2 YEAR Article Marketing Case Study - $55 An Hour Profit (PICTURE Proof!)

13 replies
It's my 100th post here, I have learnt a lot and want to give something back.

I LOVE Article Marketing. It has been one of the best sources of traffic for me, both for my own sites, and for sites I have setup to promote affiliate products. I want to give an insiders sneak peak, showing the POWER of article marketing. Here is a screenshot of some article marketing I did almost 2 YEARS ago for just one small website:

I submitted just 70 articles , 50+ of them in the space of the first 3 months of this timeline, and then just occasional batches of 2-3 articles going live at once for a couple of months thereafter. As you can see this traffic has not spiked then just died away, but remains a consistent source of visitors almost 2 years later!

50 of these articles I wrote myself
20 of them I had written. I paid $1.50 per article.

They made me $750+

So minus $60 for the 20x outsourced articles leaves a profit of $690.
I write approximately 4 articles an hour so for 12.5 hours writing time I was paid $55.20 an hour.
.. in reality probably a bit less due to the time taken to post them, but still a pretty decent enough salary.

Is Article Marketing Better than PPC?

Look at these stats a different way.

Take my wages out of the equasion and imagine that I bought the whole lot of them and paid for submission for a figure of $300 in total (this is a cheap yet totally plausible $4.20 per article including submission)

The articles brought in aprox 1400 visits.
This would work out at 0.21c per click (Cheaper than PPC!)
And if you take this away from the Per Visit Value of 0.54c this would leave a profit of $462

That's only the TIP OF THE ICEBERG!

So the total profit for the articles themselves was $690, but this is probably only a fraction of the true profit.

Above I mentioned that article marketing has been one of the best sources of traffic - my real best source of traffic is natural search traffic. I didn't do a lot of other SEO for this website apart from a few directory submissions, and a little more article marketing on other article sites. It is hard to say exactly, but I would say these 70 articles account for probably 20-30% of the total "SEO work" I did - overall the amount of backlinks I gained from these articles helped to push me up in the search engines for the keywords I used.

My site did rise and still does hold decent positions in the search engines for moderately competitive search terms, which bring in further visitors and profit every month (and this exceeds the money I make from these articles).

It could of been even better! ;(

Some more experienced article marketers may even turn their nose up at these figures as it is very possible to do a LOT better - to get better click thrus, do better research on keywords, rank articles better in the search engines and get MORE TRAFFIC.
  • This was early in my IM career and I didn't know all that much - the keyword research was POOR. Practically non existent. With better keyword research (identifying terms that people are searching for yet are uncompetitive) these articles could be getting even more traffic.
  • I didn't do any SEO for the articles themselves - I didn't bookmark them or build any backlinks to the articles themselves - again with just a little TLC they could of ranked even better.
  • My writing itself wasn't that great - I know that 2 years later (and 100s of articles, pages, reviews etc) I could write these articles a LOT better - after a while you just know how to write and what works and what doesn't.
  • I didn't have an autoresponder setup - I could of captured more emails and built a fanbase - useful for up-sells, discounts / sales, doing JVs with other companies etc.
  • My conversion rate itself wasn't that great - I could now write the product copy better, or even back then I could / should of done more tweaking and testing to improve it.
If you aren't doing article marketing, in my opinion you are not only leaving a lot of money "on the table", but missing out on a great way to grow your business in so many ways.

I hope this inspires some people to get into a little article marketing, and if you are inspired but brand new then you will still probably have 101 questions - how to find products to promote, how to write titles, where to submit to etc etc.. You could ask 10 people these questions and they would likely have different answers.

Just TAKE ACTION NOW: pick a product if you haven't already, sit down and write 10 articles and submit them all straight away - then write another 10 to submit over the next week. Don't worry about the details, JUST DO IT! I promise you that you will learn more about article marketing through this experience than reading any amount of spammy guides.
#$55 #article #case #hour #marketing #picture #profit #proof #study #year
  • Profile picture of the author Gavan
    Congratulations on your success. I think you were a bit lucky though, not all niches will deliver these kind of results. Still, article marketing is a fantastic way to drive traffic to any website.
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    • Profile picture of the author Adamonation92
      Originally Posted by Gavan View Post

      Congratulations on your success. I think you were a bit lucky though, not all niches will deliver these kind of results. Still, article marketing is a fantastic way to drive traffic to any website.
      keyword research is half the battle...

      congrats though man! It's great to know people are doing it out there with articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebizman87
    I like this case study...
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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Awesome results that show the long term power of article marketing. It is amazing how building something today with articles will still pay off several years from now much like your articles from two years ago still continue to do so today.


    PS - Love your affiliate program/product line - Do you have anything geared towards poker players?
    Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

    Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Dennert
    Hi submp3s,

    I think that's freakin' awesome that you've had so much success with articles. I'm not the most experienced guy in the world right now but I'd take articles over PPC any day.

    I just think articles are much better for generating long term results.

    I've dabbled a little in PPC, but nothing ever seemed certain with that traffic method in my opinion.

    Glad to see somewhere else out there that prefers article writing over anything else.

    Keep it up!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
    @Gavan - I don't think it was that much luck, I have used article marketing in a bunch of niches overall now, and results vary, but there are always results and I don't think I've ever wasted my time in article marketing.

    @Andrew - I don't want to give away all the details of what I was promoting and the article titles etc, but it was my own product, a product related to the subliminal / self help niche. As how how competitive it was - it was only a tiny niche really, a tiny part of personal development, and hard to get keywords which were really targeted and high traffic, but with the longer tail keywords I did play around with there wasn't that much competition, and overall, across all of the articles a few of them did stick and get found and help boost my website itself too gradually.

    @Jake - I do like PPC, if you are confident that a keyword converts then why not pay for it? But you are right, you pay for that traffic once and if you stop paying your links dissapear - with articles they can hang around for ages, if you manage to "stick" them in google for decent keywords then they can bring in much more value over the long term, not to mention the backlink / ranking power you gain etc

    @Tim - that's exactly what I wanted to show with this, I don't think this was an amazing result, but just wanted to inspire a few people who perhaps were procrastinating or hadn't tried article marketing on a very big scale - if you only submit 2 articles and hope for a sale it will fail, but in larger numbers you will have some real stats to play around with, and you will LEARN so much from the experience too. p.s. we have a poker album coming out soon, and try to add new albums every 2 weeks.

    Glad some people got some value from this, and I would love to gather some support for the stats that I posted above - just a few people saying "yep, I've had similar results too", as I would love this thread to get people to try out article marketing, and a basic belief that it is possible even if you are new / don't know the exactly how everything works can help .

    I said it above already, but imo you will learn more from posting 20 articles if you never have before than you will learn from spending a day lurking the forums.

    Hypnosis Affiliate Program Pays 50% + $20 Join BONUS
    Real Subliminal Messages Pays 35% (world's largest subliminal site)
    SubliminalMP3s.com Pays 75%

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  • Profile picture of the author lowjo
    Great post, I really like article marketing and good to see some stats because I sure don't track as well as I should.

    I like the way you broke the figures down and presented a nice comparison.

    If you're on the fence about article marketing just take some action and test it out, great way to learn a lot of things about writing headlines, good copy and a strong call to action...all classic marketing skills.


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  • Profile picture of the author netbank4all
    Thanks for the useful step to earn through article marketing. I thought it is a tedious job to write 400-500 word articles and submits like ezine or go articles etc.

    I will start doing this method also. Nice post!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1775226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alex Lin
      Originally Posted by netbank4all View Post

      Thanks for the useful step to earn through article marketing. I thought it is a tedious job to write 400-500 word articles and submits like ezine or go articles etc.

      I will start doing this method also. Nice post!
      Tedious bring in money. Making money from article marketin is not depend on luck but hard work. You can write as many articles as you want, but if you write quality article you will need less in order to convert.
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  • Profile picture of the author preethi daniel
    This is preethi. I am new to this forum. One of my friend told me that I would get help to start with my article marketing. I am a article writer and I wish I could earn some income myself without writing for someone else. Could you help. I am a beginner in this. I need to know, how to start it and how much I have to spend for it. I was interested in submitting articles to ezine and earning money. But How to do it, I do not know. Can you help? Plz
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1871369].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
      Originally Posted by preethi daniel View Post

      This is preethi. I am new to this forum. One of my friend told me that I would get help to start with my article marketing. I am a article writer and I wish I could earn some income myself without writing for someone else. Could you help. I am a beginner in this. I need to know, how to start it and how much I have to spend for it. I was interested in submitting articles to ezine and earning money. But How to do it, I do not know. Can you help? Plz
      A decent FREE beginners guide you can get from "Bum Marketing":
      Bum Marketing Method - Free Traffic Tips

      It's basic premise is that they show you how to setup sites and generate traffic completely free - methods that a "Bum" could use to make money. They have a few adverts on there for products but just use the free info and you will learn a lot about article writing

      Hypnosis Affiliate Program Pays 50% + $20 Join BONUS
      Real Subliminal Messages Pays 35% (world's largest subliminal site)
      SubliminalMP3s.com Pays 75%

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      • Profile picture of the author cellcom
        This is an absolutely amazing Post - Thank you so much!

        It is so awesome to see this in so many ways. Of course I am happy for you, but I think it is so important for people in this industry to take a longer term approach to this and actually build a business, rather than just going from offer-offer and just trying to milk people.

        - too bad most people will do the majority of the hard work and give up just a little too soon to see the results of there efforts. You are proof that it can be done - congrats again!

        Thanks again for your post!
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