe your products or service then attempt to adjust the purchased service to suit your needs.
    It can even help when you wanna refine ur slang or formality level. That's especially useful when writing for a broad audience ranging from businessmen to friends and family, don't you think? It'll inspect your vocabulary carefully and suggest the best word to make sure you don't have to analyze your writing too much.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amazingkom
    Hi all,
    You all have attacked it in various dimension and arrived on the same spot. The answers are spot on. The question is also direct as to what Johnyr860 has in mind. Like Kilgore and Diego opined, buying can never be like doing. In my own experience, I have bought a lot, did little (just because of time and my day job), but I have seen what I bought been used somewhere else and did well. I have also been on some platforms, where nothing happens for some and things are happening for others. Hey Johnnyr, read through all the responses, make up your mind as to what you really want to do and see how you can get it done. Or on the other hand, ask for support/collaboration where necessary to action your ideas. I had to do the later when all the money I spent were just sitting in the cloud without me actioning any for lack of time. Don't get me wrong, there are b...s products and advices out there from self styled gurus out to just take your money. Also, there are the good ones. Buyer beware.

    Anyone used the Kboovo before?
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  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    I try with every product I buy to actually use it!

    Even if it's not straight profit, I can turn some of the products into lead magnets for example. That way I can build my list and profit in the follow-up sequences.

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  • Profile picture of the author Wizardofwisdom
    Originally Posted by johnnyr860 View Post

    Can anyone here confirm if you ever bought a product on the warrior forum, implemented the methods exactly as instructed and managed to make a lot of money from which ever system you bought? Are you still implementing those methods today and making money from it? Are you making as much money as you did when you first started or has the method since then become outdated and no longer works like it use to? I am just curious to know peoples experiences with products they have bought on the warrior forum throughout the years and am wondering who here aside from the people selling the products have managed to make some serious money or at least something.
    The short answer is yes - I have in fact both bought and sold products here on WF and made money from both, including getting new clients from what I sold and making multiple $1000's that way.

    BUT ... this industry is full of hyped up products that try to convince unwary buyers that for a few dollars you'll learn secrets that will have your computer spitting out moolah overnight.

    That's never going to happen! And ask yourself: if it was true, why would anyone waste their time, energy and money giving away such a secret to all and sundry for a few measly bucks?

    Times have changed too. Even WF is very different from when I started my full time online career (which was early 2014). Platforms change and rules change.

    What doesn't change is PEOPLE. We have the same needs we've had since the dawn of trade. We have the same reservations too. What makes people buy and what makes them resist buying is not hard to fathom or use as long as you don't let the razzmatazz of the internet confuse you!

    [Edited by moderator: Please do not solicit PMs or personal contact]
    Establish your online biz in weeks not months without selling, coercing, persuading or manipulating anyone into buying your services... Talk to me for FREE...
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  • Profile picture of the author johnnyr860
    Thank you all for the replies. I guess I should have been more specific. This post was not directed at myself personally although I can relate. I just made it as a general discussion. When I first started on the warrior forum many years ago I remember one of the first posts I saw was headlined something like "complete newbie makes 10 grand in 7 days and now you can too." I mean they say if it sounds too good to be true it most likely is. I never bought the product but I remember seeing so many people who knew nothing about internet marketing being sucked into it. Made me wonder how many people actually made any money from that product.

    Then when you buy the product and try it or tweak it and don't make money it can be frustrating. I would know because I have been there a number of times myself. The other thing is review copies. Would you go to Amazon and review a product that you did not buy? Better yet would you buy the product and review it before it arrives to your house or before you have had the chance to try the product to see if it works or not? I know I wouldn't, So why are the "review copies" that are handed out here simply from people stating "product looks good. Product sounds good. You should buy it."

    Person gets a review copy doesn't try the product but leaves a positive review anyways. I don't want to know if you "think" the product works or you "think" we should buy the product. I want to know that you tried the product and can confirm that it does in fact work. It is great to see so many people who can reply that they made money but for the vast majority of people here that has not been the case. I came back on after not buying a product in over 2 years hoping to see change and I see nothing much has changed at all. I have no intent to buy anything else on the warrior forum. I ended up starting a graphic design business and can say I made more money there than I probably ever would have with anything I bought at the warrior forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author shami
    Yes bought lots of products in the past and made money with some of those products
    When I first started I had no idea what I was doing... and No I was not making money at the beginning ...then you improve your skill of understanding the method and add your spin to even get the better result.

    Now fast forward today..I just had My First $1,000 a Day Milestone Achieved..

    Originally Posted by johnnyr860 View Post

    Can anyone here confirm if you ever bought a product on the warrior forum, implemented the methods exactly as instructed and managed to make a lot of money from which ever system you bought? Are you still implementing those methods today and making money from it? Are you making as much money as you did when you first started or has the method since then become outdated and no longer works like it use to? I am just curious to know peoples experiences with products they have bought on the warrior forum throughout the years and am wondering who here aside from the people selling the products have managed to make some serious money or at least something.
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  • Profile picture of the author CruxisKnight
    "implemented the methods exactly as instructed and managed to make a lot of money"

    I think this is your problem and most people's problem right here. Many people are looking for easy push button riches and don't want the hard work of experimenting for themselves. From personal experience, I learned a lot from different courses, products, and free info and did my own experiments to see if they really truly worked with my own eyes.

    Even if I tell you I bought the product and it worked for me, you would still not believe. You need to learn it and experiment with it yourself to see the results for your own eyes.

    I tried using the instructions just as said in the course, but found that if I did it didn't fit my style of working or it required something that didn't fit with my current knowledge and understanding or ethics. So the best thing I found is learn the principles behind the courses and created my own methods that fits me and works for me. I did this all through trial and error and ended up with something workable but that is only after a lot of hard work.

    Get rid of the perception of push button easy riches otherwise you will be prey to unscrupulous marketers. Accept that making money requires hard work, especially at the beginning, no matter what anyone tries to sell you. Everyone has to work, the janitor, the cashier, the president of a company, a business owner, the president of the United States, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, everyone. So don't think you're special that you can get rich quick without lifting a finger just by following some course instructions.

    Follow one method or business model you like and think you will stick to working hard on for a very long time and experiment for yourself long enough to see results whether the results are positive or negative, and by long enough I mean as in months and years.

    Notice I highlighted experimenting for yourself because that is ultimately what you need to end up doing even after buying the courses and products no matter what.
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
    All those products are just tools that allow you to implement something you are unable to do at your own. I mean that even notepad.exe may help you to make millions of dollars...
    CyberSEO Pro - the ultimate AI autoblogging and RSS, XML, HTML, JSON and CSV import plugin for WordPress with support for GPT-4o, Claude, Gemini, Llama 3, Midjourney, DALL-E 3, Stable Diffusion and more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Old Molases
    People tend to share what work for them. It is not guaranteed that it will work for you as well. This place can be great for learning as will be interacting with people who are beginners and people who are experts in their fields. You need to do a lot of A/B testing to check what works for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    No but I found very occasional gold in the War Room.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I've had lot of success using product purchased as WSO's. However, I read ads very closely and I have very realistic expectations about products. Having been in IM since 1996, I've learned to read between the lines in ad, and what's not said is often more important that what is said. I also check out the seller very closely.

    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
    Click To Go BIG!

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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I did not buy products from the warrior forum but I bought a lot from youtube reviews in the past (basically the same products -just a different platform)

    Therefore after all these years and after all I have seen in the industry I can tell you that the majority of people never makes any money after buying these products.

    The reason is that the product given can never live up to the claims being made on the sales pages. People always buy into hope and fast and easy money and sellers know what their audience wants to hear.

    So they advertise it exactly like that and the customers get demotivated extremely fast once they got access to the product because they realise that it is not as easy and fast as they thought.

    They realise that they have to "work". They realise that it doesn't make fun and they find 100 reasons to not give it a try in the first place.

    Then they remember that there are 1000 other opportunities on the marketplace --- what if?----what if I just need to keep searching for the easy one?? for the fast one? I'm soooo clever -I'm sure I find it!!

    This is when the vicious cycle begins.

    This is where most people are permanently trapped in.
    (I was in there myself lol..)

    To make it short..yes I earned money from some products but before that happened please do not ask how much I bought and lost haha.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Like many people mentioned here you have to try and practice what works for you!
    I bought one and got me some little money but after I focused more on my own qualities and services I can offer and guess what?
    It works!
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  • I think that in order to make money from a product you buy you need to understand your product and know what to do with it, not only to know the implementation and instructions.
    I recently purchased an app from Shopify marketplace, name Twik, now those apps - cost 9$ a month. Not such a big of a deal, but I wanted to understand what I'm paying for.
    I contacted the company and received hands-on training session, with a full explanation of how this app personalized each and every user experience, based on pre-funnel and behavioral conditions, in real time.
    I could literally just install the app and let it work and then ask myself if it's working or not. But the most important is to understand the product you are paying for.
    "Don't expect the dress to look good without wearing it right."
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  • Profile picture of the author hamzahassan43
    not yet. Maybe in future
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway

    I use products that help me find niches that are easier to rank.

    I build sites and make my money through affiliate programs.

    Is it quick? NO

    It is easy? NO. You have to finetune.

    In other words, I had to treat what I am doing as a BUSINESS.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jean2021
    I bough a property from and I rented it out to students. Made a pretty huge amount of money from it.
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