First Real WF Thread - Content Mining, Sorting, And Organization for Book Publication - Need Help!
I'm in a bit of a pinch, here. And I figured you'd be the right people to ask :-D
I'm currently partnered with a high-profile guy in our niche, and am helping him publish his very first book (ever.)
He's got THOUSANDS of pages of dictated content. And I mean, thousands. He's given lectures all across the world, and we have them all typed up and sitting in various files.
The vast majority of the content is repetitive, which is good - we're sorting out the major and minor themes, key points, etc - and flushing out an outline to fill in with this content.
Now - this content. This huge 10s of thousands of pages big stack of content. We've got to sort through it all.
And here's the rub...
This man speaks in seminars by stacking dozens of open loops and enduing his audience into a trance, allowing for them to make the conceptual leaps they need to w/o their ego fighting against it. It's actually quite brilliant.
Problem is, that is NOT a way to write a book. We can't have multiple loops weaving inside and out. He tried doing that. It didn't work. Thats why i'm here to help.
But we do know this:
1) There is a list of actual "loops" he opens and closes
2) He always STARTS the loops somewhere
3) He always ENDS the loops later
So our plan, as of right now, is to sort through the content to find each BEGINNING and each ENDING of each loop, polish it up, and put it in place of where it needs to go in the document. We've even got a couple interns to help us do this, and at this rate, will be getting a lot more.
Here's my question for you Warriors out there:
Is there any sort of software you can recommend that will essentially sort through all of this content FOR us?
I'm looking for something that can automatically segment content sections based on keywords, etc.
If ANYONE knows about such a software, it would be a major, major help to me - and if its REALLY solid stuff, I'll be happy to do you a favor when I can :-D