The Ugly Truth About Internet Marketing Live Events
It sounded like a great deal, but for me to attend meant taking time off from my "regular job" and shuffling my budget around so I could manage the airfare and hotel charges. Eventually, after several weeks of reading emails about this awesome live event, I decided to make plans to attend. I registered, bought my airline ticket and made hotel reservations. I couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive. Then... finally it did...
What a disappointment! What I thought was going to be a time when I could learn "Insider Secrets and Little-Known Strategies for Success" turned out to be little more than a weekend pitchfest! A string of over 20 big-name marketers took the stage to plug their products and offer "limited-time," high-priced specials "for the first 10 people who get up from their seats and head to the back tables" with their credit cards, of course. No content, no secrets, no strategies, just hour-long infomercials.
Two of the presenters, actually have "motivational, mind-over-matter, self-help shows" in Las Vegas... (And, we were so lucky they were able to arrange their schedules to be with us...uh, ok.) Those were particularly painful sessions to endure. But, I sat through them. I had sacrificed to be there and didn't want to skip any sessions just in case someone might actually say something I could take home and use.
Thankfully two of the marketers did! They each gave an outline with great content and shared things I am still using successfully today. They are the heroes of the event as far as I am concerned. They stood out like shining stars in comparison to the rest of the presenters. They over-delivered in a big way and earned huge credibility points in my book!
So, the weekend wasn't a total waste. But, imagine what it would have been like if all 20-some marketers had given actionable content! That would've been incredible!
(I discovered that all the presenters came to the event at their own expense. So, selling their products helps them cover their costs and walk away some extra. No problem. Sell all you can... but deliver some good content, too!)
Another huge disappointment was when the co-sponsor of the event turned me away from the mastermind group because my name wasn't on his list... even though I showed him an email HE sent me verifying that I qualified. Talk about odd! In this case, it really WAS all about the list.
For what it's worth, here are my suggestions for those who conduct live events:
- Deliver what you promise in your promotions. Or, better yet, over-deliver.
- Start sessions on time. Have some "tips and tricks" prepared in advance you can share with attendees in case a presenter is late, or there is some other delay.
- Require presenters to share actionable content along with their product promotions.
- Remember you're meeting a lot of your customers and subscribers for the first time., First impressions count!a
- Bring along people who can help you so you're not the one who gets distracted with technical problems and other issues.
- Realize going into the event, you're going to be subjected to LOTS of sales appeals.
- Set your spending budget before you go so you don't go overboard in the excitement of the moment.
- Take business cards with you and use the event for networking with other marketers.
- And, take a notebook because there will hopefully be a maverick or two who actually shares info you can use.
Was it worth it to attend this live event? Overall, Yes.
Will I go to another live event? Yes, of course.
Will I return next year to attend this same event? Definitely not.
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