The BEST ways to get quality Twitter followers
I'm compiling a list of Twitter marketing tactics to help boost quality followers. Hope someone finds this helpful.
For those who would like to add to the list: What are the best ways to promote your Twitter feed and generate beneficial followers - AND - what are the best ways to really make Twitter an effective tool for your business?
Here is a list of things people have suggested to me. I'll keep updating this as more responses come in. All feedback is appreciated!
- Open your new Twitter account with some brief tweets about things you are doing, or interests that involve product keywords, event keywords, or other words that people may be searching for.
- Create a blog (WordPress) and setup an account at : feed your blog to twitter. When you post a new entry into your blog, it will automatically post a tweet to your Twitter account with a link back to the article. You can other syndicate other feeds from other sources into the same account with this service. You can also install any number of the WordPress plugins available at WordPress › WordPress Plugins
- Do a keyword search in Twitter for topics that you're discussing on your Twitter account. Find others talking about the same thing and follow them. They will most likely find an interest in your topics and will follow you back.
- Follow a bunch of people and hope they follow you. (This is a common suggestion I've heard many times. Not sure I like it though. Not really target specific, nor does it generally produce beneficial followers. It's just a way to boost your follower count.)
More to come! Thank you all for the info.... Please keep it coming, and I'll keep updating this list for quick reference as new responses come in.
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