6 Reasons Why Newbies Should Stay Away From This Forum
So in order to ensure myself the greatest chance of success, I made it a big point to not get involved in any type of IM Forum until I laid a solid foundation for my business and I had found a way to make my IM business work.
Well, here I am.
And while, I'll admit the idea of social interaction in a business where you can spend months in solitude has its appeal, now that I'm here and using the forum it only reinforces my original thoughts that this forum would have been the downfall of my dream.
Newbie or not, if you have been at this for a while and still continue to struggle to get anywhere in this business then hopefully you'll learn a thing or two from this and decide to make some changes in your life that are more in line with success and less in line with self sabotage.
Einstein said it best... "Insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting different results."
How many of you are committed to insanity (in this respect) and how many of you are ready and willing to make the changes that you need to get the results that you want and expect?
So if you are a newbie then listen up because I'm going to give you 6 reasons why you are sabotaging your own internet marketing success by spending your time on this forum.
1. You Only Have 24 Hours in a Day
This is the obvious answer that pretty much everyone should already understand.
You only have 24 hrs in a day so no matter what, you're going have to make the most out of them. So, is sitting here for hours a day really doing anything to get you closer to your goals? Unless you're actively pushing a WSO then I'd venture to say no.
The truth is that you could be making so much better use of your time than reading all of these posts in which less than 1% actually apply to anything you are currently doing with your business.
But most newbies never make it past this forum because they become so enthralled with reading and trying to "learn" that they never take the action to put anything they've learned to practical use.
And if you don't apply the knowledge you learn then you will always lose it!
So be 100% completely honest with yourself...
Is there something else you could be doing with your time that would be more productive then browsing this forum all day?
2. You are Experiencing Information Overload
Another reason you're sabotaging your efforts is that you are experiencing information overload. And if you understand anything about information overload you know that too much information is always worse than not enough information.
I don't want anyone to misunderstand me or miss the point of this post. This forum is great but it just isn't great for everyone, specifically most newbies. Sure there is an enormous wealth of information inside the threads of this forum but if you don't know how to control and apply the information, it will do you no good whatsoever.
Let me give you a good analogy ...
It's like trying to water a small garden with a fire-hose. All you'll end up doing is flooding the garden and killing the plants. And that is exactly what this forum is, a fire-hose of information.
Instead, what you need is a much smaller garden-hose that is going to give you the information you need with the right amount of water that is going to help you grow and nurture your garden instead of killing it.
Only once you've figured out how to use a garden-hose can you even begin to try to handle the fire-hose. So unless you can already control the fire-hose yourself, you need to find a better source of information that is going to foster your growth and the growth of your business instead of killing it.
That's exactly what I did and it is a big reason for my success. I found a proven system that has worked for other people and I mastered it first. That laid the stable foundation for my business which I'm now expanding and growing upon.
So do yourself a favor and drop the fire-hose and get yourself a garden-hose that you can master first. Then you'll be able to make the best use of the vast resources here in this forum.
3. You are Looking for Secrets and Lacking the Basics
It seems like most of you newbies here are always looking for the fast track to making money. But if you want to grow a successful business (note I said business) that is going to support you financially in the long term then you've got to lay the proper foundation and framework first.
Everyone wants to know the guru "secrets" like the gurus out there know something that everyone else doesn't. The secret is that there really is no secret.
The gurus are where they are because they put in the time and effort and laid the very foundation that newbies don't seem to care about these days. The only thing that really separates them from others is that they've learned to perfect certain aspects of business better than most.
So quit looking for those secrets or tricks that you think are the only thing holding you back from "making it" in this business and instead, start getting your hands dirty by laying your own bricks.
Get back to the basics and learn this business from the ground up. If you can conquer that then you'll be well on your way to success.
4. You Don't Understand that Knowledge Does NOT Equal Success
This is an ever so important lesson that I had the luck of learning years ago and it has really helped my business. But for some reason, so many newbies fail to really "get it".
Information and knowledge are useless by themselves. You can go out and buy 100's of IM Courses or Books and every single WSO that is advertised and sure... you'll have a lot of knowledge under your belt but that knowledge does NOT equate to success.
Dale Carnegie said it best... "Knowledge isn't power until it is applied."
So until you learn how to take action and put all those courses and WSOs to good use, then not a single one of those products is going to help you make any money, let alone help you become successful.
But how many people on this forum are giving advice based on what they've read in a book as opposed to real life personal experience?
In reality, it's like the blind leading the blind and that is dangerous waters for any newbie.
And that ties in perfectly to my next point.
5. You are in a Tribe of Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Indians
This is an old saying but it holds a lot of truth on forums.
If you understand how the structure of a tribe works then you'll know that there can only ever be 1 chief for the entire tribe. This is because in order for the tribe to succeed and to avoid conflict there can be only be one decision maker who decides what is best for the tribe. If you had 2 chiefs then there would be a constant battle over any differences in opinion and in the end nothing would ever get accomplished.
And you see this happening in threads every single day. There are way too many chiefs on this forum giving drastically differing advice which only serves to confusion you. So as a newbie you don't know who to believe or what advice to follow.
You know the saying... "Opinions are like... everyone has got one."
And that's just it. Everything on a forum is nothing more than opinion.
One of the easiest ways to fail in this business is to take advice from 10 to 20 different internet marketers at the same time because odds are there is going to be a lot of conflicting information that only steers you in the wrong direction and will get you nowhere.
If you want to succeed, then find one mentor who is already where you want to be in life and follow every single thing they say. By learning to think exactly as they think and act exactly as they act then you will be on your way to becoming exactly as they have become... successful.
6. Spending Money before Making Money
Almost all newbies are guilty of making this major mistake because starting out, all newbies are essentially lost. So you continue to buy product after product in an attempt to find your place in the IM world.
You become a serial buyer who grabs any product that is presented to you that claims to be the answer to all your IM problems. Newbie internet marketers are some of the worst serial buyers there are, bar none.
Let's take WSO's for example... You could go on the first page alone of the WSO forum and total all of the monetary claims guaranteeing $XYZ and it would probably add up to some ridiculous number like $1,420,183,091.55. And these numbers don't lie, right?
The truth is that you're not going to make any money if you continue to spend as a serial shopper. Sure, you might find a way to make a few $1000 but in the end you'll be $10,000 in debt.
Instead you have to learn to understand, respect, and be smart with money. Otherwise it will never matter how much money you make, you'll never be able to keep your business above the water.
That's all I've got for today.
Let me know what you think and feel free to add anything you can think.
There's no business more fun than IM when your succeeding so I hope you newbies out there have learned something that can get you back on the track to success and put an end to the self sabotage.
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