Why marketing automation is crucial to your success
According to Forrester, 80% of marketing automation users see a 77% increase in conversions. As a B2B marketer, you work with vast amounts of data to execute campaigns across multiple channels. You create personalized communications with helpful information to turn prospects into qualified leads that are more likely to convert for sales.
So, you probably know the pain of having to hack together different systems to get all this done. You need one system to find and target your audience, one to run your campaign, one to analyze the results, one to pass the leads to sales, and maybe even a few more. Marketing automation can help, though. With it, you can use one system for all your marketing tasks. Marketing automation also streamlines your processes to reduce costs, improve productivity, and boost efficiency.
Invesp found that marketing automation drives a 14.2% rise in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead, and you can find many more insights like that in Search Engine Land's guide, covering topics like:
- The impact marketing automation can make, its different types, and benefits
- How to build a foundational strategy to get the most value from marketing automation
- Five steps to get started launching successful automated campaigns