Apparently Females Don't Become Entrepreneurs?!

53 replies
I'm a female. Apparently, we don't become entrepreneurs.

"After all, how many female entrepreneurs do you see?"

I guess there will always be those factors which someone thinks will limit me. And here's the kicker, the person who said it mentioned that they didn't understand why I was taking it so personally? HAHAHA.

Maybe they are right, maybe they are wrong...but what do you think?

How many FEMALE entrepreneurs do YOU see?
#apparently #entrepreneurs #females
  • Profile picture of the author glassextreme
    acrasial, I see quite a number of female entrepreuners. Are you talking about business in general, or just IM?

    If it's just IM, I agree that overwhelmingly, the successful ones are men. It would be great to see more female gurus.

    What is limiting you?
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    • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
      Originally Posted by glassextreme View Post

      If it's just IM, I agree that overwhelmingly, the successful ones are men. It would be great to see more female gurus.
      I don't know if that's true - just because there are more men in the internet marketing limelight doesn't mean there are more successful male IMers.
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      • Profile picture of the author glassextreme
        Originally Posted by Hamida Harland View Post

        I don't know if that's true - just because there are more men in the internet marketing limelight doesn't mean there are more successful male IMers.
        I'm refering to the gurus. I know there are a lot of successful female IMers, but I don't really know of any female IM guru who is teaching others.

        My definition of guru is someone who is excellent at what he or she does, and teaches to others.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMKing
    May be the ratio is less compared to males but there female entrepreneurs, i know few of them who runs SEO companies..
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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    You've only got to look here on the Warriors to see how many female entrepreneurs there are.

    Maybe it's cos we don't swagger and bluster like the blokes that makes them think we don't exist lol

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I know quite a few, actually. There will probably always be far fewer female entrepreneurs than male simply because of the number of women who choose to stay at home and raise a family, which can be even more challenging than entrepreneurship!

    As far as limitations...we all have them, and most are self-imposed.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827084].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      lol very nice answer Dennis, you're very diplomatic

      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      I know quite a few, actually. There will probably always be far fewer female entrepreneurs than male simply because of the number of women who choose to stay at home and raise a family, which can be even more challenging than entrepreneurship!

      As far as limitations...we all have them, and most are self-imposed.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

        lol very nice answer Dennis, you're very diplomatic
        I just calls 'em like I sees 'em, Kim.

        Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Well that was something someone said to me today. So I was just hoping that this person can truly get their answer, because at the time I had no answer, as it's not something I look into... as I cannot look into every single aspect of every single thing during every single second!

    But now they can get their answer, and I hope it satisfies them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      I cannot look into every single aspect of every single thing during every single second!
      Wow, talk about a Lazy Mary.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827103].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

        Wow, talk about a Lazy Mary.

        Well Don't worry, after all, I'm just a woman. I can't be expected to be an entrepreneur, or above average, or anything really! Right?

        So let's just let him have that, after all, he keeps telling me that, so I guess it's what he wants me to be!
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        • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
          Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

          Well Don't worry, after all, I'm just a woman. I can't be expected to be an entrepreneur, or above average, or anything really! Right?

          So let's just let him have that, after all, he keeps telling me that, so I guess it's what he wants me to be!
          You do know I was joking with you, right?

          Listen, someone else's opinion only has the value that you give it. Think about that. It's a very liberating idea.

          Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827124].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Tiffany Dow.
    Liz Tomey.
    Sylvie Fortin.
    Kim Kiyosaki.
    Mary Kay Ash.
    Oprah Winfrey.
    Debbi Fields.
    Coco Chanel.
    Estee Lauder.
    Tyra Banks.

    And a whole slew of local names just
    here in Singapore.

    Just because you don't see it doesn't mean
    it doesn't exist. Whoever told you that...
    do you see his brain?

    If you don't, by his logic, then it doesn't
    exist right?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827096].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Asher View Post

      do you see his brain?

      I can hear it. It makes comments like the above.
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      • Profile picture of the author Asher
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        I can hear it. It makes comments like the above.
        Well then, does he see places like The
        Body Shop, Chanel, Mrs Fields? Does
        he know of shows like Oprah, America's
        Next Top Model?

        Men can be such morons most of the

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827119].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Look at this list:

          List of female billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Alot of these women inherited this money, or are taking over a company their fathers or family members built before them.
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          • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            Look at this list:

            List of female billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Alot of these women inherited this money, or are taking over a company their fathers or family members built before them.
            The same can be said for a lot of men.

            Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827128].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

              The same can be said for a lot of men.

              The same can be said for humans for sure.

              But that list, the first 13 women so far did not create any of the inheritances they received, or were bestowed through various means...such as becoming a widow...

              They are just managing the work of other male entrepreneurs then.
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              • Profile picture of the author Asher
                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                The same can be said for humans for sure.

                But that list, the first 13 women so far did not create any of the inheritances they received, or were bestowed through various means...such as becoming a widow...

                They are just managing the work of other male entrepreneurs then.
                Try this on for size:
                Jenna Jameson's Transformation from Porn Princess to Media Mogul

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827137].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                  Originally Posted by Asher View Post

                  I've heard of her, but honestly I am not proud of that, nor would I be proud of her for continuously allowing people to label her as a "porn princess"...?

                  Not the alley I want to be in or around, or learning about.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Asher
                    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                    I've heard of her, but honestly I am not proud of that, nor would I be proud of her for continuously allowing people to label her as a "porn princess"...?

                    Not the alley I want to be in or around, or learning about.
                    If you read that article, it's amazing how
                    she can turn something totally against her
                    into a profitable venture.

                    So what if it's not something your proud
                    of? I don't know her but to be able to turn
                    THAT around... takes real entrepreneurship.

                    Never saying die.

                    Like Dennis said... someone else's opinion
                    only has the value that you give it.

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              • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                The same can be said for humans for sure.

                But that list, the first 13 women so far did not create any of the inheritances they received, or were bestowed through various means...such as becoming a widow...

                They are just managing the work of other male entrepreneurs then.
                Sounds like you're siding with your antagonist now. In case you missed this from my earlier post...someone else's opinion only has the value that you give it. Think about that. It's a very liberating idea.

                Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827142].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                  Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

                  Sounds like you're siding with your antagonist now. In case you missed this from my earlier post...someone else's opinion only has the value that you give it. Think about that. It's a very liberating idea.

                  Oh guess what, he tells me that too. What doesn't he tell me? Funny he tells me all of these contradictory things, and then I'm just left there to figure it all out, when the pieces don't fit.

                  Oh, and this is EXACTLY why I am not a female entrepreneur now, or why I feel I am inadequate, or why I am sitting here doing what I am doing....

                  Because I am putting my efforts and time into the wrong things, and hitting the brick walls on purpose. That is why I am NOT a female entrepreneur at this very second.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
                    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                    Oh guess what, he tells me that too. What doesn't he tell me? Funny he tells me all of these contradictory things, and then I'm just left there to figure it all out, when the pieces don't fit.
                    It sounds to me like he's manipulating you. Maybe you're placing too much value on HIS opinions.

                    Then again, I'm only hearing one side of the story, but you sound displeased with him. And with that, I'm stepping out of this conversation. There's not much more I can offer, except to maybe say that you have all the wisdom you need within you to figure out what to do about your situation. Trust yourself.

                    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827177].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Asher
                  Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

                  Sounds like you're siding with your antagonist now. In case you missed this from my earlier post...someone else's opinion only has the value that you give it. Think about that. It's a very liberating idea.
                  I concur.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827155].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by Asher View Post

          Men can be such morons most of the


          This one isn't a moron. He just loves to be right, and does not care about feelings, nor does he care about what others think about him.

          After all, he is an entrepreneur, and those are characteristics of entrepreneurs.

          So if he really wanted to know why fewer women are entrepreneurs, he would probably then think it's because women are emotional, and women tend to care about what others think.
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          • Profile picture of the author Asher
            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            This one isn't a moron. He just loves to be right, and does not care about feelings, nor does he care about what others think about him.

            After all, he is an entrepreneur, and those are characteristics of entrepreneurs.

            So if he really wanted to know why fewer women are entrepreneurs, he would probably then think it's because women are emotional, and women tend to care about what others think.
            Then, in that case... you just need to know
            female entrepreneurs exist everywhere.

            Because an argument with him, albeit backed
            up with facts, will still lead to nowhere. He
            just won't see it unless he wants to.

            Just smile and know you got the facts right
            when he says something insensitive like that

            I have that applied unto me all the time and
            everyone's happy. The ladies know they're
            right and I'm still on my merry-moronic way.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827134].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Originally Posted by Asher View Post

              Just smile and know you got the facts right
              when he says something insensitive like that


              Facts cannot be argued, and he too always tells me that I try to argue the facts. He is right here, how many do I see?

              I couldn't even name any, and looking around, it truly is less than men. But definitely, if he thought I wouldn't take that one personally...well ? Really?!
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          • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
            This sounds a tad personal hun, is it the other half being a moron. (I find they can be very good at moron impersonations)


            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            This one isn't a moron. He just loves to be right, and does not care about feelings, nor does he care about what others think about him.

            After all, he is an entrepreneur, and those are characteristics of entrepreneurs.

            So if he really wanted to know why fewer women are entrepreneurs, he would probably then think it's because women are emotional, and women tend to care about what others think.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827144].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author glassextreme
      Originally Posted by Asher View Post

      Tiffany Dow.
      Liz Tomey.
      Sylvie Fortin.
      Kim Kiyosaki.
      Mary Kay Ash.
      Oprah Winfrey.
      Debbi Fields.
      Coco Chanel.
      Estee Lauder.
      Tyra Banks.

      And a whole slew of local names just
      here in Singapore.

      Just because you don't see it doesn't mean
      it doesn't exist. Whoever told you that...
      do you see his brain?

      If you don't, by his logic, then it doesn't
      exist right?

      Hey Asher, who are the prominent ones in Singapore?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827136].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Asher
        Originally Posted by glassextreme View Post

        Hey Asher, who are the prominent ones in Singapore?
        Nanz Chong ($1.99 Shop)
        Elim Chew (77th Street)

        I can think of 2 of those right now

        If I did some digging, I might be able
        to get more names. Off the top of my
        head, those two.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827141].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author glassextreme
          Originally Posted by Asher View Post

          Nanz Chong ($1.99 Shop)
          Elim Chew (77th Street)

          I can think of 2 of those right now

          If I did some digging, I might be able
          to get more names. Off the top of my
          head, those two.

          Oh, I thought you were refering to those in IM.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827156].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Asher
            Originally Posted by glassextreme View Post

            Oh, I thought you were refering to those in IM.
            IM is still a relatively young industry here in
            Singapore. There are really even just a small
            handful of guys who are successful at it

            You can count them with 2 hands (max).

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827175].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Asher
            Originally Posted by glassextreme View Post

            Oh, I thought you were refering to those in IM.
            Diana Sabrain just popped into my head.

            She's a local internet marketing expert,
            she just doesn't brand herself as a guru.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827192].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Originally Posted by Asher View Post

              Diana Sabrain just popped into my head.

              She's a local internet marketing expert,
              she just doesn't brand herself as a guru.


              What's with this branding idea? I guess they go hand in hand? Guru and entrepreneur? I didn't think they did?

              You sure know alot of female gurus?
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              • Profile picture of the author Asher
                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                What's with this branding idea? I guess they go hand in hand? Guru and entrepreneur? I didn't think they did?

                You sure know alot of female gurus?
                Woah, slow down on the questions there.

                Guru =X= Entrepreneur.

                Guru is just another word for teacher.

                Entrepreneur isn't. When you brand yourself
                as a guru, you set yourself up as a teacher.

                When you're an entrepreneur, well, you
                enterprise and (according to Wiki), you
                assume all risks and outcomes of it.

                I'm just receptive to the concept that female
                entrepreneurs exist everywhere. You would
                too if you're open to the concept.

                At the moment, it just doesn't seem like it.
                That's why Dennis stepped out of the
                conversation (I think).

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827214].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JMPruitt
    I tend to agree...
    There are many successful women out there. They just don't have as big of an ego as the men.

    WE don't need a woman acting like all the "Gurus" They all make fools of themselves daily. Why would you want to do that?

    Just be yourself and do the best you can. That is the true measure of a person.
    follow my relationship marketing blog for tips on building more traffic without relying on Google's whims.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Honestly, if you're going to measure entrepreneurship by whether someone is a billionaire, that's a pretty exclusive club. I think you need to learn what an entrepreneur is.

    From Wikipedia: An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.

    That says nothing about how much money one has to earn. There are millions of female entrepreneurs. Not all are wealthy, but not all male entrepreneurs are wealthy either.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827157].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Sounds to me as though she is an entrepreneur based on that definition


      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      Honestly, if you're going to measure entrepreneurship by whether someone is a billionaire, that's a pretty exclusive club. I think you need to learn what an entrepreneur is.

      From Wikipedia: An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.

      That says nothing about how much money one has to earn. There are millions of female entrepreneurs. Not all are wealthy, but not all male entrepreneurs are wealthy either.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827164].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      Honestly, if you're going to measure entrepreneurship by whether someone is a billionaire, that's a pretty exclusive club. I think you need to learn what an entrepreneur is.

      From Wikipedia: An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.

      That says nothing about how much money one has to earn. There are millions of female entrepreneurs. Not all are wealthy, but not all male entrepreneurs are wealthy either.

      I'm not measuring it on that, but I just figured ...heck, why not go right up there and see who the female billionaires are, and how they got there.

      I was hoping I could find a few who made their own empire... that was the inspiration i was looking for. But maybe I should have started smaller...after all...I'm just a woman!

      LOL. I wasn't trying to say that anyone who isn't a billionaire is not, but definitely that is a feat for any entrepreneur who seeks it.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    I think there are a lot of female entrepreneurs around. Dennis makes a good
    point regarding income and notoriety. Doesn't mean you're not one if you're
    not making a lot or well-known.

    Also sounds like this guy likes pulling your strings with his comments about
    women, etc. Maybe that's his weird way of demonstrating his interest in

    If you ignore his comments like that, refuse to show that it bothers you at
    all, then see what he does. You could very well yank his chain by being
    dispassionate about his comments. It would probably drive him crazy if you
    suddenly had no reaction.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827203].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      If you ignore his comments like that, refuse to show that it bothers you at
      all, then see what he does. You could very well yank his chain by being
      dispassionate about his comments. It would probably drive him crazy if you
      suddenly had no reaction.

      No mind games. Just it does bother me, and I know I am letting it bother me.

      I don't want to be average, I don't want to be classified as just some chick who was a female...and that's why she didn't become an entrepreneur.

      Dammit, if I am not an entrepreneur, or if I am not what others think I should be, that doesn't make me less of a human, and it doesn't mean that I don't want to be somebody.
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      • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        No mind games. Just it does bother me, and I know I am letting it bother me.

        I don't want to be average, I don't want to be classified as just some chick who was a female...and that's why she didn't become an entrepreneur.

        Dammit, if I am not an entrepreneur, or if I am not what others think I should be, that doesn't make me less of a human, and it doesn't mean that I don't want to be somebody.
        I understand. I don't play mind games, either. But you are also capable of
        making a choice about how you let things affect you.

        Of course everything is up to you.

        If you don't want to be average, then don't be.

        You don't want to be classified as something. Why do you care what others
        think about you? Let them classify you any way they want. They will, anyway,
        and there's nothing you can do about it.

        But you can decide that what others think will not hinder you, or you will not
        allow it to affect you.

        If you want to be an entrepreneur, then dammit be one. It really is THAT simple.

        You make a decision to be one, then set about being one. Lack of success does
        not mean you are NOT one.

        Don't you see that?

        Why are you letting that guy, or anyone else, define you? Define your self.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827226].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Well thanks guys, I'm glad to know someone's got my back, when I don't! LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
    Someone once told me that Jewish Men could not be great Nurses. Apparently the corporation that had to fire that person disagreed with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author mahesh2k
    How many FEMALE entrepreneurs do YOU see?
    - Gina tripani
    - amber mcarthur
    - Lizz straus
    - Nelle hoxley ( earning 1k$ per month just from hubpages)
    - skellie wag

    and there are many others in list who own web 2.0 properties, earning 6-figure income. They beat male entrepreneurs in money numbers and popularity as well so yes there are some female entrepreneurs.
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  • Profile picture of the author GSX Enterprises
    I know the feeling. I've told people I'm an entrepreneur and literally had people laugh. Then they see I'm serious and usually get a concerned look on their face as if to say "wow honey, are you sure you can do that." Very 1950's of them.

    Oh well, more power to us then.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827242].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
      Originally Posted by GSX Enterprises View Post

      I know the feeling. I've told people I'm an entrepreneur and literally had people laugh. Then they see I'm serious and usually get a concerned look on their face as if to say "wow honey, are you sure you can do that." Very 1950's of them.

      Oh well, more power to us then.

      I know, stuff like that happens to me. I was selling an ebook online, that I wrote, and
      a highly educated relative said something like, "Well, if that's what you want to do."

      But I do believe that a lot of these reactions result from being uncomfortable. We make
      people uncomfortable because we are doing something most people do NOT have the
      guts to do.

      What is that?

      We're taking responsibility for our own lives. We're taking risks and all those unpleasant
      things that most people will never have the testicular fortitude to do.

      And all that's fine. Now, I could care less what "they" think about what I do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Omar
    Just apparently
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  • Profile picture of the author mahesh2k
    acrasial, i know there are some people in society who just like to pass remarks. Last week there was thread on WF about "how people around you feel about your IM life or work" (not sure this is the title). And if you can find that thread then, you'll find some funny & weird experience of IM people. How they get remarks from people who do full-time job/or negative about being entrepreneur this is something you need to read. One more point is stick with people who are into your niche/entrepreneur-domain, this helps reduce those unnecessary negative remarks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1827267].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    He said that, because

    I make excuses and blame people for things. Instead of concentrating on the right things.
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    • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      He said that, because

      I make excuses and blame people for things. Instead of concentrating on the right things.
      That's ok, for now.

      The biggest single lesson I learned, the hard way, is the greatest battle is
      between the ears. It's not just about learning how to drive traffic, pick the
      right product to promote or create, or anything about the nuts 'n bolts of
      doing IM.

      That's really true, and you're discovering that for your self.

      Tend to your mindset. It's a matter of developing certain habits of mind. But it's just
      another skill to learn. That's really all it is.

      So if you want to do IM, or be an entrepreneur, then just take it one step at
      a time. Practice having focus. You can try something like working on a task
      for an hour a day. When you've developed the habit of doing that, then maybe
      do it two hours a day, etc.

      You know you blame others and make excuses. That's a great thing to admit and
      especially in public. So that is to your credit.

      So maybe practice taking responsibility for things. Not blaming your self because I
      think there could be a tendency to start beating up your self. And that's not a good
      thing to do, either.

      Instead of blame, think in terms of resonsibility. Practice doing that because when
      you do you are training your mind to have a different mindset. You're developing
      new habits of thinking.

      Tend to your mind, keep doing something with IM, and it will get better. I can
      promise you that.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnHuizinga
    I remember reading one time that women were less likely to start their own business because of a general higher tendency to risk aversion. This turned out to be a bit of an advantage for those that did take the plunge because they were less likely to do something risky and stupid.

    They are also more likely to keep it small so many of them may be a lot less visible than males.

    I can't cite a source however so take everything I say with a grain of salt.

    I get the impression here that a route often chosen by women is to start off offering a service and doing an awesome job at it - then branching out into using those skills and that income to grow their business in other ways.

    That of course doesn't mean all women entreprenuers start out this way or no men entrepreneurs do.

    It can be easy to stick your foot in your mouth or at least get people riled up when discussing the possibility there may be differences between genders.*

    This might be helpful.

    *in general with plenty of exceptions

    "you got to keep fighting, keep believing and never give up in order to succeed"
    Tim Gorman

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