Attn Newbies: Stop Buying Product Launches!!!

18 replies

Stop buying the latest and greatest must have products that blow up your inbox every day from people who should know better

Want to know if a product is any good? Wait a month after the launch and see if people are still talking about it and getting results

The Good products will stand the test of time

I know, I know...those sales letters are very convincing.

I have probably purchased more junk because of those sales letters than anyone I know.

In fact, it wasn't until I stopped purchasing all that junk and focused on one method that I started making money

You see, all of those emails that show up in your inbox have a little secret

They know that the chances are that they will arrive in your inbox right at the point where you are getting a little(or maybe a lot) frustrated with internet marketing and there they are to give you the magic wand that will finally start allowing you to make money

Those sales letters are so Hypnotic that when I first impelemented Niche Marketing on Crack my first month, I made $200 without knowing what I was doing...and I quit!

I quit because I wasn't driving a Porche nor did I have a yacht so I thought I had failed because those sales letters that kept comming into my inbox said I should only have to work one day a month and be driving a Porche

That was in January of 2008.

Can you imagine if back then, I just kept making more sites and focusing instead of reading those Goofy sales letters?

I finally learned in May of 2009 that the Delete/Unsubscribe function in my inbox is one of my best money making weapons because it allows me to focus

Now, if someone is giving valuable content and only promotes something they actually use, Stay on their list

The ones who don't are easy to spot.

They promote the latest and greatest must have product every if you find yourself saying to yourself "Wait a minute....I thought last weeks product was a MUST HAVE"....Do yourself a favor and Unsubscribe...

And put that money back into your business(ie Content for your sites etc)

You'll be glad you did


BTW, anyone want to bet on the Over/Under how many JV requests I get? lol
#attn #buying #launches #newbies #product #stop
  • Profile picture of the author Pragun
    You know Mark, i think it's a process...

    Everyone needs to purchase a certain number of these info products before realising that what they actually need to do has nothing to do with these products at all !
    I remember my time doing that too... End of 08/beginning 09 it was...

    Good times, on the hindsight ! :p

    Web development problem? No problem! Contact me and let's make it happen!
    Color Coding the world, one pixel at a time.
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    • Profile picture of the author tyroneshum
      Originally Posted by Pragun View Post

      You know Mark, i think it's a process...

      Everyone needs to purchase a certain number of these info products before realising that what they actually need to do has nothing to do with these products at all !
      I remember my time doing that too... End of 08/beginning 09 it was...

      Good times, on the hindsight ! :p
      True! I can say I can also be easily hit by new product launches coming in and whenever I receive good feedback from my mentors but from there too, I can never tell if it could work for me if I did not atleast try it. After all, the unsubscribe button is easy to handle.
      Follow me on my 90 Day Challenge to rank no. 1 on Google
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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    I think people stop "buying into the product launches" after they've bought several products and realized...they knew 60% of the material already...

    Then its just a waiting game until they realize the "secret" is in actually putting that knowledge into ACTION!

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  • Profile picture of the author chrislreeb
    I have done my share of that and found I am now better off to focus on putting some of that information into action so that i can pay for it all.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wayfatwhitey
      I think if a product also comes with a forum of users and a moderator committed to providing additional information and tips then some of the products are worth it for newbies. I've bought products which I never used after the first week yet I still go back and visit the private forums regularly. Often if you learn just one thing you didn't know from these forums its worth the price of the product.
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    • Profile picture of the author gdhunt
      I wish someone had told me this a couple of months ago.
      Then again, I think I would have done it anyway.

      Later you realize, I've read this before and then after while you say,
      maybe I need to just learn & practice what I have already.

      Good advice but the forbidden has an added attraction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Yes I agree. We are all bombarded with the latest product everyday. But we all go through the learning curve and think that the next product might have the answers. I stopped buying products months ago and found it easier and cheaper to pay for a coach/mentor. It was far better for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemac1
    Even if you are a newbie, buy from the person and then the product.

    If you know the person launching the product releases quality material and their product is something you are interested in, then go ahead and buy at the launch.

    If you aren't familiar with the person and their product then wait and see what the reviews say.

    When Big Mike/Incansoft launches something, I'm buying at the launch (and not just because they usually give a discount), it's because I know the quality of the product and it's usually something I need too.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
      That is really good advice Michael Mac!

      Originally Posted by michael-mac View Post

      Even if you are a newbie, buy from the person and then the product.

      If you know the person launching the product releases quality material and their product is something you are interested in, then go ahead and buy at the launch.

      If you aren't familiar with the person and their product then wait and see what the reviews say.

      When Big Mike/Incansoft launches something, I'm buying at the launch (and not just because they usually give a discount), it's because I know the quality of the product and it's usually something I need too.
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  • Profile picture of the author rldickinson
    Sooo true. Every once in a while I have to remind myself of that. But it is very true.

    Richard L. Dickinson
    To Your Success.

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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by Mark-Dickenson View Post

      Want to know if a product is any good? Wait a month after the launch and see if people are still talking about it and getting results
      But, but, but (I know, I sound like a motorboat, but play along with me), but...all those marketing gurus say the price will go up if I wait, or there's a limited number of copies available. I CAN'T wait! I don't want to miss out or pay too much!!!! I'll just DIE if I miss my one chance to be a millionaire!

      You don't think they're just making that scarcity stuff up do you? Maybe they only have so many pixels left and the product will disappear when they're all used up.

      Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

      I think people stop "buying into the product launches" after they've bought several products and realized...they knew 60% of the material already...
      Dexx, I'd be thrilled if I bought a product and 40% of it was stuff I didn't know. I'm happy if I just pick up a couple of nuggets that are useful and further my business interests.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Beecham
    And you will NOT get anywhere without focusing on 1 thing.

    Start unsubscribing from most of these guys if they do not add value to what your focusing on.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillDee
    Can they hold off on the not buying part until I've launched a product?
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    • Profile picture of the author butters
      I personally don't get why people pay $1000's of bucks even $10,000's on products, it's such a waste in my opinion. The only thing I bought was the edge membership and now I don't even have that. This place = most products, shame people don't find this place sooner. It took me 6-8 months before I found it .

      It's a shame that people do fall into this trap but I guess its the cycle of IM, you become the person who sells it and some other poor person goes through the cycle and so on.

      I also don't understand how people can be side tracked buy email sales letters... I really don't, maybe I am a cheap ass so they have no effect on me
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      • Profile picture of the author amanita
        Originally Posted by butters View Post

        I also don't understand how people can be side tracked buy email sales letters... I really don't, maybe I am a cheap ass so they have no effect on me
        So true Those endless Salesletter remind me of a time when I was forced into going to mass every sunday morning. Hopefully, most of them end up in the spam folder by now.

        Thanks for making me laugh with your post :p
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