The BEST ways to get quality Twitter followers

24 replies
Hey everyone!

I'm compiling a list of Twitter marketing tactics to help boost quality followers. Hope someone finds this helpful.

For those who would like to add to the list: What are the best ways to promote your Twitter feed and generate beneficial followers - AND - what are the best ways to really make Twitter an effective tool for your business?

Here is a list of things people have suggested to me. I'll keep updating this as more responses come in. All feedback is appreciated!
  • Open your new Twitter account with some brief tweets about things you are doing, or interests that involve product keywords, event keywords, or other words that people may be searching for.
  • Create a blog (WordPress) and setup an account at : feed your blog to twitter. When you post a new entry into your blog, it will automatically post a tweet to your Twitter account with a link back to the article. You can other syndicate other feeds from other sources into the same account with this service. You can also install any number of the WordPress plugins available at WordPress › WordPress Plugins
  • Do a keyword search in Twitter for topics that you're discussing on your Twitter account. Find others talking about the same thing and follow them. They will most likely find an interest in your topics and will follow you back.
  • Follow a bunch of people and hope they follow you. (This is a common suggestion I've heard many times. Not sure I like it though. Not really target specific, nor does it generally produce beneficial followers. It's just a way to boost your follower count.)

More to come! Thank you all for the info.... Please keep it coming, and I'll keep updating this list for quick reference as new responses come in.

#followers #generate followers #twitter #ways
  • Profile picture of the author Trucker
    Holla Widemind,

    I do exact promotion as you have started with. What I simply add to my promotion is putting a little crush & interest which helps to attract traffic to my desired online places.

    Twitter simply helps you to say a very concise note of what you are really doing with your work & let others know about it in just very few words.

    I got a number of reviews on my web portal related to my tweets that they are moving on track & that was the superb moment for my business growth.
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    • Profile picture of the author widemind
      Thanks for the response Tucker! What's your Twitter URL, if you don't mind me asking?
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      • Profile picture of the author dazster
        I find that using a Twitter plugin from my web site that automatically updates my twitter account works really well.

        For each blog post I do, it tweets the subject of that blog.

        I seem to get followers each time. But these are not any followers, the are related to the niche I am talking about..... so it beomes very targeted.

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        • Originally Posted by dazster View Post

          I find that using a Twitter plugin from my web site that automatically updates my twitter account works really well.

          For each blog post I do, it tweets the subject of that blog.

          I seem to get followers each time. But these are not any followers, the are related to the niche I am talking about..... so it beomes very targeted.

          Which twitter plugin do you use for the auto-tweets?
          Pick a product. Pick ANY product! -> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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  • Profile picture of the author widemind
    Cool info so far! Thank you all. I keep checking back to see what others post. You guys are awesome! Keep it coming please!
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  • Profile picture of the author widemind
    Just updated my first post with a summary of the things I've been told over the last couple days, including the posts in this forum. Hope it's helpful. If anyone has any other items they'd like to add to the list, please do!

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  • Profile picture of the author CJ.Online
    Great tips, thanks for the advice. Mastering the Twitter thing has never been my strong side
    Two teens made 129K IN 8 MONTHS, and now you can! I put together THE 7 DAY SECRET that shows you EXACTLY how they made their fortune. I'ts free and the system is solid! Check out THE 7 DAY SECRET.
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  • Profile picture of the author Derwin
    Yes you have given excellent post on twitter following method than how we can find to many followers. There are many few articles we usually find on the net. You have done a great job. I am very happy with your post. Keep it coming please and give more such nice posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Chatman
    Originally Posted by widemind View Post

    • Follow a bunch of people and hope they follow you. (This is a common suggestion I've heard many times. Not sure I like it though. Not really target specific, nor does it generally produce beneficial followers. It's just a way to boost your follower count.)
    This really depends Adam. If you use the Twitter Search (Sorry I can't link to it) function and hone in on those twitterers who are already interested in your target topic it can be very beneficial.

    Another way to go is to add your keywords to Google Alerts (just run a search on it) so that you are alerted to new and interesting content about your niche which you can then in turn tweet to your followers about.

    This serves to build trust and as long as you are being judicious in your tweets by mixing more informative tweets then have tweets going back to your capture page you will be able to transition your followers from Twitter back onto your list.

    A really good training program for this is Ryan Deiss' Twitter List Building.

    Hope this helps partner,

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  • Profile picture of the author JonePayoul
    Great tips , thanks for sharing ... i am gonna give it a try ...
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  • Profile picture of the author North Star
    I've been stuck with Twitter for a while - it's the carrot and stick piece... unless somebody meets you, works with you or has an interest in you / your company I find improving my Twitter followers impossible.

    There are so many marketing companies on Twitter so which one should an unknown company follow? My own thoughts are to keep it to quality (20 people who want to buy is better than 1,000 who don't really want your product)
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  • Profile picture of the author conversionspro
    Post quality content and engage with people who are interested in your niche... ReTweet things you find interesting and @reply key influencers.

    I'd say that it's difficult to start from nothing on Twitter; I see it more as a tool for people who already have an established following/fan base (not to say you won't succeed if you start from nothing, but it might be a lot more difficult).
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    • Profile picture of the author Loopster
      To be more targeted, try the advanced search of Twitter:
      Twitter Search and click on advanced, or
      Advanced Twitter Search
      You can really narrow your search. For example, choose a zip code and a range around that zip code if local tweets would help your marketing...
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      • Profile picture of the author Josh Richardson
        Twitter isnt necesserly a "selling" form of media. Its to build relationships and trust. as with email marketing, dont hammer your list (followers) with offers. this is a surefire way to be unfollowed. Just be yourself on twitter!

        Also - Search for someone in your niche who your interested in and add a few of their followers? Worth a thought.

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  • Profile picture of the author ce2gain
    That idea to follow a bunch of people and hope they follow you doesn't appeal to me. I've seen plenty of people do that to me, and I often wonder "How on earth did you find me?" and "Do we have anything in common?"

    I like Josh's idea and use it myself. I see who else is following the big names in my niche and choose a few that are active and offer interesting tweets to follow.

    One idea that always works well for me is to retweet an excellent tweet. Not only does it give your followers good information, it shows up as a retweet on the original tweeter's (is that a word?) feed for their followers to see.
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      The BEST way is to make people WANT TO FOLLOW YOU, because what you post is something they perceive to be of real value...

      Those kinds of followers don't expect you to watch their marketing messages in order to be willing to follow you...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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      • Profile picture of the author vicone
        The BEST way is to make people WANT TO FOLLOW YOU, because what you post is something they perceive to be of real value...
        This needs to be the starting point if you want to attract quality followers. However, first think through what the focus of your account is to be about and don't try to be all things to all people.

        Deliver content which is interesting and focused and don't dilute that with frequent marketing messages. I find one marketing message per 5 posts to be the maximum.

        As well, be careful with the number of messages you send out in a short period. The larger accounts may not notice they are being bombarded but the smaller accounts (arbitrary but, say, fewer than 2,000 followers) surely will - and they are the ones who are more likely to see your messages. The bigger accounts got that way by concentrating on their own marketing and not by reading other people's promotions.

        The bigger accounts are also usually following so many people that messages they receive will rarely be on their screen for more than a minute; more often, less.

        Beyond 5 messages per batch (messages released in a short period of time), I find that followers start to unfollow.

        Learn to identify those who are simply marketing to others as distinct from those who are actually interested in the topic of your account. You will then be better able to search for and relate to those who indicate interest.

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  • Profile picture of the author CCGAL
    I use Twitter socially - about the only thing I post that could even be remotely construed as "marketing" is that I let ppl know when I've created a new Squidoo lens or updated one. I retweet quite a bit, and I try to respond to somebody every time I go on. I am probably not using Twitter effectively from a marketing perspective, but I enjoy it, so that's also important to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Originally Posted by widemind View Post

    [*]Do a keyword search in Twitter for topics that you're discussing on your Twitter account. Find others talking about the same thing and follow them. They will most likely find an interest in your topics and will follow you back.[*]Follow a bunch of people and hope they follow you. (This is a common suggestion I've heard many times. Not sure I like it though. Not really target specific, nor does it generally produce beneficial followers. It's just a way to boost your follower count.)
    This is sound advice for the most part, but when you're doing a keyword search in Twitter, you need to carefully examine the Tweets of the people that are showing up in your search results. If all they do is spam links all day long and do not seem like real people (i.e. it is obvious that they're using automation software to blast out promotional links all day long), you do NOT want to follow them.

    Also, you do not randomly follow people as you've mentioned above, that would be an absolute waste of your time and effort. You want your Twitter account to be tightly niched, i.e. all the people you're following and those who are following you need to be passionate and have a strong interest in the niche you're targeting.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Ignite
    if you can establish yourself as an authority within a topic you will gain automatic followers..I think that is the best way to strive for....This is why twitter usually works very well for well known ppl...

    Digital Marketing Consultant since 1998. Contact me for a free consultation.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Marketing Ignite View Post

      if you can establish yourself as an authority within a topic you will gain automatic followers..I think that is the best way to strive for....This is why twitter usually works very well for well known ppl...
      True, that is one strategy which always works. However, it is not a requirement to be a well-known authority figure in order to get lots of followers on Twitter. You just need to know how to connect and interact with fellow users (i.e. treat them like real people), and be interested and somewhat knowledgeable on your niche, BUT you do not need to be an expert. This is one thing that holds many newbies back from implementing Twitter as a viable traffic strategy, and that is a crying shame.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Ignite
    not a requirement but it will be easier if you are somewhat well known...

    Digital Marketing Consultant since 1998. Contact me for a free consultation.

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