Please help me to get started, I'm soooo new

by LC
28 replies
Hi, I'm really new to all of this and apologies if this has already been covered, I've tried searching on the posts but haven't found anything that covers what I'm asking. I've been looking for a way to quit my job (due mainly to health issues) and to earn money by doing something I can work on at home and Internet Marketing really interests me. I want to continue working while I learn the ropes and get some experience and I'm prepared to put in as many hours as it takes. The problem is I've no idea where or how to start. There are so many website, publications, courses on offer at every click of your mouse that I'm getting a little overwhelmed. Someone suggested registering on this website and from the posts I've seen, once I learn the lingo, there's loads of good stuff on here. So far, I've sent for the Cash on demand course (Andrew Reynolds), I'm still in the trial period but have no idea whether to continue with it, it costs £25 per month for 12 months. I've registered on the Clickbank website and browsed some products (thinking of becoming an affiliate) but without knowing how to do the groundwork, I don't want to jump in with both feet. I've printed off some posts where people have recommended websites for freelancing. I love writing but have never got so far as being published. Can anyone please recommend where to begin, any e-courses I could do (so many to choose, I don't know which). I'm in the UK, does this make a difference? Why i love the web is that it's worldwide. Any independent pointers you can give me would be so much welcomed. :confused:
  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Start by taking a writing course that teaches you how to break your work into readable paragraphs.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
      Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

      Start by taking a writing course that teaches you how to break your work into readable paragraphs.

      Then click Brads links and invest in some of his WSOs
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      • Profile picture of the author LC
        I take it that was a criticism of my posting - that it wasn't broken down into readable paragraphs!!

        The only other forum I've posted on asks people NOT to breakdown their posts into paras as it spaces them out too much and takes up too much space, making people scroll down.

        I can't win

        I don't have problems with my writing, I've been doing it for years. Getting into the business is what I'd really welcome help with.
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        • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
          Originally Posted by LC View Post

          I take it that was a criticism of my posting - that it wasn't broken down into readable paragraphs!!

          The only other forum I've posted on asks people NOT to breakdown their posts into paras as it spaces them out too much and takes up too much space, making people scroll down.

          I can't win

          I don't have problems with my writing, I've been doing it for years. Getting into the business is what I'd really welcome help with.
          That was easier to read

          The answer to your question is different for everyone.

          My best advice is to invest your money in trial and error not products. You can lose more money buying stuff and get nowhere.

          Instead try throwing stuff at the wall till something sticks. You will learn more AND get valuable experience that way. And you SHOULD jump in with both feet or don't bother swimming
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          • Profile picture of the author LC
            Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

            That was easier to read

            My best advice is to invest your money in trial and error not products. You can lose more money buying stuff and get nowhere.

            Instead try throwing stuff at the wall till something sticks. You will learn more AND get valuable experience that way. And you SHOULD jump in with both feet or don't bother swimming
            A post elsewhere on the site criticised someone for buying a product and then asking the forum 'what do I do now?'. That's what I mean about jumping with both feet. I don't mean committing to the business - I would do that 100%. I want to learn about it first before expecting to make any money.
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          • Profile picture of the author Agoge Warrior

            I would not personally advise to "Throw money at trial and error". And this is not to discredit Brad's post. He has been around here a long time and offered good advice.

            But for me, I threw money at "trial and error" a lot in the beginning and that is how you lose a lot of money. Because unless you do your research really well and know who is a so called IM scam artist guru compared to the IM guru's who are the real deal, you could stand to lose ALOT of money if you are new to this industry.

            A lot of guys know there are people wanting to learn how to make money quick online and they do a nice job of taking advantage of those individuals.

            My best advice, and I wish I had done this earlier.....Is find a mentor. Find someone who is genuine, and is a success at becoming an Internet Marketer and is really making alot of $ using "real" and "genuine" ways of doing so.
            There are plenty of these people out there and most offer coaching service, etc. Coaching is not cheap. I will tell you that upfront. But it was the best investment I ever made and my sites are now starting to make good $ because of the coaching and mentoring I received. And it is better to invest $ in a strategy that will benefit you versus those that won't work.

            Don't waste your time guessing which system works and doesn't work. Peruse this forum and find out what does work. The more you stick to the basics, the better. And then ask and hunt down for a good IM coach and mentor. Then you will be on your way to hopefully achieving great success online.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kathryn Mc
      Hi LC,
      I am new to IM too, and so I can't recommend any specific course or strategy, but I would like to share my method for learning, which has been to just read as much as I can without any agenda or need to force a plan of action into being, trusting that once I put a good amount of time into my informal research, say somewhere between 30 to 50 hours, my own preferences, opinions, and goals around internet marketing will emerge. At the very least, I'll be oriented enough to know what questions to ask, or who to ask them to. Why try to implement a course of action prematurely? I'd rather make it a fun process. For whatever it's worth!

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  • Profile picture of the author stevecl
    To get started in Internet Marketing look for Ed Dales 30 day challenge you can find it here The Challenge The Challenge and its free.

    I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

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  • Profile picture of the author Wechito
    You can start by offering services, such as copywriting, here at WF and also other places (Digital Point, for example)
    Meanwhile keep learning.
    There a many different models to make money online.
    What I think can work better for someone who is just starting out is affiliate marketing. You can start by building a couple of minisites promoting affiliate products. But first you have to learn about keyword research, site buildind, SEO, and traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author LC
      Originally Posted by Wechito View Post

      What I think can work better for someone who is just starting out is affiliate marketing. You can start by building a couple of minisites promoting affiliate products. But first you have to learn about keyword research, site buildind, SEO, and traffic.
      Thanks for this advice - what's the best way to learn about all these things? I keep reading the term SEO, what's that? I've searched but can only ever find the acronym.
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      • Profile picture of the author Wechito
        Originally Posted by LC View Post

        Thanks for this advice - what's the best way to learn about all these things? I keep reading the term SEO, what's that? I've searched but can only ever find the acronym.
        Comission BluePrint 2.0 is a great course,, but it is not cheap (around $200, I think).

        Some people preffer to look for free information. You can find it, of course, but the time you lose in research and specially reading lousy things is, in my opinion, very valuable. Moreover, you may end up overwhelmed before you learn anything.
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      • Profile picture of the author davewebsmith
        Originally Posted by LC View Post

        Thanks for this advice - what's the best way to learn about all these things? I keep reading the term SEO, what's that? I've searched but can only ever find the acronym.
        SEO = Search Engine optimising / optimisation or z if you are in the USA

        If make search engines love your website and give you front row seats to the game so to speak

        Are you any good at writing articles? or is that something you could see yourself doing?

        Find something you are good at and monetize it
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          I tell people to identify what they don't know.

          "How do I work online" or "how do I get started online" are impossible quetions to answer - too broad.

          What do you KNOW?

          niche research?
          keyword research?
          writing for keywords and using LSI?
          how to build a site or a blog?

          Each of those basics has several steps involved? Learn them.

          Why try to implement a course of action prematurely?
          Because with most methods and even basics - you won't truly know how to do them until you do them. You can spend 5 years "learning" what to do - but the best training is digging in and doing it.

          Yes, you will make mistakes - but that's true whether you "study" for a week or a year. The goal is not prevent any mistakes - it's to learn how to fix them and keep moving forward.

          Learn one thing and do it - then learn another and do it. If you focus on accomplishing one step and doing that work will be surprised how far you can get in a month or two.

          You will never learn it all - because it's always evolving. Learn what you need to do to take the next step and keep moving.

          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author stevecl
    The 30 day challenge takes you from keyword research to site building to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

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  • Profile picture of the author Manie Amari
    Hi, I see you've found the Holy Grail for Internet Matketing "Warrior Forum."


    Secondly I want to tell you something.

    Are you paying attention?

    Signing up with Andrew Reynolds was a bad decision!!!!

    I can criticise your decision because I too signed up to his course when I just started in IM.

    Do you even know how long his course is?

    I guess not....

    ..... His course is designed to keep you paying the recurring bill, which just makes him more money.

    Yes Andrew Reynolds has made $millions$ online, but will his course show you how to make money online? I think not....

    Don't take my word on it; do some research and find out what other people think about his course.

    From what you have stated I can see you are interested in affiliate marketing.

    Affiliate marketing is when you sell other peoples products and get a commission percentage per sale. For example Clickbank is the easiest way to start.

    Congratulations again for discovering it!!!!

    All you now need is a mentor someone who will coach you all the way.

    Getting a mentor will speed up your progression and save you valuable time.

    In order to become a successful affiliate marketer you need a list!

    This is how Andrew Reynolds makes 70% of his income.

    Build a list!
    Build a list!
    Build a list!
    Build a list!
    Build a list!
    Build a list!

    How do I build a list Manie?

    Now your asking the right question!



    This will NOT be up for long. Get it now whilst You still can. Btw it's FREE...
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    • Profile picture of the author LC
      Originally Posted by Manie Amari View Post

      Hi, I see you've found the Holy Grail for Internet Matketing "Warrior Forum."

      Secondly I want to tell you something.

      Are you paying attention?

      Signing up with Andrew Reynolds was a bad decision!!!!

      I can criticise your decision because I too signed up to his course when I just started in IM.

      Do you even know how long his course is?

      I guess not....

      ..... His course is designed to keep you paying the recurring bill, which just makes him more money.

      Yes Andrew Reynolds has made $ online, but will his course show you how to make money online? I think not....

      Don't take my word on it; do some research and find out what other people think about his course.
      I haven't signed up for the Andrew Reynolds course, I still have it on 30 days approval. If I send back his first module, I won't be sent any more. I have about 2 weeks left to do this.

      I think there's enough good people and advice on forums like this not to need it. I really just needed someone to tell me the best way to start off, what websites to use for research, which courses were worth investing in.

      People have gone through this themselves and found stuff that wasn't any good or not worth the money. I was just trying to find out what is worth doing or investing in.

      I don't understand any of the terminology even so a lot of it is like a foreign language to me at the moment. I'd still love to get involved though!!

      Thank you all for your welcome advice. I'll get reading xx
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      • Profile picture of the author RSK3000
        Here is some free advice.

        Whatever else you do I suggest signing up for Yaro Stark's newsletter where you can download his free bloggers 'Blueprint' which I believe will teach you some fundamentals.

        Find it at

        Once you have read it, things on this forum will make much more sense.

        I'm not connected with Yaro in any way whatsoever - just trying to help.

        Blog Post: Why You Need Multiple Streams Of Income, NOW!
        For more internet marketing hints and tips follow me on Twitter - @TheIncomeSherpa

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        • Profile picture of the author imMindset
          I think something often overlooked, yet crucial in succeeding with internet marketing is to have a clear focus from the very beginning, starting with your intentions, and vision. You have to know exactly what you're trying to accomplish and why, more than just trying to "make money".

          I tried "making money online" for years, without success. My intention was to extract as much as money as possible from the marketplace using half-baked affiliate templates, and re-directing people to worthless CPA offers (and yes most of them ARE completely useless). This is NOT how you're going to make long term sustainable income.

          If you want to succeed online, you have to create REAL value for other people. You have to know exactly what your customer's needs/problems are and provide a SOLUTION to those problems. It's critical that you do your market research before you start throwing up random sites and seeing what sticks like I did for years. Sure eventually you'll earn something, but it's a long road, and you'll eventually come to the same conclusion as most internet marketers - it's not about making money, it's about creating value. The money is simply a by-product.

          Another important thing is to stick to one strategy or system, and follow through with it until you see results - whether you're creating your own product, or doing affiliate marketing. It's so easy to get overwhelmed with information. Everyone will try and steer you into a hundred different directions, but it's up to you to stay focused on that one system. Make sure to also track what you're doing, refine it over time, and eventually you can scale it by outsourcing.

          If you stick to the fundamentals, by offering a solution, and creating valuable content (in the form of articles, videos, audios, etc.), or providing services to people that need it, and following that one system or strategy (at least for now), you'll do well online.
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  • Profile picture of the author wilsonusman
    I'd love to help you out my friend, I was once on your position and I know how hard it is to get started. If you liked to visit my blog or maybe just contact me I'd be glad to help you out.
    Entrepreneurship & Blogging || About Wilson || Contact Wilson

    Blog: Fun Lifestyle :: Subscribe To RSS :: About Wilson
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  • Profile picture of the author BonganiS
    I think it is good to start maybe by promoting affiliate marketing programs. They will give an opportunity to learn on internet marketing business. This is because most of them have good support as they guide you on the business. So you know what to do using their promotional tools. Some are free to promote whilst others require a monthly fee. So it can depend on your budget. You can choose whether to use your own website or blog to promote the products. A website will require a fee for a domain name and a hosting company. But you can set up a blog for free. But choose your products wisely and avoid over spending. I hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author martymmitcham

    Everyone is new to Internet Marketing at least once(the first time). When I was new I researched for several months and came across three individuals(brothers) that have helped me tremendously. You can call or e-mail them and they will explain eveything you need to do while you are conversing with them. Please review my signature it does not cost you anything to speak with them and get some insight.
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  • Profile picture of the author dohfiddle
    I bought this course a while ago I didnt realise someone could write so much and say so little you will find far more useful and free information here on the warrior forum so Id say save your £25 and read the posts and take the advice here.
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  • Profile picture of the author JackPowers
    There isn't any magic bullet.

    There a lot to learn, try and fail at and you will probably want to quit ten times before making any serious money.

    To make money off the internet, you really have to know the internet.

    So for the moment, forget about thinking or reading about how to make money online. Just study about 'online'.

    Read about:

    Search Engines (Google)
    Search Engine Optimization
    Search Engine Marketing (Adwords)

    Social Media (Facebook, Myspace, Digg etc.)
    Social Media Marketing (Facebook pages, viral content)


    Ecommerce and Online Shopping (the online sales funnel, reviews)


    Pick any subject and go at it. Once you understand how the internet works, you can begin to learn how the internet works commercially. When you understand how the internet works commercially, you can learn about different monetizing methods for each of the above.

    If you have the cash, it's probably a good idea to buy a WSO (Warrior Special Offer) or a IM course from a reputed member with tons of good reviews. Stay away from offers that are very expensive.

    You should be able to find a good IM product for no more than $100 to teach you the basics.

    Remember, that this is a shark eat shark world and many people are here to make money of people like you. Sorry for the cynicism.

    To your success!

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    • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
      Hello LC,

      I was in the same situation as you a few months ago. It depends on your goals, I also have a lot of free time so it's not working hard that was the issue but getting started.... I personally suggest you to read or if you aren't much of a reader like me, then I suggest you to find a mentor. I suggest you to find an expert in SEO field in a marketplace (in a forum). A SEO expert has a lot of knowledge about Search Engine Optimization but also about Internet marketing in general, that's how I learned. I suggest you to start writing a blog, create a free blog with blogspot or wordpress then write about something you like. Then when you get some experience, buy a domain and hosting. Build a site on a niche and aim for keywords. Search Engine Optimization is important, so I suggest you to read about that whenever you want to start having traffic. You could also pay for one if you have a budget. Hope my advices helped you.

      Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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    • Profile picture of the author JMac
      You are going to have to research a few things and find the one that appeals to you. Let me give you a few ideas to look into.

      1. Clickbank - You find a product that is converting well and there is lots of documentation on the forum here for figuring that out. You create a website that directs to the sales page and if anyone buys from your referral you get a commission. The thing is, you have to build your website up in the rankings to get on page one to get traffic. That takes backlinking.

      2. Create your own e-book and offer it on clickbank and let others do the work. You just have to come up with a good sales page that makes people want to buy your product. Just write about something that you know will solve a problem that people have.

      3. Create an information website that solves a problem and put google adsense ads on it and get money everytime someone clicks on one of the ad's. Some people do this and create several websites over time. If you can get one website up to $10 a day and then repeat that on 9 other websites, you would make $100 a day.

      4. You could start selling articles to others to make some initial money to invest in your website or pay for backlinking services so you dont have to do it. You could also charge to do press releases or sales pages for people and get practice in writing for these kinds of things so that when you needed to do it for your page it would be awesome.

      Either way, you will have to study up on clickbank, backlinking and google adsense. Once you do your research on those three topics, make a plan and go for it!

      Good Luck!

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      If you have a few minutes, I would appreciate an opinion on my first real squidoo attempt at my Best Keyboard page.

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  • Profile picture of the author wpiercy
    Start reading everything. Once you have read through all of the Noob sections in the forums, you have failed at a couple things you thought you could direct link, then the site I would recommend is // 500+ Publisher Affiliate Networks and CPA Networks Reviewed.
    Our Affiliates' Success
    = Our Success

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