Mail Scanning And Emailing? Outsourcing My Snail Mail???

by SeanyG
3 replies
Hey guys,

My IM business now allows me to travel and live wherever I want.

Accordingly I would like to send my mail to a company that can scan and email it to me.

I heard Tim Ferris talking about a company in San Francisco that does this. For $x per month they will give you a real address but this mail gets scanned and emailed to you. They will also send letters on your behalf for $1 per email.

Can you guys recommend some companies for this?


#emailing #mail #outsourcing #scanning #snail
  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing

    ive never heard of such companies though it sounds very interesting.

    I go travelling a lot too (a great plus of the internet marketing business) and what i tend to do is have mail forwarded from my address to my aunties and then she forwards it to a post office of my choice once every 3-4 weeks.

    Just a thought!

    kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author Babyrolls
    eSnail*dot*ca does mail scanning and forwarding. It's a lot cheaper than Earth Class Mail and doesn't charge extra for scanning.
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