NEWBIES: Want To Make Faster Progress? Practice LASER FOCUS Marketing (Instead of Shotgun Methods)
After reading another thread about a newbie thinking about giving up because he's just not seeing results fast enough, I'd like to throw out this tip:
Practice Laser Focus Marketing Instead Of The Typical Shotgun Methods.
Let me explain. With my freelance business, I work with a lot of newbies on a daily basis. What many of them do with the keyword lists that I provide them is to take the top 10-20 keyword phrases, and then start writing article after article for each one.
And most of them burn out way before they ever see any measurable effects of their efforts.
The mistake they are making is that they are using a "shotgun" method of marketing, trying to rank for 10-20 different keyword phrases at a time. But with the stiff competition in this business (and getting "stiffer" all of the time ), this type of marketing efforts just aren't that effective (especially short term).
So if they have a blog/site that they are promoting, sure, they are building backlinks to it. But these backlinks are targeting 10-20 different keyword phrases (each with its own level of competition), so their SEO juice just isn't as strong as a more "laser focused" campaign.
Here's what I mean:
Instead of taking 10-20 keyword phrases, why not pick just one keyword phrase.
(Ie. Instead of writing one article each for 20 different keyword phrases, you'll write 20 articles for just one keyword phrase).
That's laser focused action. Take just one keyword phrase, and start article marketing (or whichever method of marketing that you are comfotable with), and get your blog/site ranked high enough for it so that you start to see traffic from it (which generally means getting to page 1 of Google's search engine results).
After you get your blog/site to get consistent traffic due to that first keyword phrase, only then would you choose a second keyword phrase to repeat the process with it.
Makes sense, right?
Well newbies, that's all I have for you today. If you have been struggling to generate traffic, I highly recommend that you analzye your marketing methods. Maybe "laser focused" actions is just what you need.
Good luck, guys.......
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