Video Marketing -- Need Techie Video Help!

5 replies
Hi Warriors,

Ok, I pushed aside my fears and shot my first video of myself using my Flip camera. Now I want to edit the video in Sony Vegas 9. Trouble is, I don't see the videos at all when I open the folder containing the video in Sony Vegas!!! (Grrrr!)

I see that the video I shot is in .avi format. What do I need to do to do edit the video in Sony Vegas???? All I want to do is add a subtitle to the video! (My URL.) This CANNOT be that hard, but I can't find the answer anywhere. (The tutorials I've pulled up so far are for older versions of Sony Vegas and other stuff that's not working.)

I've searched for tutorials and have downloaded some codecs as well as a video converter. But is that what I need to do -- convert the file? if so, to what format do I need to convert it?

The Flip camera is supposed to be inexpensive and easy to use. But if uploading/editing such a headache, it's not so easy...

Very frustrating! Please help.

#marketing #techie #video
  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    Someone? Anyone? I could really use some help with this.

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    • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
      Hey Michelle,

      In a nutshell what you wanna do is drag your
      .avi on the "video layer" in vegas.

      Then "Add Text" in the text or another media layer.

      If you get stuck, just google "sony vegas tutorials add text",
      or use the vegas "help" and search for "adding text".

      it's pretty simple.

      As for encoding, just use a simple compression like a quicktime format (.mov).

      Dont worry about the encoding part too much,
      just "render" your movie, upload it to youtube.

      And let youtube do all the correct encoding/optimizing.

      Then you can download an encoded version from youtube,
      and just use their video player etc (if that's what you wanna do).


      Step 1. Import your video into vegas.
      Step 2. Add Your Text.
      Step 3. Create your video.
      Step 4. Upload to youtube.

      If you get stuck, just search for the topics above.

      - aj
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Lucky for you I was doing research on this a couple days ago and I think I have found your answer :-)

    Here is an article covering the issue and how to deal with it from my friend Jeff Mills:

    How to edit kodak Zi8 MOV files in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9

    Though in that article he is talking about the zi8 its the same issue and what he describes should help you resolve it.

    Its a video format issue.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
      Thanks guys! I'll look into it further tomorrow.

      The frustrating thing is when I try to open the video file in Sony Vegas, I can't even SEE the file, even when I select "All formats" in the dialog box. (And yes, it's there!) Grrrr!

      I actually just bought the Kodak Zi8 on Sunday because it has a jack for external mic input. (Yay!) So I'm going to mess with it tomorrow, shoot a test video and see if I can see/open THAT video in Sony Vegas. I know the Kodak Zi8 shoots in .mov format. Hopefully, it won't be as much of a headache!

      Thanks again!

      "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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      • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
        Problem solved! Another warrior here has been working with me and fixed my problem.

        Thanks for your help though!

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