Adwords/Mailing List outside of the United States

3 replies
Thank you all in advance for your time,

I have built my first pretty simple but effective page. I have set up a google Adwords ad that is driving a fairly decent among of traffic to the page. To get to the information on the page you need to enter your email which generates my leads.

My question is: Should I target my page toward certain countries? I don't want to burn through my adwords buget but I don't want to leave out potential opportunities either. This question also ties into my Mailing List. Should I be trying to gather leads from certain countries?

I know this is a very general question. I'm working on the details as I go along. I want to know if there are trees that I shouldn't bother barking up.

If it helps the site is related to a Microsoft program. The offers that I send out in emails (along with free tips) are E-Books in English.

Again I thank you for your time.


#adwords or mailing #list #states #united
  • Profile picture of the author punter1
    If there is anything I can do to add more information please let me know.
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Eddie, In the view of what you have written You would let it go and ensure it is set to countries that mainly speak English.

    You would then monitor your returns or countries that are providing returns / sign ups to your mailing list, and as such eliminate any poor performing countries over time.

    So place your self in a test mode for now and let it play out and I also read your first part here

    To get to the information on the page you need to enter your email which generates my leads
    it may pay you to check googles rules / t*c as without seeing what you have done it sounds like this ?

    Data collection sites that offer free items etc., in order to collect private information

    I am not sure if thats what you have but just keep an eye out if it is as you may be risking your account, I am not scare mongering just be careful is all, G works in funny ways lately
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author punter1
      Thank you so much for you reply.

      I will aim my efforts towards what you advised. I'll see how it goes.

      I am pretty sure I'm in compliance with Google. I don't want to make a mistake and get hit by them. God knows how long it would take to clean up an honest mistake on my part. I will double check to be sure.

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