Why Not Ditch GA4 and Build My Own Analytics?
So is there any reason why I shouldn't exclude GA4 and instead build my own serverside tracking tool to track users, page visits, events, drop a first-party cookie to track their entire historical site visits and actions over time then store that data in a data platform and a BI front end?
The only things I see that I would lose unless there are better options are:
1. Google Signals, so I wouldn't get cross-device attribution unless I have them login.
2. Demographics Gender / Age, which is going to be limited at best, I think, and probably even less valuable really if I have a general idea of my market based on lead research.
3. Re-targeting - I'm not sure how accurate this is going to be anyway after they remove 3rd party cookies on chrome. And of course currently on safari and firefox?
Anything I'm missing or reasons why my only 3 concerns are bigger than I'm making them out to be?
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