"How the President of the United States Helped Increase the Quality of Traffic to My Websites...

2 replies
Ole Honest Abe get your attention?


Guess after the bold
claim, it's time to pay off the promise with some proof, right?

As far fetched as advice on how to get more "quality" website traffic from the 16th President of the United States may sound,

President Lincoln actually is attributed to saying something that will do us all good to think about when strategizing campaigns to get more quality traffic to your website.

What on earth did he say?

Inquisitive, aren't you?

Okay, Abraham said if he had 8 hours to chop down a tree, he'd spend at least the first six hours...wait for it,

sharpening the blade of his axe.

Let that sink in for a moment.

What does this statement from the President have to do with getting more quality traffic to your website?

Well, not much, unless you consider everything to be much.

Let me explain.

"Traffic" to your website doesn't do you any good unless your visitors
are people who are likely to be interested in the content of your site once they get there and/or your offers either at your website or later on when promoting right?

This means you need to spend your proverbial,
"at least the first 6 of the 8 hours"

"sharpening" or preparing your marketing materials to do all the right things so that from the time your visitor first comes into contact with any of your materials or first becomes aware you exist,

every "touch" and every "process" gets their attention, stimulates their interest, arouses their curiosity and ultimately builds their desire and motivates them to act on what you will offer them.

Do you see how this all works together for your good?

See, here is what happens if you don't prepare your offers and marketing promotional materials in that way before your visitor finds you.

They may just stumble upon your site or content leading them to your site from some untargeted source and then not be interested in what you have to offer them.

However, there is a way you can overcome that hurdle quite easily once you know how.

It's a simple matter of doing some market research before promoting.
"What does this market research consist of?", you may be wondering.

You will be going to the places online like social networks, online communities, discussion forums, blogs and other platforms where the people who are interested in what you have to offer spend the most of their time.

You'll be looking for what turns them on about the topic your product and/or services cater to and you'll also be looking to see what they don't like so you can solve those problems too.

If you can locate some painful problems, desperate pleas for help and dreams about solutions, then you have plenty of material to make sure you address as "hot buttons" when creating your marketing processes.

Can you see how after spending this initial time in researching the wants and needs of your target market,

makes every marketing message you use to reach your target prospects many times more effective and ultimately many times more profitable?


Here's why.

Customers love buying from people who communicate they know exactly how they feel and can demonstrate they care about what they need

because they can show they have gone to the lengths to make sure they are the most qualified to solve their problems by understanding them in the first place.

Apply these gold nuggets of marketing wisdom from marketing expert and former President Honest Abe and

you'll be getting more quality website traffic (in terms of how much they are spending with you lifetime) as a result of showing

you understand your market.

Talk about using the sharp side of the axe head.

So warriors, let's go chop down some cherry trees!

I mean, make more of those Benjamin Franklins.

Ah well, nevermind, you get the idea.
#“how #helped #increase #more_traffic #president #quality #states #traffic #traffic_quality #united #website_traffic #websites
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Silvester
    Doug, I love your writing style mate!

    There is a massive lesson in those
    words. Preparation before Implimentation.

    It certainly gives you direction and makes
    life a hell of alot easier.

    Keep up the good work mate!

    Take Care,

    Michael Silvester
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Hancox
    Yeah, great advice... and well presented, too.

    We'll make a copywriter out of you yet
    PresellContent.com - How to sell without "selling"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1732697].message }}

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