We are looking for the Best Customer Review software out there

15 replies
We are looking for a customer review platform that helps intercept negative customer reviews. What we want is the ability to address the complaints before they really get out of hand, any suggestions?
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by James Bush View Post

    We are looking for a customer review platform that helps intercept negative customer reviews. What we want is the ability to address the complaints before they really get out of hand, any suggestions?

    If you're getting negative customer reviews there must be a problem.

    If there is a problem you should welcome the negative reviews and answer them in a way that shows you're concerned and will work to alleviate the problem.

    A good business owner can use reviews, whether good or bad to their advantage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by James Bush View Post

    We are looking for a customer review platform that helps intercept negative customer reviews. What we want is the ability to address the complaints before they really get out of hand, any suggestions?

    Search online for "reputation management."

    There are dozens of services and software for this but the gist
    of managing things is to have dissatisfied customers contact you
    with their grievance B4 leaving a bad review on Yelp or wherever.

    IDK which one is the best, you need to research that yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author evrimege
    Trying to fix customer reviews is really useless, and most of the tools on the market are only good for the short term.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i like birdeye i dont know if u have tried them yet

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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    • Profile picture of the author James Bush
      No I havent heard of them, I appreciate the input I'll look into them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abdullahcpa
    I understand your point of view. As the reviews can be overwhelming, it is suggested to use Birdeye for it. You might also try Podium, I assure you it is quite useful as well. It may be useful to just sit and see which features of the two methods are most convenient when applied.
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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineProxy
    Try Podium. It has everything you need features captures negative feedback privately, allowing you to respond and resolve issues before they go public.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by OnlineProxy View Post

      Try Podium. It has everything you need features captures negative feedback privately, allowing you to respond and resolve issues before they go public.
      Are you saying since most people leave business reviews on Google Business Profiles, Podium intercepts the negative reviews?

      Or, is this just some nonsense you haven't tried?

      Because I can assure you it doesn't work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Like Monetize says, there are plenny repuurtayschwaahn management services out there gonna helpya take down bad reviews an' clean up yr act.

    But yr gold standahd for positivity gotta always be to shine so natchrl an' delish you don't court nowan sayin' you crap.

    Thing is tho, folks're jus' slackers, which is why the desiah to give a positive review counts less for stuff than GITTIN' ANGRY AN' TAKE THAT YOU ... hittin' out with a bad review.

    2 things to do.

    1) Identify the loon-brained maniacs SHOUTIN' ATCHYA bcs they prolly shout at EVRYTHIN'.

    Remove those.

    2) Where you gaht less deloosional gripes, you can mebbe say sumthin' like "we seen this an' we workin' on it to make our service bettah", yanno, sumthin' to say you HEARD an' the FYOOTYOORE gonna be bettah.

    Gotta figure online peer review is kinda equally a blessin' an' a coise.

    You can ramp up stars an' kudos kinda easy if'n you dowin' yr jahb, but if'n there are CRACKS in yr SERVICE, the yap yap yap culchah we gaht rn will spawn SUMONE gonna say "crap" or "don't buy" or "total loser".

    Thing is tho, the rools of hooman conduct remain same:

    Endeavor always to be a procreatively cool person gaht an eye on themsothahs around.

    "Court naught but adoration,
    and ye shall never rise
    above thy decimation."

    (Cain't remembah now whethah this was Mel Brooks, Britney, or Goebbels.)

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Like Monetize says, there are plenny repuurtayschwaahn management services out there gonna helpya take down bad reviews an' clean up yr act.

      But yr gold standahd for positivity gotta always be to shine so natchrl an' delish you don't court nowan sayin' you crap.

      Thing is tho, folks're jus' slackers, which is why the desiah to give a positive review counts less for stuff than GITTIN' ANGRY AN' TAKE THAT YOU ... hittin' out with a bad review.

      2 things to do.

      1) Identify the loon-brained maniacs SHOUTIN' ATCHYA bcs they prolly shout at EVRYTHIN'.

      Remove those.

      2) Where you gaht less deloosional gripes, you can mebbe say sumthin' like "we seen this an' we workin' on it to make our service bettah", yanno, sumthin' to say you HEARD an' the FYOOTYOORE gonna be bettah.

      Gotta figure online peer review is kinda equally a blessin' an' a coise.

      You can ramp up stars an' kudos kinda easy if'n you dowin' yr jahb, but if'n there are CRACKS in yr SERVICE, the yap yap yap culchah we gaht rn will spawn SUMONE gonna say "crap" or "don't buy" or "total loser".

      Thing is tho, the rools of hooman conduct remain same:

      Endeavor always to be a procreatively cool person gaht an eye on themsothahs around.

      "Court naught but adoration,
      and ye shall never rise
      above thy decimation."

      (Cain't remembah now whethah this was Mel Brooks, Britney, or Goebbels.)
      We really need to get realistic here and quit talking about stuff that is aimed at the sewer rats...

      you can't stop Google reviews.

      You can't stop Facebook reviews.

      You can't stop Yelp reviews.

      You can't stop Better Business Reviews.

      You can't stop Amazon Reviews.

      You can't stop Ebay Reviews.

      You can't stop Clickbank reviews.

      You can't stop Fiverr reviews.

      You can't stop Instagram reviews.

      You can't stop TikTok reviews.

      And on and on.

      If you're talking about stopping reviews that are given personally on your website...

      those are usually just fluff nonsense anyways.

      Let's not confuse real business stuff with play stuff.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        We really need to get realistic here and quit talking about stuff that is aimed at the sewer rats...

        you can't stop Google reviews.

        You can't stop Facebook reviews.

        You can't stop Yelp reviews.

        You can't stop Better Business Reviews.

        You can't stop Amazon Reviews.

        You can't stop Ebay Reviews.

        You can't stop Clickbank reviews.

        You can't stop Fiverr reviews.

        You can't stop Instagram reviews.

        You can't stop TikTok reviews.

        And on and on.

        If you're talking about stopping reviews that are given personally on your website...

        those are usually just fluff nonsense anyways.

        Let's not confuse real business stuff with play stuff.

        You might not be able to stop reviews but it is possible to remove
        reviews, feedback and comments if they meet a certain criteria.

        Read the platform's policies regarding this.
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        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

          You might not be able to stop reviews but it is possible to remove
          reviews, feedback and comments if they meet a certain criteria.

          Read the platform's policies regarding this.
          Based on my experience...

          it has to be a comment that pretty much threatens bodily harm to get it removed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Hash
    We use Rate My Smile. It keeps negative reviews in house like you looking for. We've been using it for a while.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abieekay
    You can try out Trust pilot to collect and manage customer review
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    I like Matt McDonald's 5 Star Reviews Plug-in.

    You can see the review before you approve it and then reach out to the customer. If you approve the good ones, it is easy to add them onto your sales page or checkout page as social proof.

    It's lightweight but packed with features.
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