Web based application - Feeling a bit overwhelmed - how to handle version control
Im in the process of developing a web based application, that I have already onsold to a few clients, however some have requested "changes" of which I have done for them. Thats fine, but this then means that each client has a DIFFERENT version.
However, Im now going through and debugging some small issues as such, and finding that its becoming rather difficult to track whats where and which version each client is on.
Ideally, Id like to have ALL clients using the same software, but what does this then mean? Do I say NO to clients requesting modifications, OR do I make these changes then offer those changes to ALL clients, so that theyre all using the SAME software? But how can I charge a client for these modifications then GIVE it to other clients for free???
I guess Im moving into a bit of an unknown area for myself and have no real understanding of how version control works, or what systems I should implement to make this easier for myself.
Are there any tech/software guys here that can shed some light on this?
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