Appropriate Affiliate Commission for an Online Course

4 replies
Hey all, sellers here, new to this. We have a one-off trading course for $329, and are finally going the affiliate route after over 500 sales. We want to make a competitive rate for new affiliates, while still keeping things reasonable for us too.

If it was you, what rate would you want to see to get you to act or at least look a bit deeper into the product?

If you're too advanced for something like this, then that's fine, but back when you weren't, what type of % commission would you be looking for here?

Thanks in advance. There is sooo little information out there for sellers. We want to get this right the first time and do right by our affiliates.
#affiliate #commission #online
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  • Profile picture of the author IMBizPro
    Is it a fully digitally delivered course?

    If so I think anywhere from 35%-50% is good to attract the most affiliates.

    The prospect of getting $100+ per sale is great and would definitely be attractive to me personally if I were in that niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    It also depends a bit on whether there are any upsells for the product
    You can use different strategies and make the frontend product really interesting for affiliates and set the commissions percentage very high at 80%-100%, and then earn good money yourself through further backend sales once the customers have been generated by the affiliates.

    However, if you only have this one product for $329 then I agree with IMBizPro. that should be a good range.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    A $100 per sale commission would be brilliant. You can also consider a tiered commission structure and give a high amount only to the consistent performers.

    designing $100 landing pages.

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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Assuming there are others in your niche who are attracting sales through affiliates, I'd see what they are paying and (at least initially) offer a better commission than your competitors are paying.
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