The Great Resignation - Will it last or saturate IM?

by alanaj
10 replies
I've been following this topic for some time now, and I am curious if you guys think people leaving their jobs will stick it out.

Obviously different people are leaving for different reasons. Some had enough time off during the lock-downs to realize they didn't want to go back; others are fighting the no jab/ no job situation, while some people have been motivated to pursue life on their terms.

What say you?
#great #great resignation #internet makerting #quiet quitting #resignation #saturate
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  • Profile picture of the author ashtondunhill
    People have to earn a living. They will run out of their money, their parents money and will soon realize they need to work.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Some will stick it out; some will find greener pastures and find a better job.

    Originally Posted by alanaj View Post

    I've been following this topic for some time now, and I am curious if you guys think people leaving their jobs will stick it out.

    Obviously different people are leaving for different reasons. Some had enough time off during the lock-downs to realize they didn't want to go back; others are fighting the no jab/ no job situation, while some people have been motivated to pursue life on their terms.

    What say you?
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    There's signs indicating shifts in the power, influences, and controls over resources, and those signs are seldom good. With global tensions rising in Russia - Ukraine conflict, gas and food prices rising - which leads to higher manufacturing, distribution, and transporting costs...

    I am NOT a fan of the entire "resignation" from work. The fact, everyone is hiring - is true, I see tons of employers wanting reliable and qualified help, unfortunately the pay - salaries - wages DO indicate that few jobs are paying a living wage - so in many cases people NEED a partner, roommate, or a side hustle to get through these unstable times.

    But... by nature, I don't think it is people being lazy or spoiled as much as it is difficult to COMMAND what you are worth in many industries as people get desperate - it creates a "if you don't take this job 99 others will" - instead of finding the means to allow employers and employees sharing the burden more equally. Business owners - do not like losing profits.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author alanaj
      I agree that low salaries are a major factor with the great reset.

      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      There's signs indicating shifts in the power, influences, and controls over resources, and those signs are seldom good. With global tensions rising in Russia - Ukraine conflict, gas and food prices rising - which leads to higher manufacturing, distribution, and transporting costs...

      I am NOT a fan of the entire "resignation" from work. The fact, everyone is hiring - is true, I see tons of employers wanting reliable and qualified help, unfortunately the pay - salaries - wages DO indicate that few jobs are paying a living wage - so in many cases people NEED a partner, roommate, or a side hustle to get through these unstable times.

      But... by nature, I don't think it is people being lazy or spoiled as much as it is difficult to COMMAND what you are worth in many industries as people get desperate - it creates a "if you don't take this job 99 others will" - instead of finding the means to allow employers and employees sharing the burden more equally. Business owners - do not like losing profits.
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      People are not innately spoiled; if we're justly rewarded/compensated, it's all good.

      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      But... by nature, I don't think it is people being lazy or spoiled as much as it is difficult to COMMAND what you are worth in many industries as people get desperate - it creates a "if you don't take this job 99 others will" - instead of finding the means to allow employers and employees sharing the burden more equally. Business owners - do not like losing profits.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11708028].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

        People are not innately spoiled; if we're justly rewarded/compensated, it's all good.
        On that note... one life-changing event that shifted my entire focus on life, money, and business happened at a minimum wage job when I was 17. - A co-worker stalked me until I agreed to go to an Amway convention where I heard Zig Ziglar and a bunch of other speakers (*I cannot remember) spoke a few words of wisdom...

        "If you provide enough solutions to other peoples problems - your own problems will be greatly reduced or removed altogether." (*paraphrasing Zig Ziglar)

        3 months later...

        I built, owned, and operated an ice cream truck at 18 years old making damn good money and I had time freedom... accept on the weekends - while all my friends were off work partying - I had to work, LOL. (*saved me a ton of money, actually)

        Maybe, I wasn't solving problems... but selling ice cream made people happy!

        Most people would likely rather NOT DO something that took years to learn for less money, when they can get paid the same money to go learn something new and get paid while learning it... letting go of your old career is difficult the longer you did that type of work though!
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Leavin' frequently lacks any sense of walkin' towards.

    Less'n nowan can get beyond what they got outta, they boomerangin' the frick back.

    That is why troo change figures more direction than mere chance.

    So how important is this to you?

    The irreversible continuum of your bein' demands a viable backstory.

    An' a purchasable fyootyore, preferably without exotic dancin' less'n that is your areah.

    When individyool spin meets orbit of whatevah, fireworks kinda happen.

    An' we happnin' out now bcs myootly evident downtime.

    Leastaways, that is the excuse I always offah Mom when she calls to check if'n I feedin' musself proper.

    Does activity flood into vacuums or nuthin' spring from nuthin' less'n sumthin' noo happens?

    Touched. Blessed. Blighted. Cursed. Freed.

    We may, if'n we wish, speak togethah 'bout stuff like this for a brief moment.

    We all walked togetherah despite our walkin' apart.

    So mebbe there gonna be all kindsa drops of previous insolubles into momentary stoopidly flooid flooids ... an' all kindsa readin's gonna floopsy right offa no charts ...

    but all desirable orbits will benefit from their satellites ...

    an' prolly they won't diffah too much from trad desirable orbits anyways.

    Bcs where is Gahdzilla stompin' round YOUR neighborhood rn?

    Tellya, you see his ass, you send in the shots here.

    That is the deal with 500 foot tall fire-breathin' monstah reptile cinema tropes imho.

    They figure they own the show -- but they do naht.

    Less'n they got an offah on discount nachos in the theater.

    Yeah, that would prolly help the fkr along into your horizon.

    (Most movie screens ain't 500 foot tall btw: it is a speshl effect.)

    Prolly we freed by Gahdzilla.

    Blighted & cursed likely ain't troo less'n you superparanoidly weird.

    Blessed is clearly ridiculous, even for those at the absolute fringe.

    A' FFS whou would wanna be TOUCHED by such an EVIL CREACHAH from SO BEYOND you gotta BREAK YOUR FRICKIN' NECK in ordah to make eye contact?

    That is why 7yo Persephone Weavecreed keeps weirsdy undersea slugs in a giant tank in her bedroom.

    "Dogs are just noisy and cats are so crap. And who would want a hamster anyway? I asked Dad for some bats but he said NO, so my Granma sent me these critters. All I want to do is gaze upon them. All I want to do is swim amongst them. Hey, but I ain't seen my parents for a week now. So maybe I should scoop 'em out of their tank and eat them."

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11707975].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    It is just the best time for marketing entrepreneurs to step it up and share ways for people to earn online.

    I think Rich Dad Poor Dad opened alot of eyes. What may seem secure is sometimes the exact opposite.

    New Millionaires increased during lockdowns. People took action quickly knowing more people would be at home.

    Home Improvements.
    Relationship Counseling.
    Fitness. (closed gyms)
    Hand sanitizer Business.
    So many more.

    People need to know how to enter the Crypto markets without getting scammed....too quickly.

    Really alot of opportunities to become self employed and to cater to the self employed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11708100].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Some people will be able to stick it out, and some won't. Depends on their ability to find joy without a job and have residual income to live off, and their ability to process internet business knowledge should they choose to go that route.
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    • Profile picture of the author alanaj
      Well said and very optimistic outlook Randall

      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Some people will be able to stick it out, and some won't. Depends on their ability to find joy without a job and have residual income to live off, and their ability to process internet business knowledge should they choose to go that route.
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