Text to Speech free ?

by zoro
3 replies
Anyone know of a Free Text to Speech generator that allows audio files to be downloaded?
#free #speech #text
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    It took me a few seconds to google it for you...for example: https://ttsmp3.com/
    but there are way more..just ask your good old friend google and he will spit out all these amazing results for you

    however since I'm a voiceover artist myself I recommend to use a real human being instead that reads your texts. That way you got the human touch and real emotions ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Keithwf
    Hi I have used Lucas AI it is a very good video story teller it converts text to speech and video with real voices just add the text in the enter your detailed idea here.
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  • Profile picture of the author lucymartin
    Use Lucas Ai
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