Who can you thank today?
I've noticed a nice little trend recently...
And that is...
People starting threads in a more positive vein.
Another way that we can all work to make the WF even better (I know that's barely possible, but humor me) is by using the Thanks button more often.
I hear somebody in the background objecting with, "But there's so much junk here!"
The solution is to ACTIVELY look for posts that are worth clicking the Thanks button for. You see, the WF will only get better if we make it happen. Sitting back bemoaning it's demise (imaginary or otherwise) does nothing to make it better.
Who can you thank today?
p.s. There is a limit to how many people you can thank per day. So if the Thanks button seems to disappear, don't worry, it just means you have done a really good job of thanking your fellow Warriors.
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