Hey how ya doin', How's your OTO?

2 replies
But seriously,

I'm wondering what is a successful OTO. I added about 100 subscribers in the last 36 hours and I had 3 OTO sales. Which is about a 3% conversion rate for a $7.77 set of products.

I expected a higher rate.

My previous OTO was only one product for $7 and it converted at about 6%. I don't believe the extra .77 is an issue, in fact I believe I could probably go to $9 with no change in conversions.

I expect that people are thinking " if the value is there then people will buy" but I believe I have put together a high value package.

Does anyone have any experiences or success stories to share?
#doin #hey #oto
  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    I think people are starting to get really used to seeing OTO's anymore and are quick to dismiss them. They don't bring in nearly as much as they used to when I first rolled them out over a year ago.

    I have played around with my OTO's for a while now and have to say in many cases the graphic intense oto's often times do worse them my flashing gif at the top saying Limited Time Offer! lol

    If your not getting the conversions you want tweak something and see if you start to increase. Take what you did in your higher converting OTO and implement it into the one your working on now.
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    • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
      Originally Posted by SeanSupplee View Post

      I think people are starting to get really used to seeing OTO's anymore and are quick to dismiss them. They don't bring in nearly as much as they used to when I first rolled them out over a year ago.

      I have played around with my OTO's for a while now and have to say in many cases the graphic intense oto's often times do worse them my flashing gif at the top saying Limited Time Offer! lol

      If your not getting the conversions you want tweak something and see if you start to increase. Take what you did in your higher converting OTO and implement it into the one your working on now.
      What do you think is a good conversion rate these days? maybe 5%?

      See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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