Which digital product reseller method is better?
So first of all, it's been a while since I've posted a thread. Maybe me replying to someone else's is more recent.
Anyway, I figured I'd ask this question here since I've been wracking my brain trying to figure this out.
I have a bunch of questions within this thread, and they are the following:
Does it make sense to send visitors straight to a sales page (your own or someone else's)?
Does it make more sense to send visitors to a squeeze page, in which you will build a list?
Spoiler alert.
Through internet marketing, I've learned this rule which has been echoed for a long time...
"The money is in the list."
See, in my continuing education in this field, I'm realizing that there are people who are making sales (affiliate or from their products) by driving visitors directly to the sales page. Yet, in this field, people hammer the idea that you should build a list.
Should I take into account the minority of people making direct sales versus the majority of people trying to "build a list first?"
I'd think the obvious answer is to send them to the squeeze page because if you send them to the sales page and they don't buy, you potentially lose them forever. It gets worse if it's an affiliate offer; now you really might have lost them.
- One can also do more if they build a list, they can still send them to that product after they sign up, and remarket to them that same product if they don't buy.
- Plus, they can market other people's products (affiliate marketing) through the list.
Lastly, say for example I'm trying to sell 100 digital products. Should I then create 100 lists, with a follow-up sequence for each, to then market them all?
Or would it make sense to bundle some of them up, and still create 5-10 lists to market the products?
Let me know. Sorry if this is a bit long, and if you don't understand, do comment.
I appreciate all and any input. Thanks in advance.
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