Generating organic UK web traffic to a US website - is it possible?

4 replies
Hello there - long time lurker, first time poster.

I work for a global software company as a regional Marketing Manager. The company is HQ-ed in Germany so has a strong market presence there - it also has a strong presence the US and France. As a consquence, our English website is in the United States, and web visitors can change their language (not location) via the drop down at the top - we currently have English, France, Germany, Span and Japan. UK web visitors are directed to the US website. We currently without specialist SEO knowledge - a gap we are a looking to fill.

The UK is a smaller market for the organisation, but they are looking to grow this. My question is this:

Can we drive UK traffic to a US based website?

My colleagues in France, Germany and US gather plenty of organic form submissions - I feel this is because they have a website dedicated to their market. I need to start generating web traffic and conversions in the UK, but I'm not sure it's possible without being able to update a UK based website with content, blogs etc. As a temporary measure, we have Google Ads running in the UK which papers over these cracks. But I need a long term strategy and have no idea where to start - a new website for the UK would be a serious undertaking for the business so I need to absolutely sure it's the right path to take.

Thanks a lot.
#generating #organic #traffic #web #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Supernatural_fan
    If your website will give glue in solving numerous challenges facing UK economy; then be assured of that.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11729022].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rainmak3r
    I was going to suggest solo ads traffic from UK related IPs (non UK IPs can be blocked using a tracker etc). Should this be a pricey option, then you can create a subdomain or purchase a domain with a extension, rank that as a local entity in the UK (GMB) and have the site redirected to the US version.

    Just a thought.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11729190].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by incuboy View Post

    As a temporary measure, we have Google Ads running in the UK which papers over these cracks. But I need a long term strategy and have no idea where to start - a new website for the UK would be a serious undertaking for the business so I need to absolutely sure it's the right path to take.
    To straight off answer the question of right path or not... either way is an investment correct? Ads, or a new website. You can financially break this down to absolute cost no? What will ads cost per year? What will the expense of building out a UK site cost? How many years of ads will it take to reach the break even point? Depending on the ad spend we might be talking months. In the long run 2 years 5 years which path is the most cost effective?

    I primarily sell products online. As much as language is a barrier that requires separate websites or its own subsection, I personally consider currency to be as important if not more important - IE Pounds vs Dollars Vs Euros.

    France and Germany use the same currency, correct? But, it is obvious to have separate sections of a website for those 2 based on Language.

    US English and UK English as much as they are both "English" can quickly becomes languages not so close. If I am selling trucks for example is it Trucks or Lorries? If we look here: ( ) and you are selling anything that might use these terms... you may warrant the need for a separate subsection of the website - based soley on language differences.

    MORE important than language is the understanding of cost. In todays world and the exchange rate fluctuating the way that it is - asking potential prospects to do math in their head because they have been sent to a US site seems a bit silly no? The language of currency should be the driving force of decisions like this.

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11729210].message }}
  • Prahblem the US gaht is how it figures it evah won a sepprtit identity from the Yookay -- speshly when it nevah kinda didn't ain't.

    Which is why it insists on pullin' alla the zillion dollah linguistic levahs for clarificaytshnyool dominaahnce without recourse to ovahly exotic vowels, consonants (heeteesee) actschlly define stuff bettah than soundin' like no mere goobah from outta no swamp.

    My view?

    Anywan needs help deserves it most.

    An' spades will forevah be demanded in spades.

    So forget generations of weaponised obterfyoose between Hummerican Hingerlishe an' Hacktyouall Yanno: say whatchya mean & trust yusself to back it up.

    Anyplace you from or gowin', your heresynowsy startsya up.

    Duff-alt settin'!

    Else'n you NOPLACE - speshly wherevah anywan had their sensory organs misappropriated by overt subterfuge they signed up for on a whim bcs it SOUNDED GOOD.

    What is universally delicious an' individyooly savorable?

    All natchrlly flowin' discourse starts here, howevah you say the fkr zackly.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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