Why testing is a marketer's most powerful tool
Are you running tests in your marketing? If not, you should be. If you are, you're probably not getting the full value from your testing. Testing is the single most powerful tool in a marketer's toolkit. For too long, testing has been misunderstood and underutilized by marketers.
If you want to determine which approach works better, testing is the obvious approach. Through experimentation, we can statistically prove which messaging, creative or page generates a better response and increased sales.
The power of testing isn't limited to the tactical level. Understanding and applying testing at a strategic level will transform how you approach your marketing and can unlock the ability to drive consistent and predictable growth.
Testing is misunderstood
There's a testing gap in marketing. The reality is most marketers have zero experience with testing and experimentation. And the few who know something about testing have learned about it second-hand, from blogs and videos.
There's nothing inherently wrong with educational content that's freely available online, but there is, unfortunately, a plethora of misinformation about testing. A quick Google search about testing will lead you to advice suggesting that a "good test" could be as easy as comparing a red button versus a blue button.
Don't fall for the trap. Testing is much more complex. There are two big challenges with testing: deciding what to test and interpreting the results correctly. Both are essential, and many experienced marketers still incorrectly do one (or both). Every test you run takes effort, resources and time. That means every test has both a tangible cost and an opportunity cost. In short, testing is expensive.
To maximize the impact of testing, you must prioritize your tests, focusing on the experiments that will produce the greatest result in the shortest time. This is where deciding what to test matters--a lot.
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