Where to post a new Software / Saas

15 replies
Hey guys, I was on here many moons ago and even posted a bunch of WSOs, some proved quite popular. Things here, and almost everywhere else online, have changed a lot in the 15 years+ that I've been doing this.

Things that used to work really well for promoting a software, PADs and directories, don't even seem to exist anymore, let alone still be usable for announcing products.

When I launched [link removed by moderator] there seemed to be so many places that I could, legitimately, post it to to get some attention but they seem to be really few these days.

Does anyone have any good places to promote a software or SaaS type product these days? I know that the WSO section is an option but Im looking for other ways to promote a new service.

Cheers guys.

P.S I just tried posting this on a different account that I thought was my old account but I'd accidentally opened a similarly named new account. Sorry for that, the new account was an accident.
#post #saas #software
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Your best bet, when it comes to RETURN ON INVESTMENT, would be to contact TIKTOK influencers with big followings

    I've seen apps and sites BLOW UP because enough influencers did a "walkthrough" video on them

    The influencers get content, you get traffic. Fair exchange.

    Of course, the bigger the influencer, the higher the chance they'll ask for money

    If you need ideas on how to contact these, just ask away
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    • Profile picture of the author jimbobo2779
      That sounds interesting. I don't know if many customers for an expired domain software would be on tiktok but I don't really spend much time on that platform so have no idea what the average user is about.

      Is this something you have done in the past? Are there influencer exchanges like there is for guest posts? I mean, a site where I can search influencers that are open to doing paid spots?
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      • Profile picture of the author shuvoimtiaz
        I believe you should look into Tiktok and Youtube Shorts influencers. I had the same thought about Tiktok. My thought process changed after testing TikTok audience for critical niches such as Employee retention tax credit. By the way, you can also try Appsumo's lifetime deal for your SaaS.

        SEO content writer with a decade of experience. Learn more: shuvoimtiaz.com

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      • Profile picture of the author writeaway
        Originally Posted by jimbobo2779 View Post

        I don't know if many customers for an expired domain software would be on tiktok but I don't really spend much time on that platform so have no idea what the average user is about.
        There are lots of marketer influencers that talk about SEO on tiktok

        You should consider hiring a low cost VA to find and reach out to these people
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  • Profile picture of the author LuizKA
    You can share in social media and forums
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by LuizKA View Post

      You can share in social media and forums
      There are SaaS intro as well as SEO FB groups. There are tons of subreddits with SEO/content marketing/online publishing focus.

      Interact, gain credibility, then start sharing content that pushes your product
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  • Profile picture of the author EveHolder
    Wishing you the best of luck in promoting your new service, and I hope it finds success in this ever-evolving digital landscape!
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  • Profile picture of the author Camorra
    And I ran into such a problem. Previously, the Internet was full of forums, platforms for free and paid ads, where you could advertise your software. But now almost everyone has disappeared.
    Have you found a solution?
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    • Profile picture of the author jimbobo2779
      No, I redid my PAD submissions like it was still 2012 and then started doing the old SEO basics of looking up my competitors backlinks and trying to steal a couple. It seems like most of the old webmaster forums are done as are a bunch of the smaller forums I used to visit.

      I feel like the web is all homogenising towards a few big sites with strict rules and no soul. Maybe I'm just getting old.

      Yeah, looks like the way forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author MYDCOM
    Same here, I'm in the exact same situation.
    Looking for places to advertise my free ai and SEO tools site.

    For now I am doing youtube, forum marketing, my own blogs, and SEO.
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  • there is community on reddit for SAAS
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  • Profile picture of the author emonmahamud1
    nice Have you tried AppSumo?
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The most popular platform for SaaS launches is producthunt

    Pro tip: only look into getting listed once your product is a) bulletproof and reliable b) you already have a small but loyal base of happy users

    You'll need both in place to fully leverage the power of producthunt and other SaaS 'profiling' platforms

    Journalists and bloggers use those platforms to review the latest SaaS and you can even attract VENTURE CAPITAL attention

    Good luck and take care!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rully
    Try using social media, SaaS forums, or sites like Product Hunt and Indie Hackers. You can also hit up LinkedIn groups or subreddits to reach your audience.

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